Program 2025
The theme of the alumni day, on Friday, January 31st, 2025, is 'International Finland in 2030?' which is discussed among alumni, the academic community, and our School’s important stakeholders. After the formal program, we will move to the School of Business. A buffet dinner will be served, at the School of Business, and there will be time for networking among the alumni. The evening will conclude with entertainment by the Boston Promenade Big Band!
The keynote speech will be held by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, our alum Elina Valtonen on the topic ‘Europe in the new era of geopolitics’. The keynote speech will be followed by a discussion with panelists Aino Bergius, CEO of Slush, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Executive in Residence of Aalto University School of Business, Siamäk Naghian, Managing Director at Genelec, and Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae, the Board Chair (e.g. Finnair, Posti and BoConcept). The main seminar will be held in English. The discussion will be moderated by Hannu Seristö, Professor at Aalto University. Our host will be the Dean of the School of Business, Timo Korkeamäki.
All departments of the School of Business will be prominently featured in the event's diverse parallel program. You can find all parallel sessions listed in table format below. Registration for the parallel sessions takes place when purchasing the ticket.
Note! We reserve the right to program changes at the event.
Homecoming Day 2025 Program
Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1, M door
Location: U2, Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1
Welcome words (EN)
Timo Korkeamäki, Dean, Aalto University School of Business
Keynote (EN)
Elina Valtonen, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Main seminar discussion (EN)
Moderator: Hannu Seristö, Associate Vice President and Professor in International Business at Aalto University
Panelists: Aino Bergius, CEO of Slush, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Executive in Residence of Aalto University School of Business, Siamäk Naghian, Managing Director at Genelec and Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae, the Board Chair (e.g. Finnair, Posti, and BoConcept).
Location: Lobby area, Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1
Title | Description | Speakers | Department | Lecture Hall | EN/FI |
Accounting for a Sustainable World | An ever-growing demand for companies’ comparable and reliable sustainability information has been met by the EU: By 2029, nearly 50,000 companies will have to formally report on their sustainable actions under the CSRD. Ideally, their reports will support investors’, customers’ and other stakeholders’ informed, green decision-making. But sustainability reporting is just emerging, and best practices are yet to be established. How can accounting help in addressing the challenges of measuring the many ESG metrics that vary greatly by industry and company size? Let’s find out together! |
Bianca Beyer, Assistant Professor, Aalto University School of Business Matti Toivonen, Mikael Niskala, |
Department of Accounting & Business Law | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Aivot ja työvoima liikkeellä: Maahanmuuton taloudelliset ja yhteiskunnalliset ulottuvuudet | Mistä löytyvät Suomen tulevat osaajat? Ketkä tekevät innovaatiot ja kuka huolehtii vanhuksistamme? Onko kotoutumiskoulutus tehokas investointi vai rahan haaskausta? Näihin ja muihin maahanmuuton taloudellisiin ja yhteiskunnallisiin kysymyksiin pureutuvat taloustieteen laitoksen työelämäprofessori Antti Kauhanen sekä professorit Matti Sarvimäki ja Otto Toivanen. Tule kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan maahanmuuton vaikutuksista työmarkkinoihin ja talouden kehitykseen! |
Antti Kauhanen, työelämäprofessori, Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu Matti Sarvimäki, professori, Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu Otto Toivanen, professori, Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu |
Department of Economics | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | Fi |
Beyond Sustainability: Marketing and Societal Transformation towards 2030 | How should we rethink marketing's role in societal transformation? This session explores emerging perspectives that move beyond traditional sustainability thinking towards understanding resilience and systemic change. Drawing from current research at Aalto's marketing department, we'll examine how concepts of sustainability are evolving, what this means for Finnish society, and how marketing theory and practice need to adapt to address future challenges. |
Eric Arnould, Kushagra Bhatnagar Assistant Professor, Aalto University School of Business Henri Weijo, Professor, Aalto University School of Business |
Department of Marketing | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Global Supply Chains, Sustainability, and Finland 2030 | Building on the efforts of intergovernmental bodies, companies have made continuous efforts to achieve sustainability goals. However, given the pressing realities of sustainability challenges (e.g., climate change), these collective efforts have not been fully successful. This session aims to explore the reasons behind these challenges in the context of global supply chains, which plays a crucial role in business sustainability. We will also discuss what ‘true’ sustainability means in supply chain research and its potential impact on real businesses. Thereby, we suggest implications for the Finnish market toward 2030. |
Gautam Basu Professor of Practice, Aalto University School of Business Suvi Hirvonen-Ere, Katri Kauppi Associate Professor, Aalto University School of Business Seongtae Kim Assistant Professor, Aalto University School of Business |
Department of Information and Service Management | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Kenen käsissä yritystemme tulevaisuus on? | Onko omistajan kotimaalla väliä? Pitäisikö meidän olla huolissaan lupaavien yritysten valumisesta ulkomaille? Mikä merkitys kotimaisella omistajuudella on? Tässä sessiossa keskustellaan suomeksi kotimaisesta omistajuudesta, tytäryhtiötaloudesta ja Euroopan pääomamarkkinoista. |
Samuli Knüpfer, professori, Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu
Teemu Alahuhta, Partner, DevCo Partners
Department of Finance | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | FI |
Reimagining (strategic) management with large language models | Advances in generative artificial intelligence mean that increasingly sophisticated symbolic tasks to be instantly carried out by software. The ability of software to categorize information and engage in basic reasoning means that many managerial tasks, such as assigning, monitoring, and coordinating work, can be augmented or automated by software. At the same time, the “clock speed” of strategy processes can increase as companies are able to continuously monitor changes in customer needs and competition. Drawing on empirical research with Finnish enterprises and governmental institutions, this presentation critically examines the emergent paradigm of AI-powered "hyper-bureaucracy", exploring its transformative potential and inherent risks. |
Henri Schildt, Tuomas Syrjänen, chairperson of Futurice |
Department of Management Studies | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Shaping the Future: Promoting Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in Finnish Workplaces | In this session, speakers will reflect on challenges and opportunities related to diversity, equality, and inclusion in Finnish working life, drawing on recent research in management and organization studies. The session will present four distinct perspectives: the impact of parenthood on careers and work-life balance, post-human approaches to the organization of work, tensions between representation and recognition in diversity work, and how to support the inclusion of foreign workforce in Finnish workplaces. The aim is to foster discussion and reflection among attendees, showcase the department’s current DEI research, and collectively explore what working toward a diverse future might entail. |
Marjo-Riitta Diehl, Astrid Huopalainen, Saija Katila, Taija Turunen, Alice Wickström, |
Department of Management Studies | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Otsikko | Sisältö | Puhujat | Laitos | Tila | Kieli |
Fortress EU -Threats and opportunities? | The European Union has embarked on an unprecedented program of regulation ranging from sustainability reporting requirements to due diligence in supply chains, carbon border adjustment and regulating the digital economy. One consequence of this could be the creation of a regulatory wall separating firms operating in Europe from the rest of the global economy. Setting aside the costs of compliance, what are the opportunities for firms operating in Finland to develop sustainable and competitive business models? |
Sarianna Lundan, Professor of International Business, Aalto University School of Business Tomas Qvickström, Vice President Sustainability, Fortum Tiina Ritvala, Associate Professor,Aalto University School of Business |
Department of Management Studies | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Cyber resilience in a volatile world | We rely on the internet for conducting most of our business and personal transactions. This has opened the door for all kinds of cyber threats and risks. Citizens are worried about cyber criminals stealing and misusing their credit card info or identifying personal information, and companies are concerned with their business continuity, and nation states are worried about cyber espionage and the stability of the network infrastructure. In this session we look at how the internet can be made more resilient and thus a safer place for individuals and organizations. |
Hadi Ghanbari, Suvi Lampila, Niko Marjomaa, Matti Rossi Katja Toropainen |
Department of Information and Service Management | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Markkinointi ja AI: Tekoälyn rooli suomalaisessa markkinoinnissa 2030 | Tekoäly muuttaa markkinointia monella tasolla. Tässä sessiossa Aallon markkinoinnin laitoksen tutkijat ja kokeneet markkinoinnin ammattilaiset keskustelevat tekoälyn tuomista muutoksista ja mahdollisuuksista. Keskustelu pohjautuu sekä laitoksen tuoreeseen tutkimukseen että käytännön kokemuksiin tekoälyn hyödyntämisestä markkinoinnissa. Tervetuloa mukaan vaihtamaan ajatuksia tästä ajankohtaisesta aiheesta. |
Maria Ritola, Petri Lattu, Suvi Lindfors Antti Vassinen, Henri Weijo, professori, Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu |
Department of Marketing | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | FI |
Työelämän megatrendit – onko polarisoituva työelämä väistämätön trendi tulevaisuuden Suomessa? | Suomessa varallisuuserot ovat kasvaneet viimeisen 30 vuoden aikana keskimääräisiä OECD-maita nopeammin. Kuinka ilmiö näkyy työelämän ja johtamisen megatrendeissä 2030-lukua lähestyessä ja miten esimerkiksi yhteiskuntamme demografiset muutokset vaikuttavat johtamisen vaatimuksiin suomalaisissa yrityksissä. |
Sami Itani, työelämäprofessori, Aalto-yliopisto Riikka Pakarinen, toimitusjohtaja, Suomen Start-up yhteisö Mika Pantzar, professori, Helsingin yliopisto |
Department of Management Studie | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | FI |
Työvoimaperäinen maahanmuutto Suomen tulevaisuuden varmistajana – Välittävä rekrytointi ja kokonaisvaltainen kotoutusprosessi | Yli 1000 rekrytoinnin kokemuksella Mehiläisen tytäryhtiön toimitusjohtaja Jussi Lehmuskallio on nähnyt, että Suomi houkuttelee kansainvälisiä ammattilaisia. Suomeen halutaan, mutta haasteena on löytää juuri ne osaajat, joille maa on oikea valinta ja jotka sitoutuvat pitkäjänteisesti. HSS:n kehittämä Superkoulu vastaa tähän tarpeeseen suodattamalla sopivat tekijät 10 000 kuukausittaisen hakijan joukosta yhdistäen koulutuksen, kotoutumisen ja rekrytoinnin saumattomaksi prosessiksi. | Jussi Lehmuskallio, toimitusjohtaja, Healthcare Staffing Solutions Oy | Aalto University Executive Education | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | FI |
Value chain sustainability - where should we be by 2030? | This session will explore value chain sustainability from a Finnish perspective, emphasizing environmental responsibility, social equity, and economic resilience. As Finland aims to lead in sustainable practices, we will discuss strategies under the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and related regulations. Speakers Anna Hurmerinta-Haanpää (Aalto University) and Sinikka Ilveskoski (Wärtsilä Marine) will provide academic and practical insights into enhancing accountability and transparency in supply chains. The discussion will invite audience engagement to foster a collective commitment to sustainability. |
Anna Hurmerinta-Haanpää, Sinikka Ilveskoski, |
Department of Accounting & Business Law | Hall TBA, Otakaari 1 | EN |
Location: U2, Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1
School update (EN)
Timo Korkeamäki, Dean, Aalto University School of Business
Speech by the Alum of the Year (EN)
Distinguished Alum of the School of Business
Transition from the Undergraduate Centre to the School of Business (the route goes outside).
Location: School of Business, Ekonominaukio 1
Restaurant Arvo's standing buffet dinner will be served in the School's lobby in front of Cafe Kylteri. Special diets are served at their own table in the hallway in the middle of the lobby. There are few seats for those who need them on the sides of the lobby. The dinner includes a welcome drink and two drink tickets attached to your name tag. You can buy more drinks at Restaurant Arvo, Cafe Kylteri, and the bar at the first-floor throughout the evening.
Additional space upstairs
In addition to the lobby on the ground floor of the School of Business, there is also space in the lobby on the first floor.
Paid table reservations
For those who have purchased a table in advance, the buffet dinner is served at the restaurant Arvo. The tables are numbered and named after the last name of the person who made the reservation. There is a table map at the entrance of restaurant Arvo. Please note that the tables include a maximum of 6 or 12 seats depending on your reservation; additional chairs are not possible. The sparkling wines included in the table reservation are ready on the tables.
After the buffet dinner, we can continue enjoying the evening, boosted by the Boston Promenade Big Band. Possibility to buy more drinks, the bar is open all evening!
Homecoming Day 2025
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Homecoming Day
School of Business Alumni Relations
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