
From nanopaper to pancakes, student-built devices at Mechatronic Circus put on a variety show

Mechatronics course culminates in an event featuring student projects and circus antics.
mekatroniikan sirkus 2019 robottikäsi asmo kaasinen ja olli malmi
Asmo Kaasinen and Olli Malmi built a robotic hand that follows the user's motions.

The Puumiehenkuja block was filled with robots, industrial internet devices, strange contraptions for everyday tasks and a circus atmosphere on Thursday 4 April as students showed off the projects they had worked on in a mechatronics course during the spring. The joy of experimentation was the driving force in these machines built by bachelor's and master's degree students, but their results may also be put to use in research. The show included innovations in paper machine technology, smart traffic, crane technology and more.

See the full list of devices here.

Photos: Annamari Tolonen / Aalto University

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