
Course feedback as a course element 

Course feedback is a unique part of the feedback portfolio at Aalto university and it reaches students in all phases of their studies and is collected systematically throuhgout Aalto. Hearing the voice of students is vital for the development of teaching and education as well as for quality assurance and for improving study-related services. Feedback is used on multiple levels in many ways and its utilisation is a special focus area at Aalto.
Aalto University students doing group work, sitting at a table with their laptops and notebooks / photo by Aalto University, Aino Huovio

Course feedback as a course element 

Student feedback is an important part of an inclusive teaching and learning culture at Aalto University, and it is supported by the following principles: feedback is interactive, impactfull and streamlined. With these principles Aalto hopes to support the development of an open feedback culture. It means that feedback is constructively and easily given and actively discussed and utilised to promote interaction and development of teaching and learning. 

course feedback as a course element
Course feedback as a course element

Collecting feedback can be seen as a course element that is planned in a similar manner as e.g. assessment on a course. The planning can focus around three phases: what happens before the course, during the course and at the end of the course. More detailed information on the automated timing of the course feedback system can be found here.

Course feedback in MyCourses screen capture
Course feedback tool now in MyCourses

Check out course feedback in MyCourses. You can add questions to the end-of-course surveys up to a month before the course start in the course feedback tool in MyCourses. You can also plan and time mid-course surveys for your course.

Course feedback in Aalto University

Course feedback is a unique part of the feedback portfolio in Aalto University and it reaches students in all phases of their studies and is collected systematically throughout Aalto. Hearing the voice of students is vital for the development of teaching and education as well as for quality assurance and for improving study-related services. The course feedback tool can be found in MyCourses. Feedback is used on multiple levels in many ways and its utilisation is a special focus area at Aalto.

student, learning center, library

Course feedback questions

Here you'll find information about the content of course feedback surveys: common Aalto questions and school-specific questions as well as information and tips regarding course-specific questions.

This service is provided by:

Learning Services

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