
Zoom: how to start using the whiteboard

On this page you can find instructions on how to use Zoom whiteboard.
screenshot of zoom

Zoom includes a whiteboard.

1. Open Zoom and start a meeting.

2. Click the Share Screen button down in the middle.

scraanshot of Zoom whiteboard

3. Double click Whiteboard in order to start the whiteboard.

Zoom tool bar

4. There is a toolbar on the upper edge of the whiteboard.

On the left, there is a Select-tool, that you can use to select objects and do actions for them (for example move a drawing).
With the Text-tool you can make a text field in which you can type with the keyboard.
The Draw tool gives you the access to different drawing tools.
With the Stamp tool you can make stamps to emphasize objects on the whiteboard.
With the Spotlight tool you can change the mouse pointer to a laser pointer or an arrow for presentations.
With the Eraser you can erase objects from the whiteboard.
With the Format button you can change the pen color and thickness of the line.
Undo and Redo buttons do what they tell.
With the Clear button you can clear all drawings, only your own or viewers’ drawings from the whiteboard.
With the Save button you can save your whiteboard to your computer.

screenshot of a folder on a desktop

The save button saves the whiteboard directly and at this point you cannot choose where to save it. The Show in Folder link opens the folder where the saved whiteboards are located. In this case, it looks like in the photo.

The path is:
\\\kjaaskel\data\Documents\Zoom\2020-04-02 09.21.17 Kari Jääskeläinen's Zoom Meeting 123000882

So it is the user's home directory (Z:) Documents\Zoom…

5. You can stop sharing the whiteboard by pressing the Stop Share -button.

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