The LED technology is generally regarded as the most energy-efficient lighting solution. Key advantages of LEDs over fluorescent tubes are their much lower power consumption, their higher luminous efficiency, their long service life and, therefore, ease of maintenance. In addition, LEDs produce less waste heat, which in turn saves cooling energy. LED investments are usually very profitable, as LEDs quickly repay themselves.
Aalto University Campus & Real Estate carried out its first large-scale LED investment in Autumn 2013 in Maarintalo (Sähkömiehentie 3), in which all lights were replaced by LEDs.
On the basis of the positive experience obtained from the project, LED investments have since been made in several buildings. Lights in the E-wing of Arkadiankatu 24 in Töölö were replaced in autumn 2014, while lights of the Maarintie 8 building in Otaniemi were replaced in 2015. During the renovation of Otakaari 1, some lights were replaced by LEDs.
In addition, some lights have been replaced in Tietotie 1 E, Chydenia and Lämpömiehenkuja 2, and external lights have been replaced, for example, in Sähkömiehentie 4, Puumiehenkuja 2, Otakaari 4 and Kemistintie 1. Later, LED investments will be made at least in Tekniikantie 3 and Konemiehentie 1 and 2. Whenever lights need to be replaced in a building, they will be replaced by LEDs in accordance with the recommendations of the energy efficiency team.
Sustainable campus
The key environmental impacts of the campus are related to energy consumption and transport. A sustainable and carbon neutral campus is at the core of the campus strategy.