
Aalto Wiki - Collaboration Tool

Aalto Wiki is a collaboration tool for staff members at Aalto University. Aalto Wiki uses the Confluence collaboration software provided by Atlassian.


  • Aalto Wiki has two types of workspaces:
    • personal workspaces, which are well suited for editing and storing personal tasks and content
    • collaboration workspaces, which are well suited for use by working groups
  • Keywords can be connected to every page to help classify and outline the workspace.
  • Has a special Aalto Wiki Intranet theme, which appearance is consistent with the Aalto University's visual brand

Related services

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a convenient collaboration tool for all people of Aalto.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Eduuni - Teamwork environment

The Eduuni workspace includes Microsoft SharePoint workspaces for use by organisations, networks, projects and teams. Eduuni is used mostly for EU-wide, international research projects, because it enables cooperation also with parties outside of Aalto University. If the information stored is not confidential, it is advisable to use Microsoft Teams for teamwork.


If you have any questions or you are experiencing problems, please send a service request here: Aalto University provides help with starting with the service by creating workspaces and setting user rights.

This service is provided by:

IT Services

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