The languages of instruction and study attainments for the academic years 2024–25 and 2025–26 are confirmed in the curriculum. They may be checked in Sisu under the course description, if necessary. If you are willing to receive study attainments in other languages as well, please contact your unit’s Learning Services.
For the curriculum period that begins with the 2026-2027 academic year, the languages used will be specific to the programme or major, as planned by the director of degree programme or the head of major during the curriculum design work. The position of the course in the programme and/or major affects what languages should be used in the course or course implementation. For details, see Languages of instruction and study attainments according to course position
The possible languages of study attainments for a course (i.e. the languages in which students may complete e.g. their exams and coursework in a course implementation) are confirmed in the curriculum. One language will be confirmed for every course as the primary language of instruction. Every course will also have a confirmed language or languages of study attainments as well as any confirmed supplementary languages of instruction. Different implementations of a course may have different sets of languages, if that makes sense from a flow-of-studies and use-of-resources standpoint.
If multiple languages are used in a course implementation, the language of instruction and supplementary languages of instruction are decided according to what is sensible from the standpoint of the teaching and assessment methods. The language of instruction is the primary language of the course implementation. In addition, supplementary languages of instruction will be offered corresponding to the core content of the teaching in order to ensure that students may complete the learning outcomes and learn the central concepts.
The language of instruction and any supplementary languages of instruction are at the same time languages of study attainments. Conversely, a language of study attainments may enable other languages of instruction to be used, if the teacher so decides.
- In the fields of technology and the arts, it must be remembered that if a course’s language of study attainments is Finnish or Swedish, then the corresponding second national language (Swedish or Finnish) is also a language of study attainments (i.e. students have the right to use either national language of Finland as their language of study attainments); however, this does not apply if parallel national-language implementations of a course are offered separately, i.e. one in Swedish and another one in Finnish.
- In the field of business, for its part, Swedish may not be used as a language of study attainments.
The course’s position in the programme can be checked in the degree requirements published in the Student Guide. Also the course descriptions in Sisu often specify which target groups a course is intended for. The languages of Aalto study options can also be found on the pages for applicants to Aalto University and on the Studyinfo site.
If you are unsure of your course’s position, you can ask the director of the degree programme or the head of major for support, as they are responsible for the designing of the curriculum.
The language of instruction is the language you use for teaching your students, for example, the language used to give lectures, or the language used in student practice groups. The language used for teaching must be a confirmed language of instruction.
Every course in the 2024–2026 curriculum period shall have one assigned language of instruction. In all course implementations, the assigned language of instruction is the language the implementation uses primarily. Student practice groups, for their part, may be organised in other languages.
From the 2026–2027 academic year on, a single course may have different implementations in different languages of instruction. The language of instruction in a course implementation is chosen from among the languages of study attainments defined for the course. The course implementation may also include supplementary languages of instruction. If an implementation is provided multilingually, the teaching will be given in the language of instruction and also, as a rule, in supplementary languages; supplementary languages may be offered by using real-time translation subtitling that is of good quality or by organising student practice groups that use the supplementary language(s). The supplementary language of instruction should be offered to correspond to the core content of the teaching in order to ensure that students may complete the learning outcomes and learn the central concepts.
Students may perform their complete study attainments in the confirmed language of study attainments. The teacher may not accept study attainments completed in other languages. Examples of study attainments are written assignments, examination answers and oral presentations. Course teachers must be able to accept for processing and grading all study attainments in all of the languages of study attainments that were confirmed for the course and that affect the grading.
The practical guidelines for students on course implementations will be produced (e.g. in MyCourses) in the language of instruction and in possible supplementary languages of instruction relevant to the implementation.
If information about the languages of study attainments for a course is essential for organising the course, the teacher should collect information about the possible languages from the students already at the beginning of the course.
- As a rule, students have the right to receive their examination questions and assignments in their selected language of study attainments. The teacher may also offer translations of examination questions and assignments to all of the students.
- If groupwork is performed in a course implementation, the teacher should plan in advance the ways in which the different languages of study attainments will be taken into account.
A student’s study attainment will include information on the language(s) they used as their language of study attainments. If a student completes their study attainments in various different languages, the language of study attainments will be the language in which the student performed the greatest amount. If the amount performed between the different languages was equal, the teacher will decide which one to record as the student’s language of study attainments.
For Finnish/Swedish course implementations, the learning material – such as textbooks, articles and other reading, or lecture slides and materials for assignments or exercises – may be in Finnish, Swedish or English.
For course implementations in English, the learning materials must be in English. In addition to the English material, material may be provided in Finnish and/or Swedish that parallels or supplements the English material.
The teaching may also include material in some other language if there are justifiable grounds for doing so and if the entire group has a command of the language in question.
The material may also be provided in multiple languages.
Multilingualism can be realised in various ways, for example:
- By striving to add Finnish and Swedish as languages of study attainments to English bachelor’s courses, as well as to English master’s courses, when possible. Languages of study attainments can also be added in the middle of the curriculum period, if done in compliance with the curriculum guidelines.
- By actively providing students with clear information about their options regarding their languages of study attainments. This can be done via MyCourses, for example.
- By offering students alternatives for the learning material, or translations and glossaries of the concepts.
- By giving students the possibility to do groupwork, to have groupwork guidance, and to perform the written and/or oral components of their studies in the national languages of Finland. However, it is important at the same time to support inclusion as well as internationalisation; therefore, dividing students into rigid categories of different language groups should be avoided.
Read more in the page Tools and tips for multilingual teaching.
- To complement your primary language of instruction, you can include supplementary languages of instruction by utilising good real-time translation subtitling of your teaching through the use of AI, for example.
- Actively inform students of the languages that will be used in the course. As a rule, you should produce the practical instructions for the course implementation in all of the languages of instruction (primary and supplementary).
- Set up student practice groups in different languages, if possible.
- Furnish parallel or supplementary learning materials, translations and/or glossaries of terms and concepts in the national languages of Finland.
Read more in the page Tools and tips for multilingual teaching.
Educational leaders of your School (such as programme director and vice dean for teaching and learning) and Learning Services (LES) will help you as needed.
Read more in the page Tools and tips for multilingual teaching.