Arts infra Workshops

Studios Takeout

Studios Takeout is an equipment lending service with diverse AV and IT equipment. Studies and research have the highest priority in our operation, but everyone in Aalto community is welcome to use our services.

You can find most of our equipment from the Aalto Takeout site at, where you can search for and reserve the equipment after signing in with your Aalto account and creating your projects. Remember that some projects may have higher priority than others. Some items may have reservations according to user groups and/or require a permit before lending.

The timeframe for reservations is limited in the system. If you need to make reservations further ahead or make any bigger reservations (like course reservations, and reservations for exhibitions and other bigger projects) please send an email to [email protected] and we will make the reservations for you or contact you for more information.

For more information, please log in.

Aalto Takeout

Create a project, find interesting resources, then reserve them by selecting dates from their calendars.

To reservation system

Takeout support for exhibitions

Studios Takeout offers support for exhibitions at Aalto. This includes lending equipment and helping to choose suitable ones but also by offering some help in exhibition building.

Takeout support for exhibition
installation in exhibition

More info on separate pages:

installation in exhibition

Takeout support for exhibitions

Studios Takeout offers support for exhibitions at Aalto. This includes lending equipment and helping to choose suitable ones but also by offering some help in exhibition building.

Arts infra Workshops
Pile of laptops

Takeout Computers

There are some computers to lend out for course and project needs.

Arts infra Workshops
Raspberry Pi Media Looper Sets

Raspberry Pi Medialooper Guide

Studios Takeout offers Raspberry Pi devices to loop video and audio files, for example at exhibitions.

Arts infra Workshops
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