School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Contact information: School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Find our contact information and reach our management.
Students at Väre building

Visiting address 

Otaniementie 14 
02150 Espoo 
Open Mon–Fri 8.00–20.00 

Postal address 

Aalto University 
School of Arts, Design and Architecture 
PO Box 31000 
FI-00076 AALTO 

+358 9 47001 

[email protected] 

[email protected] 

Media contact:
Sini Koskimies 
Communication Manager 
Tel. +358 50 476 0694  
[email protected] 

The management

Tuomas Auvinen 
[email protected] 
Heli Rekula 
Vice Dean, Arts and Creative Practices
[email protected] 
Turkka Keinonen 
Vice Dean, Research
[email protected] 
Rasmus Vuori 
Vice Dean, Education
[email protected]

Department heads 

Department of Architecture 
Professor Pirjo Sanaksenaho 
+358 50 571 4900 
[email protected] 
Department of Film
Lecturer Anna Heiskanen 
+358 40 763 9005 
[email protected] 
Department of Art and Media 
Professor Harri Laakso
+358 40 501 0736 
Department of Design 
Professor Tuuli Mattelmäki 
+358 50 372 4428   
[email protected] 

Development Manager 
Sari Antila
+358 40 758 3870
[email protected]

Registry Office at Aalto University 

Visiting address: 
Otakaari 1B  
02150 Espoo  

Postal address:  
PL11 000  
00076 AALTO  
Tel. +358 50 406 1141  
[email protected] 

Open Mon–Fri from 9.00–15.00

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