Open science and research

Services and resources supporting open access

Aalto University open publication archive consists of ACRIS Research Information System and Aaltodoc publications archive. The open publication archive offers a free platform to self-archive and publish as green open access the publications of the university.

Moreover, Aalto University offers other resources to support open access.

ACRIS Research Information System contains information about research and artistic activities and publications of the university. The full texts added to ACRIS are available on public portal.

The self-archived full texts and publication metadata are copied from ACRIS to Aaltodoc publication archive for long-term preservation.

ACRIS Instructions

Aalto Current Research Information System (ACRIS) is Aalto University’s research information management system. The system contains up-to-date information about the research and artistic activities of the university. These activities are shown through the public portal

Yellow dots and a magnifying glass

Aaltodoc publication archive

Aaltodoc publication archive consists of materials produced in the university, such as theses, journal articles, conference publications and research materials produced by the schools of Aalto University.

publication platform training

ACRIS, open access publishing and manuscript service

Instructions on open access publishing in ACRIS

A book and a pen with Aalto logo. Photo by Aino Huovio.

Aalto University open publications archive supports open access:

  • It provides a free platform for self-archiving (Green Open Access).
  • Publications are available and visible  worldwide for free and no login is needed.
  • Publications get a persistent identifier (URN).
  • Long-term preservation is ensured and the publications will be available as open access in the future, too.
  • The publications are easily searchable and findable by search engines, thus increasing the impact of Aalto University's scientific and artistic activity.
  • The publication archive has its own open search system, publication information and full texts being searchable, also by subjects. 

Non-profit open access services financially supported by Aalto University:

Other resources supporting open access:

An image describing the benefits of open access (for example findability, impact, visibility, higher citation rates, compliance with grant rules, value for taxpayers)

Open Access Publishing

Open access ensures that scientific publications are accessible to everyone free of charge.

Open science and research
  • Published:
  • Updated:
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