Programme director's handbook

Applying the language guidelines to degree programme portfolio

This page contains instructions for educational leaders and programme directors on how Aalto´s guidelines on the language of the degrees and instruction affects the planning and implementation of the degree programme.
Piirrosvideo, jolla havainnollistetaan kielilinjausta, mitä se tarkoittaa koulutusohjelmien osalta. Kynä liikkuu ja piirtää hahmoja ja kirjoittaa tekstiä.

The instructions related to the implementation plan will be refined and supplemented during Autumn 2024. The instructions are intended to support the management of the development of Aalto´s degree programme portfolio. For help and support in applying these instructions at the degree programme level, you may turn to the vice dean for education for your school and your school’s Learning Services staff.

Progressing on three levels in stages

Educational responsibility, languages of degree and languages of study options steer the planning of the implementation of the Aalto guidelines on the language of the degrees and instruction. The language guidelines will be put into effect in stages during 2024-2028:  

  • first in portfolio level planning (responsibility: joint working group of vice president and the vice deans for education, as well as schools´own working groups and management teams), 
  • then in programme level curriculum development work (responsibility: degree programme directors and teachers in charge of courses) 
  • and finally in planning courses and each implementation (responsibility: teachers in charge of courses). 

In accordance with the decree issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM), Aalto University has a total of 15 areas of educational responsibility (1 in the field of art, 1 in the field of economics and 13 in the field of technology). The schools promote multilingualism in accordance with the language guidelines, and ensure that students are given the opportunity to study in the national languages of Finland in all fields of study where Aalto has educational responsibilities. 
When planning the implementation of the language guidelines during 2024, the Aalto schools will, under the leadership of the vice dean, recognise in which degree programmes they will organized teaching mainly in the national languages.

See also: Questions and answers about the portfolio planning (Teacher´s Handbook) 

Aalto University´s educational responsibility areas​ 

Source: Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture on specifying the educational responsibility of universities | Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön asetus yliopistojen koulutusvastuun täsmentämisestä (

      Education responsibility in the field of arts and design:

  1. Arts and design (in Finnish: taiteet, in Swedish: ruotsiksi)

    Education responsibility in the field of buisness:

  2. Economics and business administration (in Finnish: kauppatieteet, in Swedish: ekonomi)

    Education responsibility in the field of technolofy:

  3. Architecture (in Finnish: arkkitehtuuri, in Swedish: arkitektur)
  4. BiotechnologyB (in Finnsh: biotekniikka, in Swedish: bioteknik)
  5. Energy technology (in Finnish: energiatekniikka, in Swedish: energiteknik)
  6. Chemical and process engineering (in Finnish: kemian- ja prosessitekniikka, in Swedish: kemi- och processteknik)
  7. Mechanical engineering (in Finnish: konetekniikka, in Swedish: maskinteknik) 
  8. Landscape architecture (in Finnish:maisema-arkkitehtuuri, in Swedish: landskapsarkitektur)
  9. Materials technology (in Finnish: materiaalitekniikka, in Swedish: materialteknik)
  10. Building and civil engineering (in Finnish:Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka, in Swedish: byggnads- och samhällsteknik)
  11. Electrical engineering and automation (in Finnish: sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, in Swedish: elektro- och automationsteknik) 
  12. Natural sciences and engineering (in Finnish: teknis-luonnontieteellinen ala, in Swedish: teknisk-naturvetenskapliga området) 
  13. Computer and communication sciences (in Finnish: tieto- ja viestintätekniikka,  in Swedish: data- och kommunikationsteknik)
  14. Industrial engineering (in Finnish: tuotantotalous, in Swedish: produktionsekonomi)
  15.  Environmental engineering (in Finnish: ympäristötekniikka, in Swedish: miljöteknik)

Aalto University's language guidelines and content related to the management of degree programmes

Four people looking at the laptop. Image: Aalto University / Aleksi Poutanen

General language guidelines

Aalto University language policies and principles

Aalto Handbook
Student Guide illustration, applications, instructions and guidelines

Guidelines on the languages of the degrees and instruction

Guidelines on the languages of the degrees and instruction ((in force from 1 January 2024)

Applications, instructions and guidelines
Educational leaders plan study paths, diagram of paths in bachelor's and master's degrees

Applying the language guidelines to teaching

This page contains instructions for teachers and programme directors on how Aalto’s Guidelines on the Languages of the Degrees and Instruction affects the planning and implementation of teaching.

Teacher’s Handbook
Aalto University campus. Photo by Mikko Raskinen

Degree programme portfolio management

Regular evaluation and strategic planning is utilized to effectively manage the Aalto degree programme portfolio.

Programme director's handbook
Students at Aalto University Learning Centre

Programme director's handbook

The programme director's handbook is a collection of guidelines, templates, and good practices. The handbook gathers together information about processes, schedules and tools and the aim is to support degree programme directors, heads of majors and others involved to succeed in implementing, evaluating and developing the degree programmes.

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