Raspberry Pi Medialooper Guide
Studios Takeout offers Raspberry Pi devices to loop video and audio files, for example at exhibitions. All software is preinstalled, so the setup is simple - just follow this quick guide.
How to use the Medialoopers
- All videos have to be encoded with the H.264 video codec
- Max. resolution: 1080p
- The following video file formats are supported:
- .mp4 (recommended)
- .avi
- .mov
- .m4v
- The following audio file formats are supported:
- .mp3
- .wav
File formats can be mixed among each other. You can use .mp4 and .mov in the same loop - you can even mix audio and video in the same loop (note that .mp3 and .wav files will not produce any visual output on a screen).
- All necessary software is preinstalled, you do not need to do any modifications on the Raspberry Pi itself
- DO NOT remove the SD-card from the Raspberry Pi!
- A USB-stick is included in the Media Looper Sets from Väre Takeout - please only use this USB-stick for your media files, since it provides some security features (see: "Turning the Device Off")
- Use a computer to upload your media files on the USB-stick
- Save the files on an empty USB-stick, do not put them in any folders
- Do not save any other files or folders on the USB-stick, except the files you want to play on the looper
- The files will be played in alphabetical order
- If you aim for a specific pattern, you can rename the files starting with "1_", "2_", ...
- Example: "1_Väre_Lobby.mp4", "2_Kipsari.mp4", ...
Steps should be carried out in the following order:
- Connect an AUX-cable from the Raspberry Pi to a speaker
- Plug your prepared USB-stick in the Raspberry Pi
- Connect the power cable - the Raspberry Pi and all necessary software will start automatically (this takes about 30 seconds)
- Done! The audio loop starts
Note: We recommend to use the Raspberry Pi 3 Models for audio looping, since the sound quality is the best
Steps should be carried out in the following order:
- Connect a HDMI-cable from the Raspberry Pi to a screen
- If your videos have sound, connect an AUX-cable from the Raspberry Pi to a speaker (not necessary if screen has speakers)
- Plug your prepared USB-stick in the Raspberry Pi
- Connect the power cable - the Raspberry Pi and all necessary software will start automatically (this takes about 30 seconds)
- Done! The video loop starts
- The device turns off automatically if you remove the USB-stick
- This works only with the USB-sticks that come with the Raspberry Pi sets from the Takeout!
- Please do not use any other USB-sticks than the ones that come in the set
- DO NOT remove the power cable while the Raspberry Pi is running!
- This might destroy the Raspberry Pi and/or the USB-stick
- Always remove the USB-stick for a safe shutdown
- Reconnect the power cable if you want to start the Raspberry Pi again after turning it off
Studios Takeout
Studios Takeout is an equipment lending service with diverse AV and IT equipment. Studies and research have the highest priority in our operation, but everyone in Aalto community is welcome to use our services.