Introducing the 2023 Homecoming Day speakers of the main seminar!
The theme of the alumni day on Friday 27 January 2023 is "Managing Disruption", which we will discuss together among the alumni, the academic community and the influencers of the economic life. The day continues with dinner, music, dancing and delightful encounters with fellow alumni. The day program will be held at Aalto University's Undergraduate Centre, at Otakaari 1, and the evening party at the School of Business at Ekonominaukio 1.
The keynote speech (in English) of the main seminar will be given by Pekka Lundmark, President and CEO of Nokia. The speech will be followed by a discussion (in Finnish, simultaneous interpretation available in English) moderated by Vesa Puttonen, Professor of Finance, and Eeva Vilkkumaa, Assistant Professor of Management Science. They will interview, in addition to the keynote speaker, two guest speakers: Leena Mörttinen, Permanent Under-Secretary at the Ministry of Finance, and Eerika Savolainen, CEO of Slush. The host of the day is Timo Korkeamäki, Dean of the School of Business.
All the academic departments of the School of Business will be represented in the versatile parallel program that follows the main seminar. You can find the parallel sessions in the program listing below by clicking on the plus sign of the titles. For each session, it is also written in which language it is organized (FI/EN). You can sign up for the different sessions when buying your ticket to the event. The detailed content of the parallel sessions will be updated during the fall.
The new Alumnus/a of the Year of the School of Business will also be announced at the Homecoming Day.
The ticket sales for the event ended on Sunday 15 January 2023.
Note! We reserve the right to program changes at the event.
Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1, M door
Location: U2, Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1
Welcome words (EN)
Timo Korkeamäki, Dean, Aalto University School of Business
Keynote (EN)
Pekka Lundmark, President and CEO, Nokia
Main seminar discussion (FI + simultaneous interpretation in English)
Moderators:Vesa Puttonen, Professor, Finance, Aalto University School of Business and Eeva Vilkkumaa, Assistant Professor, Management Science, Aalto University School of Business
Guests: Pekka Lundmark, President and CEO, Nokia, Leena Mörttinen, Permanent Under-Secretary at the Ministry of Finance, and Eerika Savolainen, CEO, Slush
Location: Lobby area, Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1
Title | Content | Speakers | Department | Room | Language |
Developing Leaders in the Age of Disruption |
How have the changes in business, politics, and technology impacted the types of leadership qualities companies are looking for – from the perspective of a leading provider of executive learning and development solutions. In a world of flux, the meaning of talent and right kind of skills and competences is amplified. In recent research the importance of acquiring and developing new skills and advancing current ones is emphasized. Organizations need digital skills, however, the skills that were invested in the most since 2019 can be divided into two categories: social and emotional skills and advanced cognitive abilities, and skills aimed at solving complex problems. Additionally, an analysis of executive-search data shows that companies today are prioritizing social skills above technical know-how especially in leadership roles (HBR July-August 2022) |
Riitta Lumme-Tuomala, Head of Communication and Alumni Relations, Aalto University Executive Education Mikko Laukkanen, Academic Director, Aalto University Executive Education |
Aalto University Executive Education | U4 hall, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Digivallankumous finanssisektorilla |
Paneelikeskustelu suomeksi finanssitoimialan digitalisaatiosta ja globaaleista trendeistä mm.:
Timo Penttilä, Professor of Practice, Aalto University School of Business Monika Liikamaa, Co-founder, CEO, Enfuse Heikki Rautila, Head of OP Lab, OP Financial Group |
Finance | U3 hall, Otakaari 1 | FI |
Energiasota |
”Huomioon ottaen nopean kehityksen aseistuksen ja teknillisten varusteiden osalta nykyään käytävässä suursodassa, katson maanpuolustuksen kannalta tarpeelliseksi siirtyä uusiin aseisiin” —A. Honkajoki, Väinö Linnan kirjassa Tuntematon sotilas |
Iivo Vehviläinen, Senior Research Fellow, Aalto University School of Business Oskari Nokso-Koivisto, Project Manager, Aalto University School of Business |
Economics | U5 hall, Otakaari 1 | FI |
Global Business Environment in Turmoil |
A look into the forces that are impacting companies doing business globally, followed by a discussion with CEO Jukka Moisio of Nokian Tyres, a company that has faced the geopolitical issues in a very concrete manner. |
Hannu Seristö, Professor, Aalto University School of Business Jukka Moisio, CEO, Nokian Tyres |
Management Studies | U1 hall, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Maailma muuttuu - muuttuuko verotus? |
Maailman muuttuessa vinhasti verolainsäätäjällä on kova työ pysyä mukana. Muutosta saatetaan myös pyrkiä ohjaamaan verotuksen keinoin. Juuri nyt globalisoituminen, ja digitalisoituminen haastavat verojärjestelmiä monesta kulmasta. Energiamurroksessa ja ilmastonmuutostaistelussa veropolitiikalle on puolestaan soviteltu ehkä hyvinkin isoa roolia. Samalla julkiset velat ovat ennätystasoilla ja edelleen kasvussa. Onko Suomi valmis ratkomaan näitä kysymyksiä kansainvälisesti ja kotikentällä? Vastaamassa valtiovarainministeriön vero-osaston ylijohtaja, kauppakorkeakoulun alumni Terhi Järvikare. |
Marja Hokkanen, Postdoctoral Researcher, Aalto University School of Business Timo Viherkenttä, Professor of Practice, Aalto University School of Business Terhi Järvikare, Director General, Tax Department at Ministry of Finance, Finland |
Accounting | U7 hall, Otakaari 1 | FI |
Smart Cities - digitalisaatiosta kestävyyttä ja tehokkuutta kaupunkien palveluihin |
Smart Cities tarkoittaa digitaalisten teknologioiden ja datan käyttämistä kaupunkien palveluiden ja sisäisten prosessien parantamiseen. Käsite kattaa laajan kirjon erilaisia teknologioita ja ratkaisuja, ja sen toteutus vaihtelee kaupungista ja organisaatiosta toiseen. Pyrimme auttamaan keskustelua aiheesta ja kertomaan, minkälaisia etuja ja muita seurauksia Smart Cities-ratkaisuilla on kaupunkilaisten elämään, liiketoimintaan ja kaupunkien toimintaan laajemmin. |
Virpi Tuunainen, Professor and Associate Dean of research and international cooperation, Aalto University School of Business Kari Koskinen, Post-doc Researcher, Aalto University School of Business Niina Mallat, Research Fellow, Aalto University School of Business Matti Rossi, Professor, Aalto University School of Business |
Information and Service Management | U6 hall, Otakaari 1 | FI |
Title | Content | Speakers | Department | Room | Language |
Accounting, Risk Management, and Disruptions |
The twin crises of Covid-19 and the Ukrainian invasion by Russia (resulting in sanctions on Russia) have not only created challenges (e.g., supply disruptions, unexpected business loss, and exit from Russia, etc.) but also opportunities (e.g., better risk management, reshoring, rapid digitalization, etc.) for (Finnish) firms. The impact of the twin crises on different firms has been dissimilar. While some firms fared better during one or both of the crises, others suffered severely due to loss of business or disruption of supply channels. Given the various situations firms faced, in this session, we will discuss with two esteemed panelists about how they responded to the challenges and opportunities arising from the twin crises. How did the crisis shape the readiness, risk management, stakeholder communications, and quality of discussions at the executive and board levels? What lessons can be learned from the crises for the future? |
Vikash Sinha, Assistant Professor, Aalto University School of Business Jussi Siitonen, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) & Deputy to the CEO, Fiskars Corporation Mirel Leino-Haltia, Board member, Ålandsbanken Abp; Chair of the Audit Committee, Teleste & Sitowise; Professor of Practice at Aalto University School of Business |
Accounting | U7 hall, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Decision Analytics for an Uncertain Future |
The widespread digitalization of the society has led to a massive increase in the amount of available data. As a result, businesses and other organization are increasingly using data analytics for leveraging these new data sources to support decision making. At the same time organizations need to make decisions in an environment where likely future trajectories are becoming more difficult to predict due to increased uncertainties caused by wars, pandemics and economic factors. Yet, analytics tools supporting these decisions rely on data that is fundamentally backward-looking as it is based on historical observations about the operating environment. Is analytics relevant in this new highly uncertain environment? What is the role of expert judgment compared to data? Can machine learning and artificial intelligence help make better predictions of the future, or are classical approaches such as scenario building the key? These questions, among others, on the future of data analytics are addressed in a panel discussion. |
Juuso Liesiö, Associate Professor, Aalto University School of Business Ilkka Leppänen, Assistant Professor, Management Science, Aalto University School of Business Katariina Kemppainen, Co-founder, Flovio Anssi Käki, Vice President, Pulp Supply Chain and Tools & Processes, UPM Tommi Pajala, Data Science Team Lead, Cambri |
Information and Service Management | U1 hall, Otakaari 1 | EN |
ESG Wars |
Securing a pleasantly habitable planet is the foundation for future prosperity. We already have, or can create, the associated technology. But for this to really happen, we must correct the human bias of shortsightedness and create new incentive compatible institutions. So we just need to beat the enemy that's ourselves. Right? So we thought. Wrong. We now not only face the "E" battle (environmental) but, and perhaps more pertinent, the battles for S and G as well. The ESG Wars have begun. This seminar asks what sustainable finance can do here and outlines an agenda for answers. Following professor Kaustia's introduction to the theme, the discussion is being joined by Head of ESG Annika Esono Manninen from OP Asset Management, and Partner Sami Miettinen from Translink Corporate Finance. |
Markku Kaustia, Professor, Aalto University School of Business Annika Esono Manninen |
Finance | U3 hall, Otakaari 1 |
EN |
Monimuotoisuus vai eriarvoisuus työelämässä? |
Työelämässä ja erityisesti yritysmaailmassa monimuotoisuus, tasa-arvo ja inkluusio (DEI) on nostettu tärkeäksi teemaksi, jolla ajatellaan olevan myös yrityksen tulokseen liittyviä hyötyjä. Monimuotoisuuspuheen positiivisesta sävystä huolimatta näitä toimia tarvitaan siksi, että työelämässä ja yhteiskunnassa on sitkeitä eriarvoisuuksia. Tässä työpajassa reflektoidaan eriarvoisuuksia, etuoikeuksia sekä tapoja rakentaa inklusiivisempaa työelämää, ja tätä kautta tasa-arvoisempaa yhteiskuntaa. |
Paula Koskinen Sandberg, Assistant Professor, Aalto University School of Business |
Management Studies | U6 hall, Otakaari 1 | FI |
Murros mallissa tai markkinassa – uusi mahdollisuus haastaa |
Jokainen yritys voi odottaa markkinan murroskohtia tai tehdä aloitteen uudistumiseen itse. Keskustelijoina toimialaansa uudistaneita yrittäjiä ja yritysjohtajia Pekka Mattilan johdatuksella. Muotona ei ole paneeli vaan aito puheohjelma – suomalainen talk show. |
Pekka Mattila, Professor of Practice, Aalto University School of Business Jussi Aho, CEO, Flow Technologies Oy Noora Fagerström, Jungle Juice Bar Timo Metsola, Vuokraturva Daniela Yrjö-Koskinen, CEO, Novita |
Marketing | U4 hall, Otakaari 1 | FI |
Location: U2, Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1
School update (EN)
Timo Korkeamäki, Dean, Aalto University School of Business
Speech by Alumnus/a of the Year (EN)
Distinguished Alumnus/a of the School of Business
Transition from the Undergraduate Centre to the School of Business (the route goes outside).
Location: School of Business, Ekonominaukio 1
Restaurant Arvo's standing buffet dinner will be served in the school lobby in front of Cafe Kylteri. Special diets are served at their own table in the hallway in the middle of the lobby. There are a few seats for those who need them on the sides of the lobby.
The dinner includes a welcome drink and two drink tickets that are attached to your name tag. You can buy more drinks at restaurant Arvo and Cafe Kylteri throughout the evening.
Paid table reservations
For those who have purchased a table in advance, the buffet dinner is served in restaurant Arvo. The tables are numbered and named after the last name of the person who made the reservation. There is a table map at the entrance to Restaurant Arvo. Please note that the tables include max. 6 or 12 seats depending on your reservation; additional chairs are not possible. The reserved sparkling wines are ready on the tables.
After dinner, we can enjoy dancing, boosted by the Bolton Avenue Big Band. Possibility to buy more drinks, the bar is open all evening!
In the event, you can use the Liveto digital event application, where you can easily find the program, map, speakers, and information about parallel sessions on your mobile phone. The language of the app is English.
You don’t need to download the app; it works directly in your mobile phone browser: aalto.fi/liveto/hcd23. Also, you don't need login credentials; on the front page you can enter a username of your choice. After that, click ‘Sign in to the event’, and you will be taken to the Homecoming Day Liveto page.
After the keynote speech of the main seminar, we have reserved time for a few questions from the audience, which can be sent via the app. It is done by clicking on the speech bubble on the Liveto page and then writing a question in the field. The question goes directly to the moderator.
Homecoming Day is the biggest alumni event of the School of Business. The event offers inspiring discussions on current topics as well as a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends.
Introducing the 2023 Homecoming Day speakers of the main seminar!
See here who is coming to the Homecoming Day!
Photos and videos from 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2023 Homecoming Day events