Abacus – role membership requests and management
End user – how to request role membership
1. Log in to Aalto Identity Managment (IdM) portal at https://idm.aalto.fi/.
Login using your Aalto credentials. Signing in requires Multifactor Authentication (MFA). Please see the Multifactor Authentication instructions for more details.
2. Select "Start a new request".
3. Select category "Aalto Abacus".
4. Select "Add to cart" in the row of the role whose membership you need.
You'll see a blue √ mark for the row of a role, if you already have a role membership.
5. Enter the reason for requesting the role membership in the "Reason" field (required).
If you only need a role membership for a certain period of time, you can set the period by adding dates to "Valid from" and "Valid Until".
6. Select "Save" to save the data.
7. Select "Submit" to request a role membership.
The approval process consists of two steps:
- Your supervisor accepts the order. If you don't have a supervisor, approval moves directly to step 2.
- The financial managers approve the order.
Once both steps are approved, you'll be granted membership in the role and notified via email.
If the applied membership is denied, you will also receive a notification email about it.
Please note that the approval process can take time, as both steps require a decision by a natural person.
End user – how to remove role membership
1. Log in to Aalto Identity Managment (IdM) portal at https://idm.aalto.fi/.
Login using your Aalto credentials. Signing in requires Multifactor Authentication (MFA). Please see the Multifactor Authentication instructions for more details.
2. Select “Request” --> “My Requests”.
3. Select “Edit Requests”.
4. Check the box in front of the membership you want to remove yourself from. Select "Unsubscribe".
Manager – how to order role membership on behalf of an employee
1. Log in to Aalto Identity Managment (IdM) portal at https://idm.aalto.fi/
Login using your Aalto credentials. Signing in requires Multifactor Authentication (MFA). Please see the Multifactor Authentication instructions for more details.
2. Select "Start a new request".
3. By default, access rights are requested for yourself. To request role membership for your employee, you need to change the person for whom the role membership is requested. To do this, click "Change" under "Recipients".
4. You will receive a list of people for whom you can request a membership of the role. Select the person(s) by clicking the person's row.
A blue √ mark will indicate the selected persons. You can also see a summary of people on a grey background, under "Selected".
After selection, click "Close".
5. Select the category "Aalto Abacus".
6. Select "Add to cart" for the role that your subordinate needs to be a member of. You'll see a blue √ icon if they already have a role membership.
7. Make sure you are requesting a membership to the right person by checking "Recipient".
Enter a reason for requesting a role membership in the "Reason" field (required information).
If your subordinate only needs membership for a certain period of time, you can set “Valid from” and “Valid until” dates.
8. Select "Save" to save the data.
9. Select "Submit" to request a role for your subordinate.
The approval process consists of two steps:
- Supervisor approval. Since you are placing the request for your subordinate, this step is automatically approved.
- The financial managers approve the order.
Once step 2 is approved, your subordinate will be granted membership in the role and you will receive an email notification.
If the applied membership is denied, you will receive an email about the decision. Please note that the approval process can take time, as both steps require a decision by a natural person.
Manager – how to remove role membership from an employee
1. Log in to Aalto Identity Managment (IdM) portal at https://idm.aalto.fi/
Login using your Aalto credentials. Signing in requires Multifactor Authentication (MFA). Please see the Multifactor Authentication instructions for more details.
2. Select “Request” --> “My Requests”.
3. Select “Edit Requests”.
4. Select "Change" to get a list of employees who are your subordinates and people whose membership you can manage in a new window.
5. Click the person's row to select the person. In the "Request for" field, check that the correct person was selected.
6. Select the check box in front of your subordinate and select "Unsubscribe" to remove the membership.
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