
Compassion mentoring pilot for Aalto’s doctoral students received positive feedback

The compassion-themed peer group mentoring for Aalto’s doctoral students was piloted in the autumn semester 2023 receiving very good feedback from the participants.
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The pilot offered an opportunity to meet other doctoral students who were interested in the topic and strengthen the collective capacity for a compassionate attitude and action. The activities in the groups included shared discussions and exercises on various compassion-related topics. The groups were guided by Aalto’s doctoral students who had been trained to the task. The small groups met six times during the autumn term and the meetings were held in English. 

Overall, the pilot received very positive feedback from the participants. They considered that compassion mentoring strengthened their wellbeing and compassion skills, helped them to manage the pressures of working life and feel more positive about themselves. The meetings provided a safe space where matters related to work and other aspects of life could be shared and discussed with peers. The group members valued the support and meaningful connections in the meetings. 

The results of the pilot indicate that compassion peer group mentoring offers a pathway for introducing compassionate approach as part of Aalto’s study and work culture and helps to create a sense of togetherness within the community.

Through engaging in compassionate practices, I found a welcoming community that understood the unique pressures we face.

Compassion mentoring group member

The pilot was organized by the Oasis of Radical Wellbeing project as part of the services of the Wellbeing Desk. The compassion mentoring model was originally developed in Nyyti ry's Compassion for Universities project.

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