Student Guide

Master's Programme in Art and Media

This site contains the student study guide for Master's Programme in Art and Media. Here you will find the programme curriculum as well as detailed guidelines for planning your studies. All the materials and instructions are for the students in all the majors of] the programme. If you are interested in applying to the programme, follow the link on the bottom of the site to the application page.

Master's Programme in Art and Media is organized by the School of Arts, Design and Architecture.


Locker system with a digital display reading 'Scan your Badge'. A large red arrow points down next to the screen.
Campus Published:

Changes in Väre lockers

All student lockers in Väre will be turned into short term lockers. The change is based on an analysis of the usage logs and has been discussed with student representatives.
Studies, University Published:

The Turnitin similarity and AI reports as part of the master's thesis submission starting from January 2025

Starting in January 2025, a Turnitin similarity report will be generated from the same file for all master's theses submitted for evaluation, approval, and archiving.
Kulkutunnisteen lukija
Campus, Incidents, University Published:

Short interruptions in the operation of access tags and doors

A system update will cause the access tags and doors on Otaniemi campus 16.-20.12.2024
Studies Published:

The AllWell? student survey is open 30.1.-13.2.2025

Hello, second-year bachelor’s student or first-year master’s student, how are you?
Respond to the AllWell? student survey!


For Aalto community Information sessions

ARTS student exchange info session

Come and hear more about how to apply for student exchange abroad
Micronova. Photo: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto University

Get to know semiconductor industry in Finland! Welcome to pop-up event!

Come and get to know heavily growing semiconductor industry and companies in Finland. When you know semiconductor industry better you will get more out of your future studies and build relationships that support your career.
Student Guide, tapahtumakuva

Beat the Blues: Employment in Finland

Join us to talk about your experiences on job search and working in Finland. What good practices would you like to share with your fellow students, and on the other hand, what challenges have you faced as a jobseeker in Finland.
Summer Job Day visual banner
Fairs, Students

Summer Job Day 2025

During this live event, arts, design, technical and business students meet employers offering summer jobs.

How to apply

Kuvataidekasvatus - Taide ja Media, taiteen maisteri

Opinnot kuvataidekasvatuksen pääaineessa tarjoavat sinulle mahdollisuuden syventyä taiteelliseen ajatteluun suhteessa yhteiskunnan ja ympäristönmuutoksiin sekä niihin vaikuttamiseen taidepedagogisen toiminnan keinoin. Opiskelijana sinulta edellytetään taiteellisten perusvalmiuksien lisäksi uteliaisuutta kuvataiteen ja visuaalisen kulttuurin moninaisia ilmiöitä sekä pedagogisia kysymyksiä kohtaan, kriittistä ajattelua sekä avoimuutta uusille näkökulmille. Kuvataiteen aineenopettajan kelpoisuuden lisäksi opinnot tarjoavat sinulle mahdollisuuden monipuoliseen ammatilliseen verkostoitumiseen sekä kotimaassa että kansainvälisesti.

Avoin kämmen, jossa on useita pieniä, vaaleanpunertavia kiviä ja hieman multaa sormessa.

Photography - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

A photograph has an all-piercing force in society and culture, impacting individuals, communities and nations alike. In our image-saturated world, the significance of a powerful photograph hasn’t been lost. If anything, artists and photographers with something to say are needed now, more than ever before.

Lada Suomenrinne: Iđitguovssu, 2021 (yksityiskohta teoksesta)

Sound in New Media - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The aim of the Major in Sound in New Media is to explore, discover and comprehend the emerging digital technology and its aural impact in society; to find and exploit the possibilities it opens to acoustic communication, sonic interaction and new interfaces for musical expression and to evaluate, understand and deal with the challenges it poses to art, design, and creative production in the auditory domain.

Petteri Mäkiniemi and Ilpo Jauhiainen Musica Nova 2019 - Sound in New Media

New Media - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

In a technology-saturated world, it is indispensable to understand and study the impacts that technology has on individuals, organisations and society. The New Media major brings together a multicultural group of students with very versatile skills and backgrounds.

A person looking at a project work on a round table

Visual Communication Design - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

In the Visual Communication Design major you get to investigate contemporary modes of acting and thinking through visual communication.

Visual Communication Design

Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

At VICCA, artists, curators and researchers aim to understand, challenge and shift the paradigms of contemporary art and the world around us.

The ViCCA prograne

Game Design and Development - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

A unique mix of artistic and technical aspects in game design and development, grounded in Nordic game dev culture and the latest research.

Climbing wall

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