
Image and media components for

There are several ways to display images and media at Learn more about the media slider, gallery and video component, as well as images.

Using images

Images are used to visualise text and draw the reader in. There are two image components: Single image and Image with text component

Example of single image sizes
Article pages have three image sizes: Medium, Large and Extra Large

Single image

A Single image component can be used to add an image between text paragraphs. This component does not include any text, only the image and a caption (if needed).

On article pages, images have three size options: Medium, Large and Extra Large. The image on the right demonstrates the differences between the sizes. 

Below is an example of a single image with caption.

Aalto-yliopisto Väre Grönlund Nisunen INSIGHT Kuva: Mikko Raskinen
Single image caption

Image with text component engages your reader

Learn about media placements and default and adaptive settings.

How it works
Three students sitting next to a wooden table, and studying. Two of them have laptops in front of them. Photo: Unto Rautio

Using video

The video clip component integrates a video from an external or internal source into the article. Watch an example video from Aalto University's Youtube channel below.

Accessibility requirements

All videos downloaded or embedded to the website need to meet EU's accessibility requirements. Videos uploaded or embedded to the site after 23 September 2020 need to be captioned.

Captions for Panopto videos

More instructions about images and other components

Adding images, ALT text, changing cropping and focal points

Learn how to upload images and add alternative text (alt text) for accessibility. Changing the focal point of an image will affect how the image is cropped on different screens.

Väre building in the campus. Inside shot of natural light filled dark wood staircase criss-crossing in white surroundings. Light through skylights. Photo by Aalto University / Tuomas Uusheimo

Advanced tips on using images

Using images is a big part of content creating at In this blog post, we’ll go more into depth regarding what kind of images to use for your content, how to modify the images so that they look good on any device and what to avoid when choosing an image for your page.

People sitting in round holes in walls. Photo by Unto Rautio / Aalto University.

Image aspect ratio at

The new communications platform images feature different aspect ratios that allow the design to scale from small to big screens. Let’s learn how to control the image cropping and make sure that the images look good at any level of the platform.

Aspect Ratio Graphic with Aspect Ratio reading within a circle. The rectangle graph is in varying shades of red.

Components: how to create content for

Get to know the components for creating versatility and visuality when delivering your content.

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