Doctoral education

Model schedule for doctoral students

Each doctoral journey is individual and needs support. This model schedule will help you to
1) complete the required credits in the target time,
2) find the information necessary for your research work at the right time and
3) plan how you can build your transferable competencies and the networks needed for successful employment after graduation.

Doctoral programme's curricula

You will find the compulsory and elective courses of your doctoral programme and their schedules in their curriculum. Please also note the possibility for the independently completed individual studies.

Plan your studies and research activities with your supervising professor:

Doctoral personal study plan (DPSP)

Transferable competencies

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Term 7 Term 8
Transferable / working life skills + research mobility
LC-L1000 Research Ethics for Doctoral Students, 2 ECTS Academic language and communication courses (Language Centre) Possible research mobility according to DPSP Doctoral thesis summary workshops in English and in Finnish   LC-L1012 Business Skills for Doctoral Students, 1 ECTS  
LC-L1011 Open Science for Doctoral Students, 1 ECTS Writing clinic and speech clinic (Language Centre) LC-L1018 Tutkimusraportoinnin tekstiretriitit tohtoriopiskelijoille, 3 ECTS (in the autumn term, offered in Finnish)       LC-L1014 Interactive Leadership Skills for Doctoral Students, 1 ECTS  
LC-L1015 Research Project Management for Doctoral Students, 1 ECTS LC-L1013 Career Course for Doctoral Students, 1 ECTS LC-L1017 Asiantuntijaesittämisen valmennus tohtoriopiskelijoille D, 3 ECTS (in the autumn term, offered in Finnish)       LC-L1016 Writing Grant Applications for Doctoral Students, 1 ECTS  
LC-L1020 Theory of Science, 1 ECTS LC-L1019 Tutkimustiedon yleistajuistaminen, 5 ECTS (in the spring term, offered in Finnish)            
International doctoral students: Finnish/Swedish courses (see possibilities to include in the degree from your doctoral programme's curriculum).          
Networking with industry, traineeship
Talent Expo Excursions Excursions Excursions       Possible traineeship period in a company/research institute in Finland or abroad

Infos & trainings

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Term 7 Term 8
Aalto Doctoral Orientation Days and Info session series for doctoral students by Doctoral education services
Aalto Doctoral Orientation Days IPR and copyright Career + mobility   Writing the summary part Pre-examination    
Supervision practices Researcher skills & infra     Publishing and media coverage Public defence & graduation    
Writing doctoral research DPSP & Sisu clinic            
Funding Wellbeing     Funding     Funding
Following your progress              
Trainings in Research Data Management and Open Science by Aalto University's Data Agents and Open Research Network
Introduction to research Preparing privacy notice How to store data       Reproducing your data  
Writing a RDM plan Information on data hub How to publish data          
AI in research work Data collection ACRIS info          
  Handling personal data How to publish your code          
  Computing, coding            
Photo of yellow strings wrung infront of a glass wall

Doctoral personal study plan (DPSP)

Doctoral students plan their studies and research by using the five parts of the DPSP.

Doctoral education
Photo of a library hallway with bookselves full of books

Doctoral courses and curriculum

Find courses for doctoral students & information about individual studies and credit transfer.

Doctoral education
Unfocused photo of a laptop with hands over it and backlight shining from a window in the background

Researcher skills for doctoral students

Find resources to improve your skills related to data management, research ethics, IPR, dissemination of results and more!

Doctoral education
Drawing of a stack of books, with notes between the pages of the books.

Doctoral thesis at Aalto University

Resources, guidelines and information on doctoral theses at Aalto University

Doctoral education

Doctoral page index

Index of all pages about doctoral education

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