DY(e)ING with coffee
'DY(e)ING with coffee' as part of COMMODITY CAFÉ with Vera Anttila
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linger around the busyness-as-usual
where does the work of art end and life begin?
burning, fire,
soaked in caffeinated perspectives,
grounding, grinding, weaving visions
water, fire, heatwaves boiling over
steaming, roasting, ingesting matter
digesting thoughts on…death, burning and the gift
You are invited to take part in the round-table reading and discussion workshop 'DY(e)ING with coffee' led by Vera Anttila on the 30th of October from 16:00-17:30 at Beta Space Gallery in Aalto University. Coffee will be served and some snacks provided. The workshop will be held in English. This event is free and open to all but is limited to 12 places so please register if you would like to join and we will email you with details.
If you would like to participate in the workshop, please fill the registration form here: https://forms.gle/Zjgg2UJdP12NAtQq6
The artists would like to audio record the reading sessions. The audio will be published as a podcast on the COMMODITY CAFÉ soundcloud as part of an ongoing project. https://soundcloud.com/commoditycafe
About Vera Anttila
Vera Anttila is an artist, pedagog and writer, whose practise is collaborative and multidisciplinary. In her recent work, she combines cultural jamming and activism with aesthetics of everyday life. An ecological concern for the future and an interest in anthropological and ecofeminist theories lays the basis for her practise. Vera is studying Art Education (MA) at Aalto University and researching themes for her MA-thesis based on her artworks around waste, commodities and yellow.
ClimATE 24.10. - 21.11.2019
ClimATE is an expanded exhibition and events programme across multiple sites and spaces in Aalto University’s Otaniemi Campus.
Beta SPACE gallery
Aalto's beta SPACE Gallery is located at the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1, A-wing, 1st floor) designed by Alvar Aalto.
Campus maps, addresses and opening hours in Otaniemi
Here you will also find restaurants, the map, the Aalto Space mobile app, access control - all practical information on one page! You can also visit the campus virtually.
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