Study options

International Business, Bachelor (BScBA, Mikkeli) and Master of Science (Otaniemi) in Economics and Business Administration

The Bachelor’s Programme in International Business (also called the BScBA Programme) provides students with a comprehensive range of skills and knowledge to build, develop and lead companies on a global scale. A bachelor’s degree in business with an international focus opens up a wide variety of career opportunities in the private and public sectors, across all industries and continents. If you have ambitions to strive in a global business environment (e.g. study or work abroad), the Bachelor’s Programme in International Business is for you.Organised at Aalto University’s Mikkeli Campus, you will join a close-knit community of globally oriented and ambitious Finnish and international students. After the intensive Bachelor studies, including a semester abroad at one of the programme’s many high-quality partner universities, you are guaranteed the study right at a Master’s Programme at Aalto University Otaniemi Campus.
Students sitting by Mikkeli's Cathedral.


Bachelor of Science (Economics and Business Administration) + Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

Application period:

3 Jan 2024 – 17 Jan 2024

Language of instruction:



3+2 years, full-time


General eligibility for higher education

Field of study:

Business and Economics


180+120 ECTS

Organising school:

School of Business

Tuition fees:

For non-EU/EEA citizens, €12000/y (Bachelor’s studies) + €15000/y (Master’s studies) Read more

Admission to the Bachelor's Programme in International Business, Bachelor (Mikkeli) and Master (Otaniemi) of Science in Economics and Business Administration (3 yrs + 2 yrs)


Today, the world is smaller than ever. For the best companies, being globally oriented has become the new standard. This requires employees to have a diverse skill set and in-depth knowledge  of global business environments. To ensure you can match those requirements, the Bachelor’s Programme in International Business provides its graduates with: 

  • International competence. Graduates gain an extensive understanding of the international business world and strong skills in cross-cultural teamwork, communications and languages to navigate it successfully. 
  • Business knowledge. Graduates possess broad know-how about core elements of business such as accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management and marketing. 
  • Problem-solving toolbox. Graduates are well-prepared to address   tactical and strategic challenges, thanks to their high capacity for independent, scientific and analytical thinking. 
  • Leadership and communications skills. Graduates possess excellent social and presentation skills to lead teams as an appointed team leader and valuable team member. 
  • Versatile project management and teamwork skills. Graduates can lead projects from initiation and planning to prioritisation and execution – meeting deadlines and expectations. 
  • Helpful network. Graduates form long-lasting relationships and memories with local and international fellow students, professors and cooperating companies. 

Upon graduation from the Bachelor’s Programme in International Business, graduates have a solid foundation of working in demanding international business environments around the world. 

The Aalto University School of Business Mikkeli Campus is located at the Mikkeli University Consortium in the heart of the South Savo region, 230 km from Helsinki. The campus is situated in the city centre of Mikkeli – a compact city close to nature. The campus itself has excellent learning facilities and an encouraging atmosphere for interesting encounters between students, professors and staff. Thanks to the intimate community and immersive learning experience, the spirit thrives and lasts for a lifetime. 

Language of instruction

Bachelor's degree studies at the Mikkeli Campus are offered in English. It is essential that all participants are prepared to understand rapid, idiomatic English as spoken in lectures and group discussions. Students are also expected to be able to read English with ease and to express their thoughts clearly in spoken and written English.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Aalto University’s tuition fee for bachelor’s programmes taught in English is 12 000 euros per academic year. Tuition fees apply to citizens of countries other than those of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.

Aalto University has a scholarship programme to support non-EU/EEA citizens who study in a fee-charging degree programme. The scholarship may cover 100% or 50% of the tuition fee.

More information on tuition fees and scholarships at Aalto University is available at the Scholarships and Tuition Fees webpage.

Structure of studies

The Bachelor’s Programme in International Business offered the School of Business at in Mikkeli campus comprises a total of 180 ECTS credits. The three-year programme consists of: 

  • Fundamentals of Business Knowledge (71 ECTS) 
  • International business major (52 ECTS), including: the bachelor's thesis and seminar (10 ECTS) 
  • Minor studies, completed abroad (30 ECTS) 
  • Language and communication studies (15 ECTS) 
  • Elective studies (12 ECTS) 

The learning experience is module-based with one course at a time, making the studies interactive, intense and focused: 

  • The academic year consists of 15 course modules, also during the summer 
  • 1 course = 3 weeks, studying one subject at the time 
  • In most modules, students earn 6 ECTS credits 
  • Classes are scheduled for three hours a day, five days a week, for 45 contact hours, including examinations 
  • Requires active participation and attendance 

Content of studies 

The nature of studies in the Bachelor’s Programme in International Business is very active and intensive. Studies are divided into three-week modules, maintaining a fast pace and sharp focus, studying one subject at the time. The comprehensive teaching methods include interactive lectures, group work, video presentations and company projects, as well as independent and theoretical academic work. Various teaching methods provide an interesting, challenging and motivating learning environment. 

Many business and public sector representatives, including alumni, serve as guest lecturers in the courses. Students take field trips and complete projects for companies in various courses. The cooperation with companies continues outside of the lectures too: on career days, field trips and excursions. 

Year 1: Students complete the required core courses, business communications studies and language courses. 

Year 2: In addition to some required courses, students get to choose their favourite elective courses, for example: 

  • Brand Management 
  • Corporate Finance 
  • Global Game Industry 
  • Green Ventures 
  • International Arts Management 
  • Social Media Analytics 
  • Tools for Data Analysis 

Students also get an introduction to research methods after which they start writing their Bachelor’s Thesis. The purpose of the Bachelor’s Thesis is to develop students' ability to carry out independent research work in the field of international business. The process is designed to develop skills such as preparing a research plan, including the research problem, questions and objectives. The Capstone Course wraps up the learning into one extensive package as an overview and recap of the two years and is based on a business strategy game. 

Year 3: Students study abroad and complete their minor studies during an exchange semester at one of the programme’s many partner universities around the world. Courses can be chosen flexibly based on the student’s interest. 

Bachelor’s Programme in International Business, Mikkeli

What makes studying International Business at the Mikkeli Campus unique?

    BScBA student Laura on a beautiful summer day

    'When the pace of studies is quick a, it is important to keep a positive mindset. There are many student events and other opportunities to spend time with friends and take your mind off schoolwork. ⁠My favourite part about studying here is to being part of such a welcoming and supportive community.'

    Laura, student of the BScBA Programme

    BScBA student Ly sitting on a park bench in autumn

    '"I am enjoying my study journey, learning and getting support from inspiring professors, mingling in an international class and working in many dynamic teams. While Aalto provides me with academic skills and knowledge, the Mikkeli community nurtures my mental health.'

    Ly, student of the BScBA Programme

    Veikka Partanen

    'Our team spirit is unrivalled.'

    Veikka Partanen, BScBA student


    BScBA alumnus Niko Marjomaa

    'The Bachelor’s Programme in International Business prepares you for the real business world. Organizations are moving faster, transforming their cultures and changing the ways how they operate. People who are used to study in a programme where things move fast and you need to understand concepts quickly, tend to be more ready for today’s business, its changes and diversity. The assets you gain in this programme help transition to become specialized in almost any industry of your choosing.'

    Niko Marjomaa, Director, Ey-Parthenon – alumnus of the programme

    BScBA Program alumni Elina Lamponen

    'The programme teaches excellent presentation skills and self-confidence. The students coming from Mikkeli are more poised to speak in front of others. Having confidence in yourself and your work is an invaluable asset later in life, where most jobs require one to speak with self-assurance about their work, be it co-workers, superiors or VIP stakeholders.'

    Elina Lamponen, Financial Manager, U.S Embassy Helsinki- alumna of the programme

    Patrick Lees

    'Learning the dynamics of groupwork has been an absolutely crucial take-away from my studies in Mikkeli.'

    Patrick Lees, BScBA Program alumnus



    The Bachelor’s Programme in Mikkeli focuses on a single major: International Business. The domain-specific specialisation depends on the courses you choose – however, whether it’s accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management or marketing, the perspective remains international. 

    The Bachelor’s Programme in International Business focuses strongly on businesses operating globally with a blend of something special made possible by the flexibility of the programme. The programme includes elective courses with elements from other study fields, e.g. Green Ventures from sustainability and entrepreneurship, Digital Disruption from computer science and artificial intelligence, and International Arts Management from arts. On top of that, the 30 ECTS studied abroad can be freely selected to support the student’s own interests. 


    Aalto University is international by nature, and on top of international degree students, the Mikkeli Campus welcomes about 70 exchange students from abroad every year. These students join the diverse Aalto community not only through studies but also via multiple free time events, activities, and celebrations around the campus. Programme administrators, active student tutors and student support services help international students integrate into the Nordic culture and feel at home in Finland. 

    Many of the visiting faculty members come from abroad. Each year 60-70 professors are recruited from all over the world to teach at the Aalto University Mikkeli Campus. These distinguished and internationally respected instructors are top scholars in their fields and come from some of the most prestigious universities in the world, integrating globally competitive knowledge into teaching and assignments. 

    One semester, usually the last, is spent abroad at one of the partner universities where students complete the minor subject studies as part of the Bachelor’s degree. The programme has more than 50 partner universities around the world. In addition to universities, the programme also co-operates with local and international companies, further extending the students’ international opportunities. 

    Lively campus and student life in Mikkeli

    Mikkeli’s small campus is the key to its famous ‘Mikkeli Spirit’. The close community encourages interaction among students, professors, and staff, fostering collaboration and strong relationships. Additionally, the cozy campus mirrors the friendly and warm atmosphere of the city of Mikkeli.

    Read more
    Students walking outside in Mikkeli

    Further study opportunities

    After completing the Bachelor studies at Mikkeli Campus, students have an automatic study right to continue at an Aalto University School of Business’ Master’s Programme (usually students choose the field they have focused on in their course selections). 

    The offered Master’s Programmes are: 

    • Accounting 
    • Business Analytics 
    • Creative Sustainability 
    • Economics 
    • Finance 
    • Global Management 
    • Information and Service Management 
    • International Design Business Management 
    • Marketing 
    • People Management and Organizational Development 
    • Strategic Management in a Changing World 
    • Sustainable Entrepreneurship 
    • Yritysjuridiikka (Business Law, offered only in Finnish) 

    Once moving to study the Master’s Programme at the Otaniemi Campus, BSc graduates get to enjoy its famous multidisciplinarity. Aalto University is well-known for bridging disciplines of business, arts, technology and science. The lively campus and freedom of choosing elective courses across the University bring students from different fields under one roof. This spontaneous multidisciplinary environment sparks new ideas, gathers enthusiasts around them and gives birth to friendships, networks, and every so often, start-ups. 

    The Aalto University School of Business offers a 4-year doctoral programme in English for graduates with the M.Sc. degree seeking academic careers or high-level positions in business. 

    Career opportunities

    Upon graduation, most students choose to take advantage of their automatic study right to a Master's Programme at the Aalto University School of Business at the Otaniemi Campus. However, students are also fully equipped to enter the global job market straight after finishing the Bachelor’s Programme. The completed degree offers a vast variety of international career options both in Finland and abroad. The alumni of the programme work internationally in many positions related to their studies as managers, experts, consultants in marketing, finance, trade, technology or as entrepreneurs. 

    To ease the transfer from school to work life, the programme invites many business and public sector representatives to serve as guest lecturers in courses. Alumni relations are close and act as an important employment channel for Mikkeli Campus graduates. 

    Aalto University has well-established career services that help you find employment in Finland and abroad. Aalto students tend to find good positions with ease upon graduation. An active entrepreneurship community is also present at Aalto, which can help as a springboard for founding your company. Finally, if an academic career is of interest, any Master’s Programme at Aalto is a great foundation for doctoral studies and post-doc positions. 

    Chat with Aalto students

    Are you wondering what it is like to study at Aalto? Come chat with our students about all things Aalto on Unibuddy chat platform.

    Chat with our students!
    4 student ambassafors taking a selfie

    Research focus

    The School of Business conducts high-quality and multidisciplinary business research that deals with socially significant topics. The research priorities have been guided by changes in society and economy that are leading to a service and information society, and our researchers have strong ties to society. The research focuses on, among other things, responsible business, digital business models, financial markets, international business, mathematical models and data-supported decision-making, as well as efficient production and supply chains. 

    Co-operation with other parties

    The Bachelor’s Programme in International Business maintains cooperative relations with other institutions of higher education in Mikkeli. The Mikkeli University Consortium (MUC) is a networked academic community of Mikkeli-based units of three Finnish universities: Aalto University School of Business, the University of Helsinki, and LUT University. The Bachelor’s Programme in International Business also actively partners with other programmes of the Aalto University. 

    The programme contributes to the regional development in various ways. Its purpose is to link academic resources with regional business and community resources through business and community development activities. Thus, the programme has integrated visiting professors, students and local businesses and organizations into collaborative learning and development projects. In addition, the programme has established ties with business communities elsewhere in Finland. 

    The business students at Mikkeli Campus and Aalto University's main campus in Otaniemi work together closely with Probba (Mikkeli Campus student association), KY (School of Business student association), and AYY (Aalto University Student Union), keeping the Aalto spirit strong in Mikkeli. 

    When you move to Otaniemi to do your Master’s Programme, you'll already know people. Besides studying, you'll be part of a small group of like-minded people from different backgrounds. The Mikkeli campus has lots of student clubs and activities, making it a great place to be. These clubs are part of the lively student community at Aalto University. To learn more about Probba, go to , and for info on KY, visit

    Aalto Mikkeli WhatsApp Service & FAQ

    If you have questions concerning applying to the programme, you can contact us also through WhatsApp.
    You can also check our most frequently asked questions. They are about applying, studies, accommodation and student life in general.

    Students at the Mikkeli Campus

    Aalto Mikkeli Campus WhatsApp Service

    Feeling lost in the application process? Too many questions to ask? Don’t worry, you can contact us also through WhatsApp.

    The Bachelor's Programme in International Business has a WhatsApp service for anyone who is interested in applying to our programme in Mikkeli, Finland. You can ask anything concerning our application process or studying in the programme.

    Study at Aalto
    Students at Naisvuori

    Bachelor's Programme in International Business – FAQ

    This page includes answers to the questions that the Bachelor's Programme in International Business receives regularly. If you are unable to find answers to your questions, please contact us through email [email protected], call +358 50 438 9837 or WhatsApp +358 50 328 3933.

    Study at Aalto

    Programme-specific admission requirements

    In 2024, 84 new students will be admitted to the Bachelor's Programme in International Business. 43 new students will be selected in Admission Group I, 10 new students in Admission Group II and 29 new students in Admission Group III. In addition, 2 new students will be selected in the transfer application.

    Students accepted to the programme will get a study right to the Master of Science degree in Economics and Business Administration at the Aalto University School of Business after graduating from Mikkeli.

    There is a separate Aalto University School of Business admission process for transfer applicants.

    About application process

    Applications for the Bachelor’s Programme in International Business are to be submitted through the joint online application system for Finnish higher education institutions on (in Finnish

    The schedule for the application process and full admission criteria for 2024 can be found here.

    Admission dates

    The application period for studies starting in fall 2024 (admission groups I-III) is from January 3 to January 17, 2024. The period for the transfer application is 2.-16.5.2024.

    Here are the most important dates to remember (admission groups I-III):

    • 3 Jan 2024 – Application period begins, the online application system opens
    • 17 Jan 2024 – Application period ends, the online application system closes
    • 31 May 2024 – Admission results are published
    • 11 Jul 2024 – Deadline for accepting the offered study place

    Check out our social media channels and find more interesting content

    Read stories from Aalto Mikkeli Campus

    Here you can find inspiring stories from our students, alumni, faculty and staff.

    Jonas Hering: Managing academics and IronMan training at Aalto Mikkeli

    Jonas Hering, an exchange student from Austria studying in our Bachelor's Programme in International Business, recently took part in the IronMan race in Lahti (Finland). He shares how he managed both demanding training and his studies at the Mikkeli campus.

    Jonas Hering in IronMan

    From Ho Chi Minh to Mikkeli: Uy Vũ Le shares his journey as he steps in as Probba's new president

    Probba is the Student Association of Aalto University School of Business, Mikkeli Campus, bringing together around 240 members for events and well-being. Uy Vũ Le, Probba's new foreign chairperson, follows Otava Tuomi.

    Otava Tuomi and Uy Vu Le enjoy studying at the Mikkeli University Consortium campus.

    School of Business student story: Elli Jauhiainen

    Elli Jauhiainen, a second-year student of the Bachelor's Program in International Business says the best thing about the program is the opportunity to learn how to work in a multicultural environment: “It is fascinating to get to know the etiquette and customs of other business cultures.”

    Student of the BScBA Program Elli Jauhiainen

    School of Business student story: Ni Nguyen

    Studying in the Bachelor's Program in International Business has made Ni Nguyen more confident: “Public speaking used to be my biggest fear but now, the shaking voice and tensed facial muscles during presentations have vanished.”

    BScBA Program student Ni Nguyen

    School of Business student story: Veikka Partanen

    Veikka Partanen, a 2nd year student of the Bachelor's Program in International Business and a part-time entrepreneur, has learned how to balance between school and his business: “My time in Mikkeli has taught me that anything is possible if you have the passion for it.”

    BScBA student Veikka Partanen. Photo by Emma Kallioniemi

    Alumna Satu Strömbeg: The traditional career ladder is not the only and right way to go

    The career path of Satu Srömberg, School of Business, Mikkeli Campus alumna, has not followed the obvious route of an Economics student: ’I want to encourage you to find your own path. Find your own strengths and follow your passion. Learning is a lifelong path and you only know where it takes, when you take one step after another.”

    Mikkeli Campus alumna Satu Strömberg

    School of Business alumni story: Married couple Mia Hoang and Juhana Polso

    The Bachelor’s Program in International Business is not only an exceptional business education opportunity, some even find their significant other there. Our alumni Mia Hoang and Juhana Polso started a life together while studying in the program, and after Mikkeli they both combined studies of business and technology in the University of Nebraska.

    BScBA Program alumni Mia Hoang and Juhana Polso

    Visiting professor Paurav Shukla: “I see the BScBA students transform into confident, hardworking and diligent managers.”

    Professor of Marketing, Paurav Shukla is the Head of Digital & Data-Driven Marketing department at the Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, UK. He possesses a wide range of industry and academic experience, and has been delivering corporate training, teaching and consulting assignments for various organizations in the Europe, Asia and North Africa. Shukla has taught students representing more than 60 nationalities.

    Professor of Marketing Paurav Shukla

    Contact information

    Aalto University School of Business, Mikkeli Campus

    Lönnrotinkatu 5, 50100 Mikkeli

    [email protected]

    +358 50 4389837

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