Since 1991, the School of Business Career Services has acted as a bridge between the School of Business students and employers.
We are part of the same unit as the Corporate and Alumni Relations of the School and work in close cooperation with Aalto University Career Design Lab. We also collaborate with many other networks within Aalto University, as well as nationally (e.g. Aarresaari Career Services network of Finnish universities) and internationally. We serve both students and employers and provide information and statistics on the placement of our graduates.
We support students in designing their careers by providing
- training,
- personal career advice,
- Aalto JobTeaser job portal as well as the Highered and GoinGlobal portals for international job search,
- Aalto Talent Expo and Summer Job Day recruitment fairs and other recruitment events,
- career events with alumni,
- mentoring programme,
- Aalto International Talent programme for our international students,
- internship support and grants and
- career and placement information in our communication channels.
Our communication channels include e.g. the Aalto BIZ CareerMail newsletter, Instagram and direct emails.
Make sure you get all important messages also from our partner companies and give us permission to send you messages in recruitment-related matters in Sisu (Yhteystietojani saa käyttää rekrytointitarkoituksiin / My contact information can be used for Recruitment purposes). Your contact information will not be given to any outsider, but by giving us the permission, we can forward you their career- and recruitment-related messages (such as information about their recruitment periods and invitations to events). The messages from Career Services will be sent by default to all students, unless the student has unsubscribed the messages.
Priority: listening to clients
We actively collect student feedback on all of our services and we use the feedback to improve our services. Every year, we send a customer satisfaction survey to all students at the School of Business. In addition, the business students have a possibility to impact our services via the annually selected External Relations Student Council. The Student Council has been sparring our activities (with employers and alumni) since 2009. The students are recruited to the Council in the early fall.
The Council consists of students who represent the School's various majors and different starting years, as well as a KY representative. In addition to the basic meetings, the Council and representatives of the School's partner companies meet at the end of the academic year in a joint workshop, where the results of our annual student survey are reviewed and e.g. services connecting students and employers are developed.