
Open Science support contacts

Find people who can help you with your open science questions.

Open science related service units

The following service units serve various open science needs.



Open publishing of research articles

Research and publication database: ACRIS

ACRIS (Aalto current research information system) is the database of all publications, data, and other research activities. Visit the ACRIS instructions page or contact Open Science and ACRIS team at [email protected]

Data Agents

Data agents are researchers and local support within your own unit with a special interest in data management. 

Aalto IT Services

Scientific computing

Science-IT can help you with scientific computing.

Research Software Engineers

Research Software Engineers service provides you with a dedicated specialist to assist you with computing, software, and data tasks in your research, for a longer period than other staff can.

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IT portfolio management

Open science and research

The principle of openness is the key principle of science and research. At Aalto University, the most visible forms of open science are open access publications, open research data and metadata, and combining openness and commercialisation.

This service is provided by:

Research and Innovation Services

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