
Aalto University Records Management Services

Records Management Services is responsible for a wide range of services related to the university's information and cultural heritage, as well as the operations of Registry and Archives Services. Our goal is to promote digitalisation of university's knowledge and to ensure the usability and accessibility of the information preserved for long-term or permanently.

Records Management Services

Taideteollinen korkeakoulu kirjasto Ateneum
Library of the University of Art and Design, Ateneum. Image: Aalto University Archives, University of Art and Design.

Records Management

  • Identification and management of the university's long-term and permanently preserved information
  • Maintenance of the records management plan (TOS)
  • Implementation of the records management plan and process planning in cooperation with the university's services
  • Training and guidance related to records management 
  • Registry Services, case management and maintenance of decision and contract information
  • Information service and requests for information according to the Act on the Openness of Government Activities
Teknillisen korkeakoulun laboratorio
An experiment is being conducted in the laboratory of the University of Technology. Image: Aalto University Archives, University of Technology

Management of the digital lifecycle of information and development of the system infrastructure

  • Planning the process digitisations and interface solution designs for the case management system SAHA and Aalto Repository (eg. Decisions Form, CRM-SAHA, APL-SAHA, 
  • Planning and developing reception channels for digital assets 
  • Development of the system infrastructure related to the management, storage and sharing of information (eg. SAHA and Valmu, Aalto Sign, Aalto Repository, Aalto Archives Finna) 
  • Digital archiving and long-term preservation (Aalto Repository ja CSC-PAS) 
Re-imagining the past -näyttely
Re-imagining the Past exhibition in the spring 2020. Image: Aalto University Archives

Preservation and maintenance of the university's scientific, artistic and administrative cultural heritage

  • Collection management work: description and cataloging of collections, digitisation, sharing and making digital collections available
  • Collection ownership and access rights
  • Screening, organizing and protecting collections
  • Aalto Archives Finna service maintenance
  • Research and information services 
  • Training, visits, exhibitions and study program cooperation
Records management digital services
Digital services by Aalto University Records Management Services

Get to know the services

Aalto University Archives image collections contain negatives

Aalto University Archives

Aalto University Archives is an archive service open to all researchers. The mission of the Archives is to preserve and maintain the university's scientific, artistic and administrative cultural heritage and to promote research based on it.

Otaniemi campus aerial image


The Registry services are responsible for registering university's official documents to the Records Management System SAHA and information services related to official documents.



Aalto Sign main image

Aalto Sign - Electronic Signing Service

Aalto University uses an electronic signing service Aalto Sign. All university employees can send documents for signing through the service, and all Aalto employees as well as anyone outside Aalto University can sign documents sent from the service. The service is provided by Sarake Oy.



Otaniemi kampus ilmakuva

Records Management Plan TOS

Aalto University Records Management Plan (tiedonohjaussuunnitelma) TOS is a set of guidelines for registration, processing, and retention of Aalto University's documents and comparable information. The Records Management Plan TOS contains detailed information on handling, registration, publicity, retention periods and personal data nature of University's documents and data.


Aalto University Registry

Email: [email protected]
Tel. +358 50 406 1141

Aalto University Archives

Email: [email protected]
Tel. +358 50 596 9639

Street address: Otakaari 1B, Espoo
Postal address: P.O. Box 11000, 00076 AALTO

This service is provided by:

Records Management Services

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