
Master's Programme in International Design Business Management

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IDBM ELEC instructions

From this section, IDBM ELEC students will find important information and instructions on their studies.

Both the approval of the master’s thesis topic and the evaluation and approval of the master’s thesis are handled in the IDBM Programme Committee meetings.

Planning your studies

Orientation to studies is an important phase. During orientation you will get all the relevant information regarding the studies and study environment in Aalto and in the School of Electrical Engineering. To ensure a smooth start for your studies, you should attend all orientation activities.

If you have completed your BSc degree in Aalto, most content in the orientation week is already familiar to you. However, you can attend all activities but please read especially the final chapter in this page.

Orientation to studies

Orientation to studies consists of

  • Self-study preorientation course online. In this online material you learn basic essential things about Aalto university and the study environment here. The course-space is accessible after you have activated your Aalto user account (starting from July 2024). You must go through the preorientation materials and exercises before the orientation week.   
  • Orientation week for new students on campus. Orientation week is organized on 26 - 30 August 2024. During the orientation week you will get a deeper understading on the studies in Aalto, meet programme staff and fellow students and start your journey as a member of the Aalto community! Orientation week is arranged by the Learning services together with the student associations in the School of Electrical Engineering.

Student Life

Revision of previous studies

To make your start in your programme as smooth as possible, you may consider refreshing some topics from your previous studies. Take a look at the recommendations of the programmes in the School of Electrical Engineering here:

Pre-orientation webinar for new MSc students on 14 Aug 2024, 14-15 (EEST)

The Learning Services of the School of Electrical Engineering will organize a pre-orientation session online. In this webinar, we will go through some practical matters related to the start of your studies.  More information and link will be provided in August newsletter. 

Orientation week 2024

The orientation week is organised on 26 - 30 August 2024. All new students are expected to participate! 

The preliminary programme listed here is subject to changes and the final detailed schedule will be available in early August 2024.

New Master's Student Newsletters

During the spring and summer, we will send out many student newsletters, containing important information and tips for how to make the most of your time at Aalto. All sent letters will be archived here, so you can reference them at any time!

New Joint Master's Student Newsletters

Orientation to studies for Aalto BSc graduates

The master's programmes are planned as 2-year programmes starting in Autumn. The model schedules and course timetables have been designed based on this 2-year plan. However, if you start your MSc studies during Spring term, it is recommended to first complete the degree elective courses or minor studies.

All students who have graduated as a BSc from Aalto are invited to participate in the orientation of the master's programme. The content of the orientation week is mainly already familiar to you but are welcome to attend the welcome session of your programme and a specific info session for Aalto bachelor-graduates (see programme above - session is organised on Thursday 29 August).

Masters students

Information for new masters students

Opiskelijan oppaan kuvituskuvaa

Campus maps, addresses and opening hours in Otaniemi

Here you will also find restaurants, the map, the Aalto Space mobile app, access control - all practical information on one page! You can also visit the campus virtually.

Aalto-yliopisto / Unto Rautio

Personal study plan (HOPS)

In practice, study planning consists of two things: selecting the content for your degree based on your interests and goals and scheduling the selected studies. The outcome of study planning is a personal study plan (HOPS), which is required from all students. The starting point of study planning is the most recent curriculum of your programme.

Course substitutions

The curriculum is made biannually and the course offering always changes somewhat when courses are renewed. When a course is discontinued, a replacement for the discontinued course will be given. Usually the substitute is a new course or a combination of courses. Course substitutions are given in the table below and listed according to the course codes. The listed replacements have been confirmed, so there is no need to ask for approval if you use them in your personal study plan. Hence, you can for instance replace the course S-38.105 with ELEC-C7110 in your study plan without asking for approval for this change.

Course substitutes must always be based on the student's degree requirements, i.e. the content of the study programme from the academic year when the student started his/her studies. If the degree requirements include a course which the student has not completed and this course has already been discontinued, the confirmed substitute for the discontinued course should be looked up from the table.

Substitutes for ELEC-, AS- and S-code courses

Working experience as a part of your degree

Professional training course

You can include a maximum of 5 cr of practical training in your master’s degree. The training is done via the course ELEC-E7990 Professional training 2 – 5 cr. You should register for this course in Sisu. Practical training is included in the elective studies module in the degree.

We recommend that you participate in the course ELEC-E7990 Professional training after the first year of your master’s studies. However, the course is available at all times during the academic year.

You are responsible to find the practical training placement by yourself, and it should be approved by the course teachers beforehand as part of the preliminary assignment of the course.

On the MyCourses pages of the course, you can find more specific information about the practical training course.

TECH internships in Finland

On this page you can find information about internships in Finland and internship support for students of schools of technology (CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI).

TECH international internship

Information on international internship and scholarships for students of technology (CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI)

Student guide illustration, internship

Aalto JobTeaser (external link)

Aalto JobTeaser portal for job ads, career events and guidance

Punaisella taustalla JobTeaserin logo ja teksti Aalto University Career Services

Language and communication studies

The Language centre offers courses on various different languages at different levels. The Language centre also offers studies in communication and social interaction as well as in intercultural communication.

Student guide illustration, language and communications studies


Kielikeskusksen opetustarjonta

Language and communication studies
Student guide illustration, language and communications studies


Individual learning services for students

Language and communication studies

Studies at other Aalto schools

As an Aalto University degree student, you can complete studies also outside your own field of study. Some of the studies require an application while other studies are open for all Aalto students. You can complete either individual courses or a minor outside your own field of study.

Studies in other Finnish Universities

JOO studies

If a student is registered as a degree student at a Finnish university, according to the national flexible study rights agreement (JOO), they are entitled to apply for a fixed term study right for single courses or minors at any other Finnish university. JOO studies should be integrated in the student’s degree at their home university. Bachelor's, master's and doctoral students can apply for the JOO flexible study right. The university can grant a right to study only for studies that are offered to JOO students, and only when the student’s home university has first endorsed the application.

Read here how to appy for the JOO flexible study right.

Studies in quantum technology

Department of Applied Physics (School of Science) and Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering (School of Electrical Engineering) have entered into a study cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Science of University of Helsinki as of 14 October 2021. The agreement concerns the following groups of students:

  • Students in the Master’s Programme in Engineering Physics
  • Students in the Master’s Programme in Electronics and Nanotechnology
  • Students in the Master’s Programme in Automation and Electrical Engineering
  • Doctoral students of the School of Science in the field of engineering physics
  • Doctoral students of the School of Electrical Engineering in the field of photonics and nanotechnology
  • Doctoral students of the School of Electrical Engineering in the field of radio science and engineering.

These students may apply for the following courses in University of Helsinki. The courses are intended to complement the courses offered by the home university. Doctoral students: select courses that are under the headline "UH Courses, advanced studies" on the electronic application form.

The relevant courses of University of Helsinki are listed below. For specific details and course schedules, please use the search tool at or at

International studies

Student guide illustration, exchange studies

Exchange studies

Information for students about exchange studies.

Other studies
Student guide illustration, internship

International internships

Information about internships abroad and grant

Other studies
Student guide illustration, other studies

Other study opportunities in international university networks

Aalto University has partnerships with a number of universities abroad.

Other studies

Other studies

Personal Impact hero page logo

Personal Impact

Personal Impact brings to light already existing courses in Aalto University on values and meaningfulness, self-leadership, societal impact, human potential and well-being.

Other studies
Student guide illustration, other studies

Summer studies

This page gathers the summer courses that Aalto and other providers provide to Aalto degree students.

Other studies
Unite! logo

Unite! University Alliance

Aalto University is a member of Unite! alliance together with eight other European universities.

Kolme ihmistä kävelee vierekkäin alas portaita.

FITech Network University

Study courses organised by Finnish universities of technology free of charge. Courses are aimed at all Finns and permanent residents of Finland.

Study at Aalto
UniPID logo

UniPID (external link)

UniPID is a network of Finnish universities to support interdisciplinary studies and research, societal impact and sustainable development.

Working experience as a part of your degree

The dean of the School of Electrical Engineering distributes incentive scholarships for good academic progress. The scholarship amount is €500.

The scholarship will continue to be awarded on the same grounds as before for studies completed in the academic year 2023–2024 (i.e. courses that are marked as completed in Sisu between 1 August 2023 and 31 July 2024).  From the academic year 2024–2025 onwards the scholarhip will be allocated for bachelor's degree students. 

Application deadlines for IDBM master's theses

Both the approval of the master’s thesis topic and the evaluation and approval of the master’s thesis are handled in the IDBM Programme Committee meetings (IDBM students who have started their studies in 2018 or later). Please keep in mind that the approval of the master’s thesis topic and the evaluation and approval of the master’s thesis are to be handled in separate Programme Committee meetings.

Please see school-specific instructions for the thesis process and graduation.

Agree on the topic with a professor

Register to ELEC-E0210 Master's thesis process (if applicable)

If ELEC-E0210 is part of your major's compulsory courses, remember to register for the course. The course is compulsory in many programmes in ELEC and students from programmes where it is not compulsory can also attend. Register for the course as soon as you have agreed on the topic with your supervisor. The course supports you in the initial stages of your thesis. Register in Sisu and then proceed to the further steps according to the instructions on the course's MyCourses page.

Apply for Master’s thesis topic approval

Apply for approval of the thesis topic as soon as you start the thesis process. For the topic application it is sufficient that you have agreed on the topic in a broad sense, i.e. the field of the thesis. The final title of the thesis emerges during the thesis work, and it has to be within the field of the original topic application. The thesis topic is officially approved by the Degree Programme Committee. Committee also approves the language of the thesis as well as the thesis supervisor and advisor(s). See application deadlines at the end of the page.

Write the Master’s thesis

Thesis work in brief consists of topic definition, research plan, literature review, experiments, analysis and conclusion. It is essential to start writing the actual thesis from the very beginning and continue the writing process throughout each phase of your research.

The evaluation of the Master's thesis is based on the School of Electrical Engineering common guideline for thesis evaluation. By reading the guideline you will get an idea of what is expected of a Master's thesis.

Give a seminar presentation

A seminar presentation about the topic of your thesis is a compulsory requirement in the approval process. The schedule and the arrangements of the presentation are agreed with the supervisor.  When applying for the thesis approval you must indicate if you have already held the seminar presentation or inform the agreed date of the presentation. Please note that the seminar presentation must be completed at the latest in the deadline for submitting theses and applications.

Notification of seminar presentation below

Maturity essay

According to the Universities Act 794/2004 students are required to complete a maturity essay. The abstract of your thesis will serve as the maturity essay. Hence, you don't need to agree on writing a maturity essay separately with your supervisor. When you submit your thesis with an abstract completed according to the instruction in the master's thesis template, your maturity essay is considered done.

Apply for the approval of your Master’s thesis

The Master’s thesis will be evaluated in the Degree Programme Committee meeting. The topic of the thesis must still be valid at the time of thesis approval. The topic is valid for one year from topic approval. See application deadlines for the approval of Master’s thesis at the end of the page.

Application deadlines for applying Master’s thesis topic approval and the approval of Master’s thesis

Register to ELEC-E0210 Master's thesis process (if applicable)

If ELEC-E0210 is part of your major's compulsory courses, remember to register for the course. The course is compulsory in many programmes in ELEC and students from programmes where it is not compulsory can also attend. Register for the course as soon as you have agreed on the topic with your supervisor. The course supports you in the initial stages of your thesis. Register in Sisu and then proceed to the further steps according to the instructions on the course's MyCourses page.

Apply for Master’s thesis topic approval

Apply for approval of the thesis topic as soon as you start the thesis process. For the topic application it is sufficient that you have agreed on the topic in a broad sense, i.e. the field of the thesis. The final title of the thesis emerges during the thesis work, and it has to be within the field of the original topic application. The thesis topic is officially approved by the Degree Programme Committee. Committee also approves the language of the thesis as well as the thesis supervisor and advisor(s). See application deadlines at the end of the page.

Write the Master’s thesis

Thesis work in brief consists of topic definition, research plan, literature review, experiments, analysis and conclusion. It is essential to start writing the actual thesis from the very beginning and continue the writing process throughout each phase of your research.

The evaluation of the Master's thesis is based on the School of Electrical Engineering common guideline for thesis evaluation. By reading the guideline you will get an idea of what is expected of a Master's thesis.

Give a seminar presentation

A seminar presentation about the topic of your thesis is a compulsory requirement in the approval process. The schedule and the arrangements of the presentation are agreed with the supervisor.  When applying for the thesis approval you must indicate if you have already held the seminar presentation or inform the agreed date of the presentation. Please note that the seminar presentation must be completed at the latest in the deadline for submitting theses and applications.

Notification of seminar presentation below

Maturity essay

According to the Universities Act 794/2004 students are required to complete a maturity essay. The abstract of your thesis will serve as the maturity essay. Hence, you don't need to agree on writing a maturity essay separately with your supervisor. When you submit your thesis with an abstract completed according to the instruction in the master's thesis template, your maturity essay is considered done.

Apply for the approval of your Master’s thesis

The Master’s thesis will be evaluated in the Degree Programme Committee meeting. The topic of the thesis must still be valid at the time of thesis approval. The topic is valid for one year from topic approval. See application deadlines for the approval of Master’s thesis at the end of the page.

Application deadlines for applying Master’s thesis topic approval and the approval of Master’s thesis

You can apply for graduation when all courses required for the Master's degree have been completed and registered in Sisu. An exception to this is master’s thesis which you can submit for evaluation at the same time when submitting the graduation request.

Requests for graduation will be submitted by filling in a graduation request through your study plan in Sisu. Creating a study plan on Sisu is compulsory because Sisu generates the degree certificate based on both it and the graduation request.

When all studies required for the Master's degree are done:

  1. Answer the Survey for New Graduates in Technology. With this survey, Aalto University collects feedback on the studies and employment of new graduates. The survey is carried out in cooperation with the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland - TEK, who will use the survey results to track the employment situation and salaries of recently graduated technology professionals in Finland.
  2. Make sure that your personal study plan is valid and approved. If needed, please update your study plan and apply for its approval before submitting graduation request.
  3. Submit the graduation request through Sisu. First please check the graduation schedule below. Apply for graduation by filling in a graduation request through your study plan in Sisu. Look at instructions how to request for graduation. The deadline for submitting the graduation request is the official date of graduation. Please also note, that you must be registered as an attending student to submit a graduation request and graduate.
  4. Receive your diploma at the Graduation Ceremony or collect your diploma from the Learning Services. You will receive an invitation to the Graduation Ceremony by email about a month before the Graduation Ceremony.

Transcripts and Translations of Degree Certificates

Schedules of degree programme committee meetings and graduation

Degree programme committee meetings are organised once every teaching period and once in June and August. Please see below for the schedule for the dates of the Degree Programme Committee meetings and for the deadlines for applying for a thesis topic, approval of the thesis and Master's degree graduation. Please note that you can apply for graduation and master's thesis evaluation at the same time, if you have all other courses required for the Master's degree registered in Sisu.The deadline for submitting the graduation request is the official date of graduation, which will be printed on the degree certificate. The Dean awards the degrees approximately 3,5 weeks after official graduation date.

After graduation

Career Design for Students

Career Design for Students

Career design is an experimental approach for creating a meaningful career path in the constantly changing world of work.

Career Design Lab
Graduation Party 2022

For alumni

As an alum, you are part of Aalto community. Let's stay connected and develop together!

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