Programme director's handbook

Degree programme portfolio management

The management of a vibrant and future-oriented degree programme portfolio happens on many levels. Evaluations and continuous dialogues with educational leaders, stakeholders, students and alumni are key activities in the process.
Aalto University campus. Photo by Mikko Raskinen

Regular evaluation and strategic planning enable effective management of the degree programme portfolio. Our approach involves continuous a dialogue with degree programme directors and educational leaders, to understand the evolving needs of the industry and the aspirations of our students. 

With an aligned curriculum and research-based teaching, we ensure that our degree programmes are vibrant, attractive and socially relevant. Through a collaborative approach between different actors and stakeholders, Aalto University strives to provide high-quality, future-oriented education that gives students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers.

Education management, evaluation and related content

A woman walking by a large Aalto logo sign

Strategy and quality

Aalto University's strategy and quality system are intertwined and together establish the foundations for our ways of working and pursuit of excellence. Aalto university's quality management is based on continuous development.

Aalto Handbook
Aalto University evaluation programme 2023-2029

Assesment and Feedback

The purpose of evaluations is to ensure the quality of and improve university activities and to embed the best joint operating methods in the organisation.

Aalto Handbook
Five students working on a group project in the business school building.

Management of education

Continual development of the quality of teaching and learning is one of the university's key strategic objectives. Aalto University promotes a positive culture of learning. Special attention is paid to supporting the progress of studies and monitoring the study process to ensure learning outcomes.

Aalto Handbook
A photo of Aalto University students discussing, photo by Aino Huovio

Quality assurance and evaluation of education

A comprehensive quality assurance framework is implemented to evaluate our educational activities.

Programme director's handbook
Students studying

Using data of teaching and studying for programme development

Data about teaching and studying is one of the key bases that support the monitoring, evaluation and development of education and our programmes.

Programme director's handbook
Students studying together in a group

Preparing a new degree programme

The most important thing in preparing a new degree programme is the clear purpose of the programme and the fit of the programme as part of Aalto University's degree programme portfolio.

Programme director's handbook
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Applying the language guidelines to degree programme portfolio

Educational responsibility, languages of degree and languages of study options steer the implementation of the Aalto language guidelines.

Programme director's handbook
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