Our strategy

Research: Driving excellence 

We create world-class clusters of excellence and bring complementary talent together.
Research equipment on a colorful background, image by Aleksi Poutanen
  1. Our long-term purpose: We excel and make breakthroughs in and across science, art, technology and business.
  2. Our current focus of development: Driving excellence. We create world-class clusters of excellence in our key research areas and bring complementary talent together to work on grand challenges.
  3. The planned actions: Attracting and fostering talent, developing selected research infrastructures, new collaboration across fields.

Our current key research areas

Our strength is excellence and increasing impact on our chosen key areas in research, art and education and a unique combination of collaborating disciplines.

Black and blue illustration of quantum world

Research & Art

Our research focuses on seven key areas combining four core competences in the fields of ICT, materials, arts, design and business together with three grand challenges related to energy, living environment, and health.

News related to research and art

Event poster with a young researcher looking down with lighst and code reflected around her.
Cooperation, Research & Art, Studies Published:

Unite! Research Week in Grenoble-Autrans, 14-18 October

A networking event focusing on AI, Energy and Industry 4.0 for faculty and doctoral students
Research & Art Published:

The Tentative Program of ITICAT2024

The tentative program of ITICAT2024 has been published.
Artistic illustration: Algorithms over a computer chip
Research & Art Published:

Aalto computer scientists in STOC 2024

Two papers from the field of computer science were accepted to STOC 2024.
Harald Herlin Learning Center
Research & Art Published:

Learning Centre to pilot new opening hours as of 19 August 2024

The change gives Aalto students and staff more extensive access rights to the Learning Centre spaces and collections.
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