Main page for instructions of course feedback tool
At Aalto University, course feedback is collected from almost all courses. On these pages you will find teacher's instructions for using the course feedback tool on MyCourses.
End-of-course survey functions in the course feedback tool are automated. As a teacher, you can count on, for example, that you and the students will receive reminders and the end-of-course survey will be generated.
There are two types of surveys available: mid-course survey and (automatic) end-of-course survey. You can customize the timing, settings, and questions of your surveys with certain conditions, see more details below.
You can modify the feedback surveys already 31 days before the course starts. Two weeks before the start of the course, you will receive a reminder to plan the feedback practices for your course. The message is sent to all teachers marked in Sisu.
By planning the surveys in advance you have time to communicate when the surveys are open and the importance of feedback to students during the course.
You can add and schedule mid-course surveys even with time accuracy between the start and end dates of the course. You can share the link with students in a context appropriate to the survey, for example in the context of an assignment.
You can modify the end-of-course survey until it opens for students to answer: you can add questions to the end-of-course survey, extend the open time of the survey and change the setting for the automatic publication of multiple-choice results.
Once a survey is activated (open for students), you can modify only the closing date of the survey.
Once the survey is closed, you can not extend the open time.
Three weeks before the course ends (i.e. two weeks before end-of-course survey opens) the teacher will receive an email and MyCourses notification about the survey. Now it is final chance to edit the survey. Once the survey opens, no further edits can be made.
The end-of-course survey opens (activates) for students a week before the end of the course, unless you have changed the opening time. You can reserve time to collect feedback during the lessons. Students will receive an e-mail and MyCourses notification when the survey opens. Students can also see a summary of their unanswered and answered feedback surveys in the MyCourses course feedback view.
On the day the course ends, the system automatically sends a reminder email about giving feedback to those students who have not yet given feedback. In addition to this automatic message, you can send additional reminders if you wish, which the course feedback tool sends to those who have not yet responded.
The end-of-course feedback survey closes. The feedback survey cannot be re-opened, i.e. the need to keep the form open must be decided before the survey closes. More effective ways to increase the number of responses than extending the open time of the feedback survey are to reserve time for students to give feedback, for example at the beginning of the last teaching session, reward giving feedback with course points and emphasize the importance of feedback.
You can publish the quantitative results of the feedback and respond to the feedback in the feedback tool for four weeks after the closing of the end-of-course feedback survey. Try to prioritise responding to the feedback as soon as possible, when both you and the students still have the course fresh in your minds. If you don't have time to give feedback before the time limit expires, you can publish your response to the feedback using other channels.
The course feedback tool sends one automatic notification to the teacher and two different kind of notifications to the student: a message about answering the end-of-course survey, and a message about a report of the survey. The contents of the messages are trilingual. The recipient will receive messages in both email and MyCourses notifications unless they adjust the notification settings.
The title:
Suunnittele palautteenkeruu kurssillesi / Plan feedback practices for your course / Planera responspraxis för din kurs
Message content:
Hei opettaja / Hi teacher / Hej läraren,
Löydät kurssipalautetyökalun MyCoursesista:
You can find course feedback tool in MyCourses:
Du hittar kursfeedbackverktyget i MyCourses:
{LINK to the survey view of the course implementation}
Katso vinkit toimiviin kurssipalautekäytäntöihin: https://www.aalto.fsi/fi/palvelut/kurssipalaute-osana-kurssin-elinkaarta
See tips for how to make the most out of course feedback:
Se tips för hur du får ut det mesta av kursresponsen:
"Your feedback, our commitment – Driving creative and constructive energy!”
Kyselyjä alkamassa kahden viikon kuluttua / Surveys starting in two weeks
Viestin sisältö:
Hei opettaja / Hi teacher / Hej läraren,
Kurssisi loppupalautekysely on alkamassa kahden viikon kuluttua. Voit muokata kyselyä siihen asti, kunnes kysely aukeaa.
End of course survey of your course will open in to weeks. You can modify the survey until the survey opens.
The title:
Vastaathan kurssipalautekyselyyn / Give course feedback, please / Ge kursrespons, tack
Message content:
Hei / Hi / Hej,
Sinulla on vastaamattomia kurssipalautekyselyitä, vastaathan niihin mahdollisimman pian. Palautteita hyödynnetään toimintamme kehittämiseen. Palautekyselyyn vastaamalla voit nähdä raporttiyhteenvedon sekä vastauksen palautteeseen, mikäli opettaja julkaisee palautteen kyselyn sulkeuduttua.
You have unanswered course feedback surveys, please give your feedback as soon as possible. Feedback will be used to develop our operations. By answering to the survey, you will be able to see the report summary and the optional teacher`s response to the feedback after the survey has closed.
Du har obesvarade kursresponsenkäter, vänligen svara på dem så snart som möjligt. Responsen används för att utveckla vår verksamhet. Genom att svara på enkäten kan du se rapportsammanfattningen och svaret på responsen, om läraren publicerar responsen efter att enkäten är stängd.
Suorat linkit kyselyihin / Direct links to feedback surveys / Direktlänkar till enkäter:
{LINK / LINKS to end-of-course surveys}
{LINK / LINKS to end-of-course surveys}
Lisätietoa kurssipalautteesta / More information about course feedback / Mer information om kursrespons
"Your feedback, our commitment – Driving creative and constructive energy!”
The title:
Kurssipalauteraportteja nähtävänä / Course feedback reports available / Kursresponsrapporter tillgängliga
Message content:
Hei / Hi / Hej,
Sinulla on palautekyselyiden raportteja nähtävänä
You have query reports available
Suorat linkit raportteihin / Direct links to reports / Direktlänkar till rapporter :
{LINK to the report}
Lisätietoa kurssipalautteesta / More information about course feedback / Mer information om kursrespons
"Your feedback, our commitment – Driving creative and constructive energy!”
At Aalto University, course feedback is collected from almost all courses. On these pages you will find teacher's instructions for using the course feedback tool on MyCourses.
This page helps you log in to the course feedback tool. In addition, this page provides important background information about the connection between the course feedback tool and MyCourses. This page is part of the set of instructions for the course feedback tool.
This page contains information about survey types and survey statuses. The page is part of teacher's instructions for the course feedback tool.
This page contains information related to editing course feedback surveys. For example, you can check what basic information for a survey means, what question types can be found in the course feedback tool, and how to use the question library. This page is part of the set of instructions for the course feedback tool.
Topics on this page: the survey report view, publishing the report to respondents, responding to feedback, downloading the respondent list and exporting its data to Grades of the course workspace, as well as how the data accumulated from the end-of-course surveys can also be viewed with other report tools. The page is part of teacher's instructions for the course feedback tool.
Page contents: help for some of the most common problems concerning course feedback tool, frequently asked questions and user support contact information. The page is a part of instructions for the course feedback tool.