Research & Art

FTF events

When we are not just reading and writing, we like to host, co-organise and participate in various events.
Biocolours exhibition

Designing with Biocolours exhibition  

June 7-15, Väre Building, Mon-Fri 8-20, Saturday 9-17, Sunday closed 
School of Art, Design and Architecture, Väre building, Aalto University, Otaniementie 14, Espoo

Curated by Associate Professor Kirsi Niinimäki, Biocolour project 

Designing with biocolours exhibition showcases different ways to work, research and experiment with bio-based colours in a design context.  

Textile designer and doctoral researcher Leonardo Hidalgo is studying how natural dyeing processes involve a set of relations between dyers and the environment. “During the dyeing process, colours emerge from the correspondence between dyers, the dyeing materials and the environment.” 

Designer and doctoral researcher Noora Yau is working with structural colour. “Structural colour based on cellulose nanocrystals (CNC SC) can be used to create shiny and iridescent colour, using plant biomass, such as wood.” 

Ingvill Fossheim is a costume designer and a researcher who explores the potential of using bio-based colours in connection to theatre performance and bodily aspects. “The colours will slowly evolve during the lifecycle of the performance, through dyeing and re-dyeing.” 

Fashion designer Sofia Ilmonen has been designing experimental fashion collection, which is based on alternative colour aesthetics. In this collection colours will fade exposing new nuances and shades. In connection to this approach consumers’ readiness to accept this kind of sustainable aesthetics has been studied.

More about Biocolour project 

Why do I upcycle/recycle
Pop in workshop “Actionable Stories-Why do I upcycle/recycle?” by Elina Lewe and Jamila Juzer Siamwalla, held at The Spring-Cleaning Event at Aalto University, 30 April 2024. Photo: Jere J. Aalto

Actionable stories – Why do I upcycle/recycle?  

Workshop activity at the Heureka Science Center in Vantaa, Finland 

From 10 June until 16 August, Aalto University will be offering an interactive, hands-on workshop activity at the Heureka Science Center in Vantaa, Finland as part of their new exhibition ‘DRESSCODE: Sustainable’.  

‘Actionable stories - Why do I upcycle/recycle?’ is one of the planned citizen engagement activities for the T-REX project. The workshop will dive into the realm of end-of-life garments and explore the end (and a fresh start) of the garment’s journey. Participants will get to decide which garments deserve a second life through upcycling and which ones are ready to be recycled, all while creating their own story tags for the garments. Through this, they can make their reflective stories part of the display that others can learn from.  

The workshop is designed by doctoral researcher Elina Lewe and designer/research associate Jamila Juzer Siamwalla. 

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Fashion Reimagined

Fashion Reimagined screening & panel discussion  

Tuesday April 23rd, 2024, Cinema Orion, 7:30 PM EET.

Sustainable fashion collective Seams Helsinki presents ”Fashion Reimagined”, a movie by Becky Hutner as part of Fashion Revolution Week 2024. After the screening, a panel discussion with professionals on the sustainable fashion field + Q&As will take place. Speakers: Julia Valle Noronha, Anna Semi, Linda Turunen and Pukhraj Ranjan. Proudly sponsored by the T-REX Project & Aalto University.  

“Fashion Reimagined" takes viewers on a captivating journey over three years, from the bustling runways of London Fashion Week to the serene landscapes of a Uruguayan sheep farm. Through a compelling narrative, the film explores the intersections of fashion, sustainability, and global supply chains, offering insight into the transformative power of fashion-making that believes that change is possible.

TicketsTrailerSeams Helsinki

Spring Cleaning event
Poster design by Meeri Juvakka.

Spring Cleaning Clothing Exchange & Workshops  

Tuesday April 23rd - Friday May 3rd, 2024

A clothing exchange and workshop series organised as part of citizen engagement activities for the EU project Textile Recycling Excellence (T-REX), coinciding with the 10th international Fashion Revolution Week. Co-ordinated by Associate Professor Kirsi Niinimäki and doctoral researcher Kasia Gorniak from the Fashion/Textile Futures research group, with workshops facilitated by Aalto students, staff and alumni. Workshops are free to attend but registration is necessary.

Programme and registration

Data & digital solutions for scaling circularity in the fashion industry

Webinar: Data & digital solutions for scaling circularity in the fashion industry

Wednesday, Nov 29, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM EET.

Textile Recycling Excellence and SCIRT Project are organizing the 2nd open-source webinar of a series to help navigate the transformations taking place in the European textile landscape and highlight how relationships between different players can be nurtured and strengthened to move towards an effective circular supply chain. The webinars are streamed live on LinkedIn and available to join and revisit for free.

Moderated by Kirsi Niinimaki, Associate Professor in Design, Research team leader of Fashion/Textile Futures Aalto University.

Osterwalder (SCIRT) is co-Founder of and is an expert in the circular economy, textile sorting and Digital Product Passports. 
Jyotsna Gopinath (T-REX Project) is an Innovation Analyst at Fashion for Good within the End of Use team, overseeing footwear recycling and chemical recycling of textiles.
Damien Saumureau (SCIRT) is the circularity projects leader working on activewear for water related sports at Decathlon
Hervé d'Halluin (SCIRT) is the leader RFID United & Referent Interactive Sport Products at Decathlon 

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Textile & Fashion forum

Textile & Fashion forum

Thursday-Friday, 26.-27.10.2023

Pikku-Finlandia, Karamzininranta 4, 00100 Helsinki

Associate Professor Kirsi Niinimäki will present the topic of Circular Business Models. The seminar is organised by Finnish Textile and Fashion Association together with Euratex.

See more

Other speakers

Out of Fashion

Out of Fashion – Aalto LASER Talks

Thursday 30.11.2023 16:00 – 18:30

Future visions and concrete steps towards the sufficiency paradigm in fashion.

See more and register 

Bio Colours

Biocolours book at the Helsinki book fair

Friday, 27.10.2023 11:30 – 12:00                                                 

The book's second editor, professor Kirsi Niinimäki and doctoral student Noora Yau discuss the latest research in bio-based dyes, the use of plants and fungi, and the relationship between man and nature in general.

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FINIX logo


Teknologia ja innovaatiot / Kiertotalous ja tekstiilit

Päivä: Torstai 12.1.
Aika: 15.00 - 16.45
Paikka: PIII, Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3
Suoratoisto: Tilaisuus kuvataan suorana verkkoon
Puheenjohtaja: professori Kirsi Niinimäki (Aalto-yliopisto)

Sessiossa keskustellaan kiertotalouteen siirtymisestä. Mitä se tarkoittaa tekstiilisektorilla? Miten tekstiilijäte saadaan tehokkaimmin uudelleen käyttöön ja mitä teknologioita tarvitaan? Entä mitä kiertotalous tarkoittaa yritysten tai koko yhteiskunnan näkökulmasta?

Tapahtuman sivuille

dialogues invitation

Invitation – DIALOGUES - Creating New Textile Futures Exhibition

Opening 28.11.2022 17:00-19:00

Join us for the opening reception at Dipoli Gallery from 17:00-19:00 on Monday, November 28th. Welcome words by professors Maarit Salolainen and Kirsi Niinimäki.

Let us know if you will join us by registeringWe are happy to announce and warmly welcome you to ‘DIALOGUES - Creating New Textile Futures’, an exhibition of creative design work, artistic exploration, material solutions and design pedagogy showcasing the multitude of textile work spanning over the different schools in Aalto University. Visit the exhibition in Dipoli Gallery, Aalto University from November 28, 2022 to February 8, 2023.

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circular design network logo

From Data to Action – Circular Design Network Project Closing Event 10.11.2022

Fashion/Textile FUTURES has been involved in the research done in the Circular Design Network project and given expertise in the textile group.

Circular Design Network Project Closing Event
10th November 2022, from 12:00 to 15:30 Live at Korjaamo, Helsinki andonline

Data is widely seen as an enabler for the future circular economy. Data is needed to design sustainable solutions and value chains, from raw materials management to end users in a circular economy. Data can be used to extend the lifetime of products, replace tangible products with services, create a resource-based business, and boost the reuse of materials. Circular Design Network Project will share insights to data-enabled circular battery, textile and agrifood value chains. Join us for top keynotes and to learn about the project results. Utilize this opportunity to network with the key stakeholders on data for circularity!

Biocolour logo

BioColour Event: Tulevaisuuden väri ja väritulevaisuudet 3.11.2022

(Event in Finnish)

BioColour projekti järjestää keskustelutilaisuuden. Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan väreistä – siitä, kuka määrittää missä väreissä kuljemme ja mitä väriaineita käytämme. Millaisia muita väritulevaisuuksia voisi olla?

Riikka Räisänen, Helsingin yliopisto
Ana Nuutinen, Lapin yliopisto
Kirsi Niinimäki, Aalto Yliopisto
Päivi Laaksonen, HAMK
Maija Arela, Arela Studio, Intercolor

Tiedekulma Think Lounge torstaina 3.11.2022 klo 16-18
(Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki, 2. kerros)

Tilaisuutta voi seurata myös etänä

Sofia Ilmonen design

Data-driven business and design -webinar 23.9.2021

Data-driven business and design -webinar will focus on how data can enable and enhance a circular economy in the textile and fashion industry. Data can be used to better control the material flows through the system, to increase the transparency in the supply chain and to better design the lifetime of the garments as well as enhance the material circulation. Through data it is possible to create new design and business strategies for sustainable textile and fashion. Webinar is organised in collaboration with FINIX, NEW COTTON and CircDNet projects.


Defence of doctoral thesis in the field of design, MA Essi Karell

The title of the thesis is Closing the Loop through Clothing Design: Wishful Thinking or Achievable Practice?

Coming up September 3, 2021!
Blue fabric scraps and yarn against blue background.

ONLINE: Fashionable sustainability? workshop

An interactive workshop that aims to structure the multifaceted sustainability concept, especially in the fashion and textile industry.

Coming up September 21, 2020!
Fabrics dyed with natural colours by Essi Karell. Photo: Eeva Suorlahti

ONLINE: Biotech Talks I – NewSilk 2020

'Designing materials on molecular level – what does it mean for researchers, designers - and for the globe?’

Coming up September 10, 2020!
Photo by Teemu Välisalmi

Shimmering Wood by Structural Colour Studio

Nature’s brightest colours – like those found in peacock feathers or butterfly wings – are created through microscopically small nanostructures.

EXHIBITION September 2 - 25, 2020
Wood-based structural shimmering wood colour has no colour pigments. Photo: Valeria Azovskaya

Solving the systemic challenges in textile and fashion industry

We need systemic and fundamental changes in the textile and fashion industry’s business model, including a deceleration of manufacturing and the introduction of sustainable practices throughout the supply chain; decreasing clothing purchases and increasing garment lifetimes.

EXHIBITION September 2 - 25, 2020
We need systemic and fundamental changes in the textile and fashion industry’s business model.
Hiilineutraali tekstiiliteollisuus webinaari

Webinaari: Hiilineutraali tekstiiliteollisuus - tulevaisuutta vai utopiaa?

suomeksi / in Finnish

Milloin? 20. toukokuuta 2020, 13:00 - 15:00
Missä? Zoom

Webinaarin järjestävät strategisen tutkimuksen neuvoston rahoittamat hankkeet BioColour – Väripaletti biopohjaisille väriaineille ja pigmenteille sekä FINIX – Kestävät tekstiilisysteemit.

Tekstiiliteollisuus on yksi maailman saastuttavimpia teollisuudenaloja ja muotiteollisuus tuottaa yksin kymmenesosan maailman hiilidioksidipäästöistä. Mitä vaikutuksia tekstiilien tuotannon ja elinkaaren eri vaiheilla on niiden hiilijalanjälkeen ja minkälaisilla ratkaisuilla hiilidioksidipäästöjä voisi pienentää? Onko tekstiiliteollisuuden hiilineutraalimpi tulevaisuus mahdollinen ja mitä muutoksia se vaatii toteutuakseen? Tervetuloa kuulemaan asiantuntijoiden puheenvuoroja ja keskustelemaan aiheesta!

Tilaisuuden ohjelma

Vaatteen hiilijalanjälki ja sen  pienentäminen designin avulla, Kirsi Niinimäki, Aalto-yliopisto, FINIX & BioColour
Tekstiilien kierron edistäminen, Helena Dahlbo, Syke, FINIX 
Värjäysteollisuuden ympäristövaikutukset, Riikka Räisänen, Helsingin yliopisto, BioColour
Materiaalitehokkaasti oljesta tekstiilikuituja Fortumin Bio2X -hankkeessa, Heli Antila, Fortum
Värikasvituotannon mahdollisuudet hiilen sitomisessa, Marjo Keskitalo, Luke, BioColour
Suomalaisen tekstiilialan hiilijalanjälki, Satumaija Mäki, Suomen Tekstiili ja Muoti ry

Webinaari järjestetään Zoom-verkkoalustalla. Saat osallistumislinkin sähköpostiisi ilmoittautumalla tästä:

Tilaisuus on avoin ja maksuton eikä osallistujamäärää ole rajoitettu.Tilaisuuden tallenne tulee jälkikäteen nähtäväksi myös BioColour- ja FINIX-hankkeiden Youtube-kanaville.

Finix projekti systeemikartta
Finix project

Avajaisseminaari: FINIX – kestävät tekstiilisysteemit

suomeksi / in Finnish

Milloin? 23. maaliskuuta 2020, 13:00 - 15:15
Missä? YouTube / Facebook

FINIXin taustalla on tarve muuttaa globaali resursseja tuhlaava tekstiilijärjestelmä kestävän kehityksen periaatteiden mukaiseksi ja halu yhdistää suomalainen osaaminen ja yritykset myös perinteisen tekstiilialan ulkopuolelta ratkaisemaan tätä haastetta. Hanke alkoi syksyllä 2019, ja saimme heti runsaasti tiedusteluja yhteistyömahdollisuuksista. Osana FINIXiä tullaan järjestämään sekä avoimia työpajoja tutkimusteemojen ympärillä että tekemään räätälöityjä yhteistyöhankkeita. Ensimmäisen seminaarin tavoite on luoda pohja muotoutuvalle ekosysteemille ja yhteistyölle esittelemällä keskeiset tutkimusteemat ja keskustelemalla yritysten haasteista kiertotalouteen siirtymisessä.

Tilaisuuden ohjelma

13:00 FINIX revolution! Minna Halme
13:10 Tulevaisuuden kestävä tekstiilisysteemi, Samuli Patala
13:30 Muoti kiertotaloudessa, Kirsi Niinimäki
14:00 Man-made cellulose fibres in the future, Herbert Sixta (in English)
14:30 Tekstiilien jäljitettävyys ja tunnistaminen, Hannu Tanner
15:00 Loppusanat, Minna Halme

Pääset mukaan avaamalla YouTube-kanavan Finixrevolution

Seminaaria voi seurata myös Facebook Livessä:

Lisätietoa projektista:

Cover PhD Anja-Lisa Hirscher
Doctoral Thesis by Anja-Lisa Hirscher

Defense in the field of Design: MA Anja-Lisa Hirscher

When Skillful Participation Becomes Design: Making clothes together

A Stitch in Time – Free clothes repair event

Bring along clothes in need of repair and come mend them at the Learning Center.

Coming up January 23, 2020!
A Stitch in time - event

Seminar: Law for the Circular Economy

When? December 9, 2019, 10:00 - 16:30
Where? University of Lapland, Yliopistonkatu 8, 96101 Rovaniemi

The Law for the Circular Economy seminar will revolve around the role of law in the circular economy, with particular emphasis on two important steps of the product’s life cycle, namely regulating the supply-chain and regulating repairing and sharing activities. These topics will be explored from the perspective of both policy and law. The academic discourse will be complemented by real-life company cases, where focus will be posed especially on the fashion industry. Doctoral Candidate Essi Karell from FTF will give a talk on Fashion Supply Chains and Circular Economy.

Full seminar programme and registration available at the official seminar website.

Defence in the Field of Design: MPhil Marium Durrani

This study primarily intends to understand, observe and illustrate an alternative conceptualization, by proposing to examine mending as a sociomaterial practice

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Through the Threaded Needle cover image

BioColour Open for All Kick-Off

When? November 11, 2019, 15:00-17:00
Where? University of Helsinki Think Corner, Think Lounge, 2nd floor, Yliopistonkatu 4

BioColour is a research project funded by Strategic Research Council for years 2019–2025 and it investigates biocolourants and their applications in textiles, coatings and packages. 

See a blog post of the BioColour Kick-Off here (in Finnish).

Textiles Tomorrow Summit

Textiles Tomorrow Summit

Textiles Tomorrow Summit brings together an international network of textile educators to discuss the future of textiles and share their knowledge and expertise. Aalto University is proud to host the second textile education conference initiated by Lidewij Edelkoort in 2018 at The New School/Parsons, New York. This year our aim is to continue sharing ideas as a community and to take further steps to build bridges between textile academics and professionals. The summit provides a versatile platform for learning and discussing topics of novel sustainable textile materials, cross-disciplinary collaborations, and artistic and technical expertise. KEYNOTES: Lidewij Edelkoort and Kirsi Niinimäki TALKS: Michael Hummel, Helena Hyvönen, Pirjo Kääriäinen, Harri Puputti and Maarit Salolainen PARALLEL SESSIONS: Educational and Design Talks, Studio Visits and Presentations EXHIBITIONS: Väre Building, Learning Center and Undergraduate Centre BOOK PRESENTATION: Interwoven – Exploring Materials and Structures by Maarit Salolainen

Julia Valle-Noronha cover
Doctoral Thesis by Julia Valle Noronha

Defence in the field of Design: MA Julia Valle Noronha

"Becoming with Clothes" explores paths to more active relationships between people and the things they wear. It offers reflections on a matter that touches us all: the ways humans and clothes interact.

New Silk - What can we learn from spiders?

How to produce new types of silk-like materials in the context of synthetic biology

EXHIBITION September 5 - 26, 2019
New Silk research project

Natural Indigo: New Luxury from Northern Fields

Crops4Luxury (PeltoLuksus) project studied special crops that could replace synthetic textile dyes sustainably and ethically

EXHIBITION September 5 - 26, 2019
Natural Indigo project, design by Arttu Åfield & Kirsi Niinimäki. Photo Eeva Suorlahti

Redesigning Production Systems - New Luxury from Biodiversity

Final seminar of Crops4Luxury project, September 5, 2019

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PeltoLuksus projekti. Kuva Eeva Suorlahti.

World Circular Economy Forum – Aalto University side event

Combating climate change by circular economy and systemic change: closing the material loops and creating new business possibilities

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Ioncell fibre


Swapping event, part of the Fashion Revolution Week 2019

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Sustainable fashion in a circular economy / Kirsi Niinimäki (ed.)

Aalto ARTS Books Talks

When? February 5, 2019, 16:00-17:00.
Where? Aalto University Shop, Otaniementie 12, Espoo

Aalto ARTS Books will officially launch professor Kirsi Niinimäki’s book 'Sustainable Fashion in a Circular Economy'. In the event Niinimäki and doctoral candidate Essi Karell will be discussing the topic from various perspectives.

PDF (open access) and hard copy available at Aalto University Shop.

Defence in the field of Design: MFA Namkyu Chun

This doctoral dissertation Re(dis)covering Fashion Designers: Interweaving Dressmaking and Placemaking was inspired by design thinking discourses in design research that have explored the practice of designers and encouraged them to question the boundaries of design as a profession.

Research café on materials

Research Café on Materials 

When? 11 October & 27 November 2018, 13:00 – 16:00
Where? Mordor / Otakaari 5

F/T Futures warmly welcomes you to the Research Café events that invite researchers from the different schools of Aalto University to share their latest insights and learn new perspectives related to materials research at Aalto.

The events are organized by Aalto University Research and Innovation Services and Materials Platform, with F/T Futures actively participating in the planning. In the first event Kirsi Niinimäki and Pirjo Kääriäinen will briefly introduce some insights into circular economy and multidisciplinary material research.

The purpose of these events is twofold: to introduce new perspectives through scholarly discussions; and to create possibilities for multidisciplinary encounters and for recognizing common research interests among the participants, potentially leading into new joint projects.

There will be two Research Café events this autumn: The first one serves as an introduction and opens the discussion that will be deepened in the latter event. The first event consists of two parts: First, researchers and research groups will introduce variety of perspectives into materials research that will then initiate the participants into discussion.

More information: emmi.pouta at & outi.hagg at

Open lecture by Anna-Mari Almila

The multiple dimensions of ‘comfort’ in dress: rethinking bodies, garments and environments

When? Monday, 19 March 2018, 12:00-13:00
Where? Aalto ARTS Arabia campus, Room 6088

Dr Anna-Mari Almila is Research Fellow in Sociology of Fashion at London College of Fashion, UAL. She writes in the fields of cultural, global and historical sociology, and her topics include the historical/political construction of urban spaces; the materiality of dressed bodies and their environments; fashion globalization; history of fashion studies; and gendered wine mediation and consumption. She is the author of Veiling in Fashion: Space and the Hijab in Minority Communities (2018 in press, I.B. Tauris), and the editor of The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling Practices (2017) and The Sage Handbook to Cultural Sociology (2016). Dr Almila is a visiting researcher in FTF Fashion/Textile Futures research group during March-May 2018 (Host Professor Niinimäki).

Don't shop, swap


When? Monday, 12 March 2018, 12:00-15:00
Where? Aalto ARTS Arabia campus, ground floor (near Kipsari’s entrance).

F/T Futures is hosting the second clothing swap event for the upcoming spring season. It’s to encourage sustainable consumption practice. It’s a free event. Feel free to join us!

Contact: manuel.ariasbarrantes(at)



When? Monday, 27 November 2017, 16:00-19:00
Where? Aalto ARTS Arabia campus, 8th floor

F/T Futures research group organizes a public event to encourage the sustainable consumption practice in fashion.

Contact: manuel.ariasbarrantes(at)

Lunch Talk by Heidi Härkönen 

Fashion Designs and Copyright

When? Wednesday, 1 November 2017, 12:00-13:00
Where? Aalto ARTS Arabia Campus, Room 6088

In this lunch seminar, Heidi Härkönen will talk about her ongoing PhD research project on fashion law. The specific topic of the seminar concerns fashion designs and copyright. In her talk Heidi Härkönen will ask, what are the limitations of a fashion designer’s creativity caused by copyright, when the designer’s creativity is interacting with the creativity of other fashion designers? She will also address the question of what would be the ideal level of intellectual property protection for fashion designs?

Heidi Härkönen is a PhD Candidate at University of Lapland and a visiting researcher at Aalto University. Her major is intellectual property law and in her PhD project she is concentrating on exclusive rights to fashion designs. Prior to her PhD studies, she has practiced law for three years. She also works as the president of the Finnish Fashion Law Association.

Exhibition: 10 000 years of design - Man, matter, metamorphosis

When? 12 October 2018 - 24 February 2019 
Where? The National Museum of Finland / Suomen Kansallismuseo

Innovations developed in research projects DWoC and Trash-2-Cash will be presented in a curated exhibition '10 000 years of design – Man, matter, metamorphosis'. The exhibition focuses on the unique development of Finnish material culture and design as a result of a specific dialogue between society and ecosystem.

More information about the exhibition here.

Nodus talks #5
NODUS Talks #5

NODUS X FTF: Sustainable fashion + new business thinking

When? 31 August 2017, 16:00 – 18:00
Where? Design Museum, Korkeavuorenkatu 23, Helsinki

Kirsi Niinimäki, leader of the F/T Futures research group, will give a talk at Design Museum together with Anniina Nurmi, sustainable fashion specialist. The talk is organized by the NODUS sustainable design research group from Aalto University.

More info:

Lost in the Wood(s) book cover
Lost in the Wood(s), The New Biomateriality in Finland | Edited by Pirjo Kääriäinen and Liisa Tervinen | Aalto ARTS Books

Seminar & Book launch: Bio-Circular-Collaborative

Latest information on biomaterials and textile material recycling

When? Tuesday, 19 September 2017, 15:00-18:00
Where? Designmuseum, Auditorium, Korkeavuorenkatu 23, Helsinki

First part of the seminar presents Trash-2-Cash, which is an EU funded research project aiming to create newly regenerated fibers from pre-consumer and post-consumer waste. It’s also pioneering a whole new way of developing materials. The second part of the seminar presents the publicationLost in the Wood(s). How could Finnish natural resource, renewable biomaterials, such as cellulose, replace oil-based resources? How could we create new business and service models for society through design and collaboration? This book presents inspiring cases and stories from researchers working with biomaterials. Through these cases they suggest how a more sustainable future could be achieved.


  1. Welcome words / Kirsi Niinimäki, Professor in Design, Team leader for Fashion/Textile FUTURES, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
  2. Presenting T2C project / Emma Östmark, Director Sustainable Textile Fibres, RISE Research Institute of Sweden
  3. Interdisciplinary collaboration for material innovation / Christian Tubito, Project Manager, Research & Innovation Material ConneXion Italy 
  4. Waste-free future of fashion industry: The chemistry behind it / Michael Hummel, Staff Scientist, Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering
  5. The need of improvements in textile sorting of garments for textile-to-textile recycling / Helena Wedin, Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
  6. Book launch: Lost in the Wood(s), The New Biomateriality in Finland / Edited by Pirjo Kääriäinen and Liisa Tervinen / Aalto ARTS Books

Visit also 'New Biomateriality Lab' in 'Enter and Encounter' exhibition in Designmuseum. New Biomateriality Lab in the Enter and Encounter exhibition presents new Finnish biomaterials, mainly based on wood. All materials have been invented and produced in multidisciplinary research projects in Aalto University.

Organizers: Aalto University, Professor Kirsi Niinimäki and Designer in Residence Pirjo Kääriäinen, Fashion/Textile FUTURES research group

Contact: pirjo.kaariainen(at)

Design by Essi Karell. Photo by Kerttu Malinen.
Sustainable Fashion in Circular Economy seminar | Design by Essi Karell | Photo by Kerttu Malinen

Seminar: Sustainable Fashion in Circular Economy

When? 11 October 2017, 9:00-17:00
Where? Aalto University, Hämeentie 135C, Helsinki, Finland

The Aalto University organises a one-day interdisciplinary seminar aiming to open new views into sustainable fashion in the circular economy context. New perspectives will be provided, how to see circularity as a design and business asset based on systems thinking in the sustainable development context. Furthermore, existing business examples will be provided. International experts will provide the newest knowledge from design for circular economy and how to use this knowledge in the fashion and textile sector. The seminar will consist of presentations, a poster session, an exhibition and networking event.Welcome to participate and construct a network of researchers, designers, practitioners and PhD students from different disciplines around fashion in a circular economy.


  1. Professor Kirsi Niinimäki, Aalto University, Finland / Sustainable Fashion in a Circular Economy: a Need for Systemic Change
  2. Professor Cosette Armstrong, Oklahoma State University, USA / Digital Collaborative Clothing Consumption and the Circular Economy: A Research Agenda
  3. Professor Ulla Ræbild, Design School Kolding, Denmark / How to Design Garments for a Subscription Service?
  4. Research Associate Sara Han, Manchester Fashion Institute, UK / Circular Economy Fashion Strategies
  5. Chairman Rolf Heimann, Hessnatur Foundation, Germany: Sustainability as a Value Driver
  6. Founder and Director Ruari Mahon, Loughlin Joseph, USA / Promoting Circular Economy Practices through Consumer Engagement
  7. Fashion Designer Ina Budde, Design for Circularity, Germany / Design for Circularity – Product and System Innovation for a Circular Future of Fashion
  8. Lecturer Claudia Henninger, University of Manchester, UK / Sharing is Caring… or so They Say – Exploring the Role of Ownership and Its Implications for Swapping in the Fashion Industry
  9. CEO Ann Runnel, Reserve Resources / The Undiscovered Business Potential of Production Leftovers within Global Fashion Supply Chains: Creating a Digitally Enhanced Circular Economy

Registration by September 20, 2017.

Fashion/Textile Futures

The Fashion/Textile Futures research group explores new perspectives on human-centered design research. The group approaches research in the field of fashion, clothing and textiles in multi-faceted ways.

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Sofia Ilmonen Biocolour
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