
Publication types in ACRIS

This page contains information on Ministry of Education and Culture publication types and their equivalents in ACRIS.

Ministry of Education and Culture publication types are used in the data collection by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Based on the purpose of the publications, they may be coarsely divided into six groups determined by the primary target group of the publication channel.

  1. Publication types A, B and C are publications intended to promote science and to produce new information mainly to be used by the researcher's own scientific community. They fulfil the definition of a scientific publication.
  2. Publication type D includes publications intended to disseminate research-based information for the use of a professional community. They fulfil the definition of a professional publication.
  3. Publication type Eincludes publications disseminating scientific and professional information in the surrounding society (popular).
  4. Publication type F includes the public outputs of artistic activities.
  5. Publication type G includes theses. Please note: Master's theses will not be added to ACRIS, they are preserved in Aaltodoc.
  6. Publication types H and I are other publications resulting from the research activities, the format of which differs from that of the previous categories.

Further information:

Publication data collection instructions for researchers

MinEdu Publication types 2020 (only in Finnish)

MinEdu publication type equivalents in ACRIS

ACRIS publication types are based on the international publication classification. Below you will find instructions on how to find different Ministry of Education and Culture (MinEdu) publication types in ACRIS.

Back to ACRIS instructions starting page, please follow the link below:

ACRIS Instructions

Aalto Current Research Information System (ACRIS) is Aalto University’s research information management system. The system contains up-to-date information about the research and artistic activities of the university. These activities are shown through the public portal

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