Doctoral education

Research mobility and collaboration

International mobility of doctoral students is a way to develop your research and build your international network. Mobility may have relevance to future employment prospects but also to developing an international career. Aalto University encourages every doctoral student to spend at least a six months period abroad during their studies.

Aalto encourages doctoral degrees which are jointly supervised with international partner. These agreements are referred as Cotutelle Agreements.

Mobility, networks and international courses

When you are choosing the destination, your research should be in the foreground. Which universities, conferences or research institutes benefit your research the most? Discuss your options with your supervising professor and/or advisor(s). Professors usually have personal contacts to universities and research institutes abroad.

International joint supervision of doctoral studies

Aalto encourages doctoral degrees which are jointly supervised with international partner. These agreements are referred as Cotutelle Agreements. Arrangements for joint supervision, or ‘cotutelle agreements’ are made regarding the studies and supervision of a single doctoral student. Such students are awarded degrees and the associated certificates from both universities.

Aalto University aims at high quality of international standards in research and education. International cooperation is an integral part of the doctoral education of Aalto University, and one method for such cooperation is arrangements for the joint supervision of doctoral degrees. A student may earn a degree under a joint supervision arrangement between two universities provided that joint supervision is based on genuine scientific cooperation, brings added value to the doctoral thesis and enhances the quality of the research.

Cotutelle agreements should be made at the beginning of the studies but it requires a study right at an Aalto doctoral programme before any agreement can be made.


Doctoral education services

We support doctoral students, supervising professors, thesis advisors and doctoral programme directors in matters related to doctoral studies.

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Doctoral education
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