University Pathway Finland

Pathway programme equipped Khanh Thieu for Finnish University studies

Khanh Thieu Nam from Vietnam started the University Pathway Finland programme during his last year of high school and started his studies at Aalto University in autumn 2023.
Khanh Thieu Nam standing in next to a shelf
Photo: Kalle Kataila / Aalto University

Why did you decide to apply to the University Pathway Finland programme?

I really wanted to study abroad and get into a new environment. I was looking for options and when I saw that Finland offers a high level of education, it felt like the perfect destination for me. 

After I had decided that Finland was my destination, I searched all the possible options on how to get into a university in Finland. I found out that the Pathway universities were very prominent and had high rankings as well, so I investigated how to get into these universities. Admissions were based on the SAT score, but at the time it was very close to the application period, so I considered other options as well, and found the University Pathway Finland programme. 

How was your experience with the University Pathway Finland programme?

It was helpful, but also sort of fun! I felt that the programme wasn’t as hard as I had expected, but math problems were demanding. Not impossible, but they could be surprising, and I had to spend quite an amount of time on them. However, at the same time I was still doing fine and having good grades in high school, so time management was the key.   

Did the University Pathway Finland programme prepare you for your studies in Finland?

Definitely! It prepared me for communication in an international environment because it was one of the first times that I had to use English in studies. I had to speak English and write in English, which was a bit hard at first, but I got used to it. The programme certainly helped me to prepare for that.

I also got familiar with different studying routines and prepared for the Finnish way of studying and teaching. 

What are your plans for the future?

I’m planning to complete my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. At the same time, I’m preparing for my future career by polishing my extra skills. I have been considering exchange studies abroad as well.

Do you have any tips or advice for students who consider applying to Pathway?

First, you have to prepare yourself to get through the entrance exam. I think the instructions on the website already give you everything you need to prepare for the exam and it’s probably not as hard as you might think. Just go through all the information and materials that the website gives you and you should be good to go!

During the Pathway studies you should start working on time management, because at times we had exam period at the same time when I had my exam period at school in Vietnam. They might overlap and it can get stressful sometimes, but I figured a way to do them eventually. 

University Pathway Finland

The University Pathway Finland gives international students an excellent opportunity to prepare for degree studies in Finland while studying from home.

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