
Term Bank work expected of doctoral students in pre-examination phase

Aalto University is creating mechanisms to add new terminology from doctoral theses to the Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences (HTB). In the autumn 2024 doctoral students who are in the pre-examination phase are expected to add their key terminology to the Term Bank.

Term Bank workshop for doctoral students is arranged on 3 October 2024.
The logo of the Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences

Part of doctoral thesis work is to define the central terminology of the research. Working with the Term Bank firstly entails confirming that the central terms of the doctoral research are up to date in the Term Bank. Secondly, the doctoral student must update and supplement the information available, if necessary, and add their thesis as reference for the terms in question.

Adding the doctoral thesis as a reference gives visibility for the dissemination of the results, as the Term Bank has more than 6 million users. Working on the terminology of the doctoral thesis in the national languages is a way for international doctoral students to showcase their professional capacity in national languages, which can be an additional boost for searching for employment after graduation. 

The preparations for the terminology work arise from the request by Finland’s Deputy Chancellor of Justice to Aalto University to make an effort with national language skills. The Term Bank aims to facilitate finding current scientific terms in national languages to use in scientific research. It supports transparency, multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, makes multilingualism easier by offering terms in various languages and develops the Finnish language as a language of science. 

Doctoral students whose pre-examination is about to start should reserve the 3 October 2024, 10:00-12:00 to find out what help is offered for the terminology work and what is required from the definitions of the key words before they can be added to the Term Bank.

The logo of the Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences

The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences (external link)

The Term Bank is a multidisciplinary project which aims to gather a permanent terminological database for all fields of research in Finland.

The logo of the Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences

Term Bank workshop for doctoral students in pre-examination phase

Find out what help is offered for the compulsory terminology work and what is required from the definitions of the key words before they can be added to the Term Bank.

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