Career Design Lab

Jobs, Events and Career fairs

Aalto JobTeaser is the platform for all Career Design Lab services. Come find more than 10 000 jobs that are targeted for Aalto University students yearly as well as all our events, fairs, Career Coaching appointments, Job Search Guide and links to international job portals.
Jobs, events and career fairs
  1. Ready to go after your dream job?
    Check out the latest job ads and find links to international job portals from JobTeaser.

  2. Feeling stuck while searching for a job?
    Read our Job Search Guide for tips on how to succeed in building your CV, writing a cover letter or excelling in an interview.

  3. Interested in our career fairs?
    Aalto Talent Expo and Summer Job Day are our yearly career fairs. You will be able to sign up for CV-clinics, speed mentoring sessions and portfolio checks through JobTeaser as the event approaches!

  4. Looking for career related events?
    Make sure to check out our event listing so you don't miss your chance to meet with interesting companies during their campus visits or excursions.

  5. Feel like you need personal guidance?
    Book a career coaching or job search advising session with our coaches to talk to someone one-on-one and get advice on your job search process. We can help you explore different career options, identify your skills and clarify your aspirations.
Aalto JobTeaser logo

Sign up to Aalto JobTeaser

Find job ads, events and guides to support your Career Design Journey by signing up to JobTeaser with your -email address.

Sign up to JobTeaser

Check out our career fairs and events

Red background with text Summer Job Day

Summer Job Day -event

In this event arts, design, tech and business students meet employers offering summer jobs.

Text Talent Expo - Aalto University's largest recruitment event in black backround

Talent Expo

Aalto University’s contact and recruitment event brings together students and employers of arts, business, design and technology.

Crowd of people at a career fair

Aalto Thesis Day 2024- networking event for international Master's students

Join the free networking event and meet companies looking for master thesis collaboration with Aalto University's international students!

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