
Members of Aalto community celebrated again for their great work

The awarded projects emphasize impactful research and collaboration, Aalto's distinctive culture of creativity as well as community spirit
A group of awarded Aalto people posing in Day One event in Marsio
Doctoral Researchers Association Aallonhuiput was awarded for community building and active cooperation with the university. Photo: Mikko Raskinen, Aalto University

Aalto University's recognition awards for 2024 were announced at the opening ceremony of the academic year on 3 September. The awards are granted annually to community members for their outstanding work for the success of the university, and decisions on the winners are made based on community proposals. 

At the event, President Ilkka Niemelä also appointed Professor Tapani Vuorinen Aalto Distinguished Professor. Professor Vuorinen’s research in cellulose chemistry has led to significant advances in addressing industrial challenges, including a groundbreaking invention for the optimisation of cellulose bleaching process. His work has also resulted in several practical advances adopted globally in the pulp and paper industry.

Aalto Research Impact: Four new flagships

Last autumn, the Research Council of Finland selected four new centres of excellence for the Finnish Flagship Programme, and Aalto University is involved in all of them. The flagships in quantum technology, digital water expertise, education, and mathematical imaging and modelling involve extensive national research collaboration that will have a significant impact on Finland's future.

Aalto Education Impact: Attractiveness leap of Chemical Engineering

The School of Chemical Engineering has made a step-change in the field’s attractiveness, driven by portfolio renewal, effective student marketing, improved student experience, and a positive learning culture. The results are visible: the field of Chemical Engineering is increasingly attractive, which is evidenced by an increase in the number of applicants and intake.

Aalto Act of the Year: Radical Creatives film

Radically new thinking and solutions call for a strong collaboration and a creative community. Radical Creatives documentary film is a distinctive approach to Aalto University’s creativity and impact. The film has been screened over 120 times and it has raised wide interest and discussion both in Finland as well as abroad.

Aalto Community Award: Doctoral Researchers Association Aallonhuiput

Activities and events organised by Aallonhuiput, Aalto University Doctoral Researchers Association, bring doctoral students together and build community. Also, the association is extremely active in working with the university to improve processes, communication, and the inclusion and well-being of doctoral students – all in all, impressive work.

Aalto Success Enabler: House of AI

House of AI brings together researchers and companies to develop new applications and possibilities for artificial intelligence. Research knowledge is exploited in novel applications using rapid piloting methods. Established with the help of a donation by the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation, the House of AI works seamlessly with the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI), providing a single touchpoint for the important field of artificial intelligence.

Warm congratulations to all!

Photo Mikko Raskinen, Aalto University 

Get to know the awarded projects

Iines Jakovlev: Hidden Lake Photo: Anne Kinnunen

New flagship brings together excellence in quantum technology

Aalto University is also involved in three other new flagships of the Research Council of Finland – the flagships of digital water expertise, education, and mathematical imaging and modelling

Radical Creatives herokuva

The home page of the Radical Creatives film (external link)

Director Emilia Hernesniemi's document explores the connection between self-confidence and creativity. Discover the cast and creators, or organise a film screening for your team.

Opiskelijoita kävelemässä alas portaita Kandidaattikeskuksessa

House of AI

The new centre brings together top researchers and companies to develop new applications and possibilities for artificial intelligence

Aalto CHEM HealthTech litography projection.

School of Chemical Engineering

We combine natural sciences and engineering in a unique way.

Highlights from the event

Students visiting employment fair

President Ilkka Niemelä to employers: ’Let’s connect each student with Finnish working life’

Aalto University wants to work with employers to integrate the international talent that Finland clearly needs.

A procession of people dressed in dark clothing

Aalto University's celebrates the start of 15th academic year

The new academic year at Aalto University began on September 3rd. The opening speeches emphasized connections to Finnish working life and a sense of community.

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