
Community stories

Bringing together community stories from around the university.
Walk in my shoes, illustration by Anna Muchenikova.

Walk in my shoes

Inspired by the saying that you should walk a mile in someone’s shoes to understand them, the ‘Walk in my shoes’ series aims to share some of the experiences, thoughts, perspectives and challenges faced by another Aaltonian.

Videobloggaaja esittlee opiskelijoiden Laskiaisen viettoa

Student vlogs (external link)

What is it like to study at Aalto? Watch our students' vlogs to learn more abut Finland, Otaniemi, studies, student benefits, housing and everything else related to life at Aalto.

A human diving under water. Photo: Hayley Le

Examples of radical creativity

Radical creativity fundamentally transforms mindsets and ways of operating

Radical Creativity
Aalto  logo


Our podcasts provide diverse content on learning, science, business, work life and philosophy, among other things. Don your earphones and get listening!

Kaksi henkilöä ja "tule mukaan QueerMieli-hankkeen koulutuksiin" teksti
For Aalto community Studies Published:

LGBTIQA+ students’ inclusion

At Nyyti ry, an organisation promoting students’ mental health, this autumn we are introducing our QueerMieli project’s free-of-charge trainings and webinars about the promotion of LGBTIQA+ students’ mental health and inclusion within higher education communities!
kuva Simo Routarinteestä värikkäällä taustalla
Studies, University Published:

Appreciative encounter - join interactive group coaching

A totally new kind of training open for all Aaltonians starts 7 October – as a participant you will get concrete tools for appreciative interaction both in your work and studies
Portrait about Marjo Lehtinen
For Aalto community University Published:

Strengthening Mental Health - Strategies and Tools for Wellbeing: webinars in Autumn 2024 and Spring 2025

Webinar series consists of two webinars during autumn 2024 and two webinars during spring 2025. The webinars cover mental health, recovery, work community, and psychological safety.
Tapani Vuorinen in a black suit, facing camera in front of large windows.
Awards and Recognition, Cooperation, Research & Art Published:

Aalto Distinguished Professor Tapani Vuorinen: “Only through collaboration can we achieve greater impact”

Tapani Vuorinen, professor of forest products chemistry at the School of Chemical Engineering, was appointed Aalto Distinguished Professor at the opening of the academic year on 3 September.
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