Student Guide

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Finance

Contact information

Contact us

Contact us primarily via email: [email protected].

Director of the Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Finance

 Professor Johanna Moisander

Professor Johanna Moisander

Department of Management Studies

Doctoral Programme Committee

Doctoral programme committee (School of Business)

The Doctoral programme committee of the School decides about developing the content of the doctoral programme, prepares the curriculum and admission criteria and makes various decisions related to the evaluation process of the doctoral theses of individual students, among other things.

Detail of an artwork from Dipoli building / Photo by Aalto University, Mikko Raskinen

Departments, majors and professors

The Aalto Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Finance offers doctoral education in 12 majors. Each doctoral student is appointed a supervising professor who represents the major approved for the student.

Majors and professors

There are six departments at the School of Business. Read about the research focus of each department on their pages.

Department of Accounting & Business Law

The Department of Accounting is one of the leading research faculties in the Nordic region.

BIZ Main Building by Mika Huisman

Department of Economics

The Department of Economics provides a comprehensive insight into the functioning of economies and the environment in which companies operate.

Outside picture of the School of Business building in Otaniemi. Three Aalto Flags swinging in front of the building.

Department of Finance

The Department of Finance at Aalto University School of Business is one of the leading finance departments in Europe.

Architectural picture of the inside of the School of Business. Many people sitting on different coloured chairs.

Department of Information and Service Management

The Department of Information and Service Management refers to the creative use of information and digital technology in business and the move from industrial to service dominant forms of production.

Two business students, one is holding a laptop, discussing with the Professor after his lecture. Another group of students talk in the background.

Department of Management Studies

The Department of Management Studies offers a dynamic environment for scholarship and learning.

Stack of management books.

Department of Marketing

The Department of Marketing is a thriving and dynamic community of faculty, researchers, staff, and students. The department has earned international acclaim for its ambitious and rigorous research output. We are at the bleeding edge of marketing.

marketing major

Ombudspersons and support for challenges

Ombudspersons are voluntary professors with solid experience in academic practices whom doctoral students can contact confidentially in challenges related to the thesis work. In case of challenging situations, we also have a support system of e.g. study psychologists and workplace mediators.

Ombudspersons for doctoral students

Confidential contact persons for doctoral students wishing to discuss with a professor with experience in academic practices

People in Harald Herlin.

Support for challenges during your doctoral studies

Support network and help for harassment or other type of challenging situations


Career design

Career Design Lab offers career planning tools and resources for all Aalto students.

Career Design for Students

Career design is an experimental approach for creating a meaningful career path in the constantly changing world of work.

Career Design for Students

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