Doctoral education

For new doctoral students

Information for doctoral students at the beginning of their studies

After admission to doctoral studies

Welcome to our doctoral community! All new doctoral students take part in the Aalto Doctoral Orientation Days at the start of the studies. Make sure to handle all the practicalities too - we are here to help you!

All doctoral students have a student status at Aalto, but many of you also have a work contract. Do note that application to doctoral programme and study right is a different process from the recruitment to a doctoral researcher's paid work contract. If you are unsure of your status, please contact the Doctoral education services.

Welcome to Aalto University!

Aalto logo standing in purple coloured lights

Aalto Doctoral Orientation Days

Key information for the first year of doctoral studies - and later!

Doctoral education
Artworkd from Dipoli, dozens of drop-shaped blue glass artefacts

Info session series for doctoral students

Get information and ask questions about various essential issues related to doctoral studies and research.

Doctoral education
Aalto-yliopiston opetuksesta vastaava vararehtori Petri Suomala

Vice president Petri Suomala's welcome speech for new students

Petri Suomala welcomes new students to the Aalto community, whose strengths include collaboration between people of diverse backgrounds and fields of study.


Doctoral education services

We support doctoral students, supervising professors, thesis advisors and doctoral programme directors in matters related to doctoral studies.

Art work of twigs forming a web

Doctoral page index

Index of all pages about doctoral education

Doctoral education
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