
The surprising impact of psychological safety

Psychological safety refers to feelings of trust and belonging, as well as the desire to learn and contribute to the community.


Psychological safety refers to feelings of trust and belonging, and the opportunity to learn and contribute to the community. It is expressed, inter alia, in the ability and opportunity to express oneself without fear of negative consequences for oneself or one's situation.

Psychological safety has a positive impact on engagement and better learning practices. Large learning groups and distance working undermine psychological safety, while group work and discussions proved to be safe practices.  

Making mistakes can be uncomfortable: making a mistake is often accompanied by a sense of shame. Presenting vulnerability involves risks, but risks can be taken when the situation is safe 

Psychological safety creates the conditions for creativity and innovation, improves learning and efficiency, and is central to creating a diverse, equal and inclusive community.


  1. Read more aboutpsychological safety in the article below.
  2. Watch l the short film All of Us - Inclusivity For Everyone and discuss it with a colleague.
  3. Learn more about the relationship between psychological safety and diversity on the Agreeing on the principles of inclusive and safe interaction page and the Aalto Safer Space cartoon, which you can also share with your team.
  4. Check out also the First Aid Kit, a support package for diverse teamwork.

How does psychological safety establish the foundation for learning, innovation and creativity?

Feeling safe is an important part of today's higher education discussion.

Read the article! ⏰~5 min.
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More things to consider

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing
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