
Aalto University to resign from flexible study right (JOO) agreement as of 1 January 2026

By decision of the president of the university, the Aalto University Foundation will resign from the inter-university agreement on flexible study rights (JOO agreement), which entered into force on 1 August 2004. Aalto’s resignation will be effective from 1 January 2026, which means that no new approvals or recommendations for JOO studies will be given after 31 July 2025. The JOO rights to study granted prior to this date will remain valid as granted.
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The reason for Aalto’s resignation is the change in the operating environment: on the one hand, the JOOPAS service established to support the JOO agreement has been discontinued, and on the other, also other universities are resigning from the JOO agreement. In the future, the aim is to support student mobility within Finland with the Cross-Institutional Study Information Service (RIPA). The cross-institutional RIPA cooperation will be implemented through a framework agreement and related network agreements, which do not directly replace the JOO agreement but are based on certain agreed-upon target groups and course offerings.

Cross-institutional studies refer to cases where a student of one Finnish higher education institution may complete studies at another Finnish higher education institution, because the institutions have agreed on collaboration concerning certain studies and student groups. Aalto University has signed several agreements on cross-institutional studies, and as a rule, students apply for such studies following network-specific procedures. Since the autumn term of 2023, a service facilitating cross-institutional mobility has been available in Sisu in three networks for cross-institutional studies between the University of Helsinki and Aalto University, and the goal is to gradually expand the service to other networks in order to make the cross-institutional study offerings and the related functionalities more readily available and accessible to students in Sisu. Students may enquire about their opportunities for cross-institutional studies from the Learning Services of their programme.

More information:

The Cross-Institutional Study Information Service RIPA for Aalto University students: Cross-institutional studies RIPA|Aalto University

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