
Training for personnel

Here you find learning support for individual learning. From MOOCs and MyCourses online to facilitated learning for your specific needs.
Aaltogether Learning For you

Online learning

Upcoming training

Kuva Proimpron Simo Routarinteestä
For Aalto community Lectures and seminars, Self-leadership and career planning
Ilona Jääskeläinen standing in front of the class during a lecture at summer course Digital Business.
For Aalto community Communications training

Plain language writing for web

On this training you will learn some of the modern trends in content creation for digital environments.
For Aalto community Staff trainings

Work communities that strengthen mental wellbeing- webinar

This is the third webinar "Work communities that strengthen mental wellbeing" from webinarseries: Strengthening Mental Health - Strategies and Tools for Wellbeing.
For Aalto community Staff trainings

Diverse workplace: psychological safety and diversity - webinar

This is the fourth webinar "Diverse workplace: psychological safety and diversity" from webinarseries: Strengthening Mental Health - Strategies and Tools for Wellbeing.
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