School of Business

Donor recognition

The School of Business offers their supporters different ways of being recognized in the new main building of the School in Otaniemi. Among them are a named piece on the Abacus Donors’ Wall, a named chair and a named piece on the Major Donors’ Wall.
Lahjoittajien seinäteos Kauppakorkeakoululla
Donors' Wall at the School of Business. Photo: Roope Kiviranta

A warm thank you to our donors!

The School of Business has a long tradition of receiving donations: already the main building at Runeberginkatu, which was built in 1950, was largely funded through donations. This tradition now lives on in Otaniemi as well. We want to express our warmest thanks to our donors for supporting the School of Business: you are part of enabling the future success of the School of Business and supporting the future generations of business students. Our heartfelt thank you for your support!

Donor recognition in the School of Business

All donors regardless of the value of the donation are recognized on the list of donors on Aalto University website, if they have given permission for the publicity. 

All supporters of the School of Business have the opportunity of being recognized in the new main building through a piece on the Abacus Donors’ Wall, with a named chair or a piece on the Major Donors’ Wall.

The online donations are monitored on a weekly basis. All donors who have made donations that are eligible for the forms of recognition described below will be contacted (and provided with instructions).

Abacus Donors' Wall

Kuvassa Kauppakorkeakoulun seinäteos: helmitaulu, johon on sijoitettu kauppatieteisiin lahjoittaneiden nimikoituja, valkoisia helmiä.
Photo: Aalto University / Roope Kiviranta

Add your own named piece to the Wall! All donors of the School of Business have the possibility of being recognized in the Donors' Wall called Abacus, which is located in the lobby of the School's main building. The recognition possibility is available for single donations of 500 euros or more made by an individual

Also single donations made by a group consisting of individuals can be recognized in the Donors' Wall: 2500 €/group if the group consists of 10 or more individuals; 250 €/person if the group consists of 2-9 individuals.

The name of the donor or the group is engraved in a discreet way on a piece that is then included in the Abacus Donors’ Wall. If you choose not to have your name engraved on the piece, it can be identified by its serial number. There can only be one piece per donor and only one name per piece. There are a limited number of pieces available, and they are allocated in the order of reservations.

Please note! If you wish to be recognized in the Donors' Wall, we recommend you to act fast, as only a limited number of named pieces can be included in the Wall. 

Named Domus chairs

Photo: Aalto University / Roope Kiviranta

All donors (individuals) who have donated a total of 1000 euros or more to the School of Business can now be recognized with a named Domus chair. These precious chairs were refurbished and brought to the new main building from Töölö, where they were used for instance in the nostalgic Rafla. The chairs are now situated in the new building’s Learning Hub, where they serve new generations of business students.

The chairs are identified with a brass plate, with an individual’s name on it. The chairs are reserved in the order of the booking and there can only be one named Domus chair per person. All the donations made by an individual are added together, so that if a donor has, for instance, donated 850 euros before, a new donation worth of 150 euros entitles him or her to a named chair. There are only a limited number of named Domus chairs, so do act fast!

Named Lammhults chairs

Lähikuva Kauppakorkeakoulun nimikkotuoleista, jotka on tarkoitettu kauppatieteisiin lahjoittaneiden huomiointiin.
Photo: Aalto University / Roope Kiviranta

All donors (individuals) who have donated a total of 1000 euros and more to the School of Business since the foundation of Aalto University have the opportunity of being recognized with a named chair in the main building of the School.

The highly popular named Lammhults chairs situated in the new main building's lecture halls are now all booked.

Major Donors' Wall

Kuvassa seinäteos, jossa on huomioitu kauppatieteisiin lahjoittaneet suurlahjoittajat nimikoiduilla valkoisilla palasilla
Photo: Aalto University / Roope Kiviranta

This recognition is offered to every individual, organization, association and foundation that has donated or will donate, since the foundation of Aalto University, a total of 10 000 euros or more to business studies at Aalto University. The donors are recognized in three categories: 

  • donations of 10 000 euros or more
  • donations of 100 000 euros or more
  • donations of 1 000 000 euros or more.

In donations of 10 000 euros and more to the School of Business, please contact our Head of External Relations Jonna Söderholm ([email protected]). A deed of donation will be always drafted for donations of 10 000 euros or more. 

Read the Review for donors 2024

Aalto University Review for Donors 2024

Read more about the principles of fundraising, donor communications and the usage and management of donated funds here

Make a donation

Make a donation

Dear donor, a warm thank you for your support! Strong commitment of our donors creates a valuable base for our work.

Timo Korkeamäki, Dean of Aalto University School of Business

Read donor stories and news about donations

University Published:

Nokian Tyres donates EUR 200,000 to the School of Business

The donation is targeted to be used as Nokian Tyres and Jukka Moisio scholarships for masters students going on exchange programs abroad
Saastamoisen säätiön edustajat
Cooperation Published:

The Saastamoinen Foundation is active in promoting science and art internationally

Social impact and support for young people is important to the Foundation
Jude Kokkonen. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Roope Kiviranta
Cooperation, University Published:

Genuine networking is about meeting people as people

For School of Business alum Jude Kokkonen, people and doing things together is a matter close to his heart
Dekaani Timo Korkeamäki ja Abacus-lahjoittajaseinäteos
University Published:

Donors are recognized in various ways in the buildings of the School of Business

The School of Business is grateful for the donations from individuals and organizations that support the school's activities

Contact us

Jonna Söderholm

Jonna Söderholm

Head of External Relations, School of Business
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