Collaborative and Industrial Design

Collaborative and Industrial Design


People at Collaborative and Industrial Design

Professors and Lecturers

Teaching staff primarily contributing to CoID major

Severi Uusitalo

Associate professor, Industrial Design

Potrait of Associate professor Severi Uusitalo

Tuuli Mattelmäki

Associate Professor in design, service design

Potrait of professor Tuuli Mattelmäki

Andrés Lucero

Associate Professor

Potrait of Associate professor Andrés Lucero

Sampsa Hyysalo

Professor, Co-Design

Potrait of Professor Sampsa Hyysalo

Heidi Paavilainen

Senior university lecturer

Guy Julier

Professor, Social Design

Potrait of smiling professor Guy Julier

Teppo Vienamo

University Lecturer, Industrial Design, Prototyping

University lecturer Teppo Vienamo

Antti Salovaara

Senior University Lecturer, Interaction Design, Human-Computer-Interaction

Potrait of univerisity lecturer Antti Salovaara

Virpi Roto

Senior University Lecturer, User Experience

Potrait of Virpi Roto

Martina Čaić

Assistant Professor, Service Design

Potrait of assistant professor Martina Čaić

Students and alumni

Students and alumni stories

Internship in Japan: Working as an Industrial Designer at Mitsubishi Electric

Janne Pärssinen, a master student in Industrial Design, is delighted he had influence on the projects as an intern.

Janne Pärssinen seisoo Mitsubishi Electronicin rakennuksen edessä Japanissa.

International student's journey of securing jobs in Finland

International Master's student Yijuan Wei shares her story of landing exciting jobs in Finland. With the help of Career Services and persistence in job seeking, she secured an internship in marketing and a summer job in service design.

The picture shows Master's student Yijuan Wei outdoors in the Finnish nature in Otaniemi in the autumn.
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