Success of BATCircle2.0 bolsters Finnish leadership in Li-ion battery supply chain
The Aalto-led collaboration between researchers and industry resulted in impressive research outputs
The Aalto-led collaboration between researchers and industry resulted in impressive research outputs
Researchers from Aalto University and the University of Tampere are collaborating with companies to accelerate the data-driven business in the manufacturing industry. The joint three-year project is funded by Business Finland.
Most of the work carried out on construction sites does not directly affect the actual progress of the work. However, a recent doctoral dissertation found an easy way to improve construction productivity and, at the same time, well-being: monitoring employees' activities.
Kiia Einola's study journey at Aalto University extends from bachelor's studies all the way to doctoral research. Summer job during her master's studies sparked Kiia's interest in smart building research. She is currently working on her doctoral dissertation in smart building services engineering by collaborating with Helvar, a company specializing in electrical engineering.
Aalto University and the Natural Resources Institute Finland are developing bio-based textile dyes.
As a result of the collaboration, Neste is now using digital tools in its fuel research alongside traditional testing.
A stakeholder event organized by the Department of Civil Engineering has already become a spring tradition. Civil Engineering Day was held on April 25 in Dipoli Otaniemi.
High quality research enables high quality education
The Creative Leap research project, funded by Business Finland, aims to make creativity visible in business.
A ground-breaking research programme together with universities, research organizations, and companies is established to reform the traditional pulping processes. As the target of the programme is industrial scale relevance, it requires a pool of scientists and the industry to work together internationally.
Aalto University, in collaboration with the industrial partners Applied Materials in Finland (Picosun), PiBond and Volatec has been awarded a major Business Finland grant.
Joint doctoral research projects between Aalto University and ABB are training scientists to develop the cutting-edge products needed in the future.
The research collaboration explored new territory in nanotechnologies.
A research collaboration with industry partners is improving the recycling of milk and juice cartons
In his doctoral thesis, Kalle Spoof developed beamforming of radar systems
Overconfident AI systems can be dangerous, so researchers are teaching them humility
The Green Electrification 2035 programme aims to develop solutions for the green transition.
Generative AIs like ChatGPT will revolutionise the business world, but so far no one knows how – new research project explores best practices and seeks solutions to pitfalls
Researchers at Aalto are creating a digital model for automatic continuous predictive process simulations supporting wastewater treatment plant operation in a new project called DIGICARBA. The proposed digital tool will have a wastewater treatment process model connected to continuous data transmission from the Helsinki wastewater treatment plant.
FCAI, Metso and partners address sustainability in mining with artificial intelligence.
A good brand has been developed for collaboration between Aalto University and the Saab Group, as well as a reputation for knowing how to do things right.
A model locates nerve canals in the lower jaw quickly and precisely, helping radiologists and dentists save time and effort.
The FinnFiberColor project develops sustainable solutions for manufactured cellulose fibre processes. The project has enhanced the understanding of the properties of new kinds of textile fibres and assessed the consumer perception of fabrics created from alternative materials.
Physics Professor Päivi Törmä secures substantial funding from Finnish Foundations for global SuperC consortium
Antimicrobial resistance is causing a silent, stealthy pandemic – and the pipeline of new antibiotics is dwindling. The good news is that researchers are turning to other ways to fight bacteria, by targeting the very weapons they deploy during an infection.
Aim of project is to improve knowledge of medication safety and promote use of technical solutions supporting medication safety in different sectors and organisations
Concerns about the climate, the world’s oil resources, and the availability of strategic raw materials have turned interest towards renewable and carbon-neutral natural resources in the production of energy, fuels and chemicals. Most of the world's industrial chemicals are still petroleum products but biorefineries are the game changers of future.
The goal of the project financed by Business Finland is to speed up the development of emission-free marine technology, among other things.
Valmistava teollisuus on jo pitkään puhunut digitaalisista kaksosista mutta keskustelu rakennusten digikaksosista käynnistyi vasta runsas viisi vuotta sitten. Aalto-yliopiston Building 2030 -loppuraportti ulottaa ajatuksen vielä pidemmälle. Se tarkastelee, olisiko rakennusprosessin digitaalinen kaksonen mahdollinen ja mitä arvoa sen käyttö synnyttäisi.
Sustainable fit-for-purpose nonwovens project boosts the competitiveness and broadens the export potential of the Finnish nonwovens sector in the growing markets. The 2,6 MEUR project is conducted by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) and Aalto University and supported by 17 industry partners.
The solution is based on connecting local production and the district heating system, as well as low heat and cold networks
Competence in metallurgy is needed as the energy transition increases the demand for metals, and the reuse of materials requires new competence.
Aalto University is part of a consortium that has launched an innovative European Union (EU) funded project to create a circular system for post-consumer textile waste.
The Finnish Research Impact Foundation funding awarded to Professor Monika Österberg's team will enable Aalto University and Kemira to explore the possibilities of developing fully bio-based packaging materials to reduce the use of plastics in the packaging industry.
As the environmental impact of the fashion and textile industries becomes clearer, the demand and need for sustainable alternatives is growing. One international research group aims to replace toxic synthetic dyes with natural alternatives, ranging from plants to microbes to food waste.
One key driver of the partnership is the energy transition and the need to develop new zero-emission fuel solutions.
Aalto University has recently signed cooperation agreements with HSY and the National Land Survey of Finland. Both collaborations focus specifically on the research fields of the Department of Built Environment.
The second video in FCAI's new video series presents collaboration between FCAI, health equipment manufacturer Planmeca and Tampere University Hospital.
FCAI's new video series on academy-industry collaboration first presents Neste NAPCON.
Aalto University, the University of Oulu, and VTT, together with seven companies are searching for ways to reduce the environmental impact of industrial production, and for measures that can be combined in an environmentally responsible brand strategy.
New research enables more functional and robust robotic prostheses.
Multidisciplinary research team invites citizens, civil servants and software developers to identify risks and potential of algorithmic services – and helps providers address upcoming EU regulations
The project is led by Bayer and seeks to build an innovation ecosystem of companies, universities and representatives of the health sector, making Finland a top country in clinical research.
A joint project covering the fields of mathematics, engineering and arts is about to start at Aalto, where the aim is to study and develop folding technology for the needs of industry. In addition to Aalto, the project includes VTT as coordinator, and several companies from the forest industry to the machine design and cosmetics brands, such as Stora Enso, Metsä Group, Lumene, Mirka, Elomatic, Anpap, Orfer and Soften. Business Finland granted funding for the Co-Innovation project.
A new research project has been launched to accelerate the progress of Finnish quantum technology. The QuTI project, coordinated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, will develop new components, manufacturing and testing solutions, and algorithms for the needs of quantum technology. The QuTI consortium, partly financed by Business Finland, consists of 12 partners and has a total budget of around EUR 10 million.
The donation is targeted to the field of technology within the Finnish state's matching funding campaign for universities. Aalto has decided to use the donation for research and education in chemical engineering.
Assistant Professor Panu Savolainen's research group receives 347 000 euros in funding.
Aalto University's Bioinnovation Center has chosen 5 interdisciplinary projects to launch its doctoral school in 2022. The projects aim at innovations in the fields of sustainable textiles and packaging.
The first two PhD students will be hired to the program this year.
Schneider Electric donation of industrial automation technology, software licenses, and teaching support is to answer for growing need for automation expertise.
We are developing world-class technologies together as the shipping sector is shifting to using electronic, autonomous and emission-free solutions. We collaborate closely also in technologies related to digital twins for electric drives and 5G solutions for power grids. The driver behind the development is electrification accelerated by the energy transition.
Study shows new chloride-based process recovers 84% of gold compared to the 64% recovered with traditional methods
Saab invests 3 million euros for expanding the collaboration into new research areas. This increases Saab’s total investment to 23 million euros for the years 2017-2026.
The newly funded joint ventures research and develop technologies for faster testing methods in quantum technologies, super-repellent coating for medical applications, and high-performance mid-infrared fibre lasers.
Aalto University begins collaboration with Swedish universities in Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program. A large number of Swedish companies are also involved in the WASP.
This marks the first time that Helsinki and the three universities engage in incubator-related cross-organisational cooperation.
The framework created by landscape architects plays a key role when playground equipment and sport gear bring joy and thrills to people's lives.
International projects aim to develop new more environmentally friendly materials and production methods for rechargeable lithium batteries
Researchers discover how accurately the human ear can detect time delay in sounds in different frequencies.
The main goal of the Design + Sustainability research project is to find new, effective ways to promote sustainable development.
Research funding from Business Finland supports development of new power device solutions from the research phase to practical application.