
Aalto JobTeaser- Recruit a student

We help employers reach Aalto University students by publishing job and internship adverts as well as thesis and project assignments in Aalto JobTeaser.
Aalto-yliopisto/Aino Huovio

Aalto University students excel in their fields of study – economics, arts, design and technology. Employers can advertise career opportunities (jobs, internships, thesis assignments) suitable for Aalto students in Aalto JobTeaser for free. 

Submit a job advert! 

Aalto JobTeaserUse Aalto JobTeaser if you wish to exclusively target your ad to Aalto University students. 

Aarresaari JobTeaser

Use the Aarressaari JobTeaser to reach students from all Finnish universities with one ad.

Please utilize only one recruitment channel and read our terms of publishing before entering the platform.

We aim to support the employment of Aalto students in careers that align with their education, matching their university degree level and study field content. Therefore, our job portal focuses on publishing adverts suitable for university students in economics, arts, design and technology. Our students will use other job brokerage systems to explore other work opportunities, such as part-time work outside their field of study. 

Aalto JobTeaser Terms of Publishing

Aalto JobTeaser in figures

Statistics from 2023

9 300
6 600
Job ads
110 000
Visits in the ads
10 600

Useful information and our tips for creating a good ad

Aalto JobTeaser features over 6 000 job ads targeted to Aalto University students each year. We recommend you to pay attention to the differentiation and informativity already when creating the ad. By ensuring that your ad is clear and thoughtfully crafted, you enhance the likelihood of students easily finding your ad, thereby increasing your visibility on the platform.

Detailed instructions for using Aalto JobTeaser

The service and its data are stored on a virtual server in a cloud environment of the service provider. Read more: JobTeaser's Privacy Policy and Terms of use.

Contact information

Please send your questions to:

Career Design Lab

Commission a Master's thesis

A Master's thesis is an effective way for a company to use academic research to develop its business.

Read more
Opiskelija työskentelemässä tietokoneen ääressä
Palkkaa harjoittelija

Why hire a trainee from Aalto University? 

Internships are an efficient channel of recruitment through which the employer receives valuable work contribution and information on the content and quality on the education at Aalto University. By hiring an intern, your organisation will gain the latest views and fresh ideas, and you will also build your positive image as a potential future employer. 

For students internships are a learning opportunity, as it enables them to get to know various tasks in their field under expert guidance, which clarifies the career planning process for each student. The internship tasks should be such that the student can utilise their knowledge and skills gained through their studies, as well as develop their competence. The average length of an internship is 3–4 months. 

Rekrytoi kansainvälistä osaamista

International talents

There are many international students at Aalto University who are looking for job and internship positions in Finland. Hiring a foreign student not only brings skills and competence but also cultural knowledge of their home country to your work community. The international Master’s students in particular have often already acquired a few years of work experience from the field of their Bachelor's degree.

Please write the job advert in English when international students can also apply for the position. You can add the "No Finnish Needed" tag to the advert to help students find it.

Aalto International Talent Programme is a great channel to get to know our international talents.

Read more about our services for employers:


Career Design for Collaborators

Creative forms of collaboration for sustainable careers

Career Design Lab
Four people sitting on a bench outside a Building with large glass windows and a School of Business logo. People are laughing.

Services for employers at the School of Business

Through us you'll reach business students in various ways. We, for example, publish employers' job adverts, mediate recruitment messages and organize career events & fairs.

School of Business
Aalto University privacy notice for partnership services
This service is provided by:

Advancement and Corporate Engagement

Did you find what you were looking for? If not, please contact us.
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