Our strategy

Research and art: Driving excellence 

We create world-class clusters of excellence and bring talent together.
Research equipment on a colorful background, image by Aleksi Poutanen

Our long-term purpose: 

We excel and make breakthroughs in and across science, art, technology and business.

Our current focus of development: 

Driving excellence. We create world-class clusters of excellence and bring talent together.

The planned actions: 

We cultivate excellence in our strongest areas of research and art, both existing and emerging.

We develop and support selected physical and digital infrastructures.

We collaborate to amplify our impact in a changing global landscape.

Our current key research areas

Our strength is excellence and increasing impact on our chosen key areas in research, art and education and a unique combination of collaborating disciplines.

Black and blue illustration of quantum world

Research & Art

Our research focuses on seven key areas combining four core competences in the fields of ICT, materials, arts, design and business together with three grand challenges related to energy, living environment, and health.

News related to research and art

Running track
Research & Art Published:
Aalto University campus. Photo by Mikko Raskinen
Research & Art Published:

Helsinki Capital Region Research Collaboration: Research funding for Impact Assessment Research for the years 2024-2028

The City of Helsinki, the City of Espoo, the City of Vantaa and the University of Helsinki and Aalto University have agreed to implement a scientific cooperation for the development of the Helsinki Capital Region in 2024-2028. Funding is now available for the period 2025-2027.
Aalto Open Science Award 2024. A light blue podium hovering over a blue-pink gradient background with the help of squishy-looking balloons with colored lights inside.
Awards and Recognition, Research & Art Published:

Call for nominees for Aalto University’s Open Science Award 2024

Nominate yourself, your colleague, a research group, a department, or a project for the award.
woman with virtual reality glasses
Research & Art Published:

Aalto computer scientists in ECCV 2024

European Conference on Computer Vision.
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