
Living+ hosted a networking lunch to discuss research in human-centered living environments

On April 23, the Living+ Platform hosted a networking lunch for 50 researchers across Aalto University. The discussion centered on human-centered living environments and common research interests of the participants.
Living+ Networking Lunch, Dipoli

The Manager of the Living+ Platform, Aija Staffans, opened the event by introducing the main objectives and purpose of the platform. During the lunch that followed, three guiding questions encouraged the participants to approach the theme of human-centered living environments from several perspectives.

Wrapping up the discussions revealed that human-centered living environments are considered to be a highly interesting and acute research area in several schools at Aalto. Inviting researchers to similar events was considered to remain important also in the future.

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What will the station areas of tomorrow be like? What urban planning opportunities do transit hubs have to offer? Hear expert discuss these issues during a morning coffee in the Väre lobby. The event is in Finnish!

Kaupunkiakatemia Urban Academy: Kaupunkiseudut muutoksessa -aamukahvit 17.5.2019

Key Research Area: Human-centred living environments

Research in this area aims to understand how individuals experience their physical environment and how art, spaces, buildings and communities can enhance it.

Kokoon modular living system is made of wood. Photo: Tuomas Uusheimo
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