School of Engineering

Renewable Energy Learning Lab

Renewable Energy Learning Lab, or RELab in short, offers students a unique learning environment. The students can carry out hands-on experimental research with various renewable energy equipment, such as, solar panels and wind turbines.
Inside Renewable Energy Learning Lab. Wind turbines and wind blower are visible in this photo. There is a small space, right behind these two equipment where students can relax and discuss over things related to renewable energy, in particular, and whatever they feel like discussing, in general.


Imagine a world where students, willing to carry out research experiments on renewable energy, find a place within the Aalto University campus in Espoo, Finland which fulfil their wishes. Imagine a world where students are already confident enough to tackle real-world energy-related problems. Imagine a lab space inside Aalto University campus itself where students can get to learn and satiate their curiosity regarding renewable energy, in particular, and energy conversion, in general. 

Welcome to Renewable Energy Learning Lab, or RELab in short, which is a full-scale research laboratory. The lab houses various renewable energy instruments, such as bifacial solar panels, unifacial solar panels, horizontal wind turbine and vertical wind turbine. Besides these main instruments, the lab also contains solar meter, industrial fan (which serves as the artificial source of wind), environment meter and multimeters for aiding the research activities of students and researchers alike.

The RELab was borne out of one of the projects from Product Development Project at Aalto University. The first version of the lab was built (and was also the final product delivered) by the students who participated in this course between Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters. Professor Mika Järvinen, who now leads the Energy Conversion and Systems research group at Department of Mechanical Engineering inside the School of Engineering at Aalto University, is the main contact person for this lab. 

Learn more about RELab

Display Image for RELab's Main Instruments

RELab's Main Instruments

This page contains descriptions and features of the main instruments kept at RELab at Aalto University.

School of Engineering
Display Image for Additional Instruments at RELab

Additional Instruments at RELab

This page contains descriptions and features of the additional instruments kept at RELab at Aalto University.

School of Engineering


Mika Järvinen

Professori (Associate professor)
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