Doctoral education services
We support doctoral students, supervising professors, thesis advisors and doctoral programme directors in matters related to doctoral studies.
When you are choosing the destination, your research should be in the foreground. Which universities, conferences or research institutes benefit your research the most? Discuss your options with your supervising professor and/or advisor(s). Professors usually have personal contacts to universities and research institutes abroad.
Mobility is usually financed by external funding: scholarships and grants, as part of a project or an individual fellowship. The funding for long distance destinations must be organized independently. While applying, besides the most obvious organisations, try to find out information of all possible foundations, both national and international. The target country may equally have some scholarships worthwhile applying for.
If you apply within Erasmus+ or Erasmus Global Mobility programme, you are entitled for Erasmus scholarship from Aalto University, which is dictated by the destination and the length of the stay.
Check out the application deadlines for funding well in advance.
What: Visits to universities, research institutes, organisations and industries.
Where to go: Discuss with your supervising professor and/or your advisor(s) about the suitable places for you as they know your research field and should be able to recommend the best option for you. Research visits are not tied to agreements between the universities.
When: There is no definite rule at which stage of a research you should go: it depends on your research and objectives concerning the visit. You agree the timing of your visit period with your supervising professor and the host university.
For how long: The length of the research visit can be anything from one week to several months.
How: Each university has its own system for receiving long-term visitors. Check out their websites and be in contact with their international office and the professors in your field to ask what is the procedure for a research visit. Note that some universities arrange application periods for visiting researchers or scholars.
Important to note: When you go abroad as part of your doctoral education, you need to enroll as an attending student to Aalto University.
What: Course-based studies at partner university of Aalto University, or in some cases, some other university (so called freemover exchange). Usually exchange studies involve both taking courses and advancing your research work.
Where to go? Check from Aalto University's destination database which Aalto's partner universities accept doctoral students. Discuss with your supervising professor and/or your advisor(s) about the suitable places for you. Based on these discussions you may also agree about an exchange to a university that is not partner of Aalto University.
Exchange destinations for Aalto students
When? Exchange periods follow the academic calendar of the host university so the exchange begins usually in the beginning of the academic term/year and ends at the end of the academic term/year.
For how long: The duration of the exchange is from 3 months to 12 months.
How? If you apply within an exchange programme, please check the application periods and instructions (
Important to note: When you go abroad as part of your doctoral education, you need to enroll as an attending student to Aalto University.
For more information:
Funding for exchange studies
Contact persons for outgoing exchanges at Schools (
Taking part in international conferences is also one way of including international elements to your doctoral studies and research and a good opportunity to network internationally. Conferences are excellent opportunities to present your research for the international research community and experts around the world and to map possible future post doc places. Feedback received from your presentation or poster will help to improve and proceed your research work and you get to strengthen your presentation skills. To get the most out of the conferences, make both a plan of your aims concerning the each conference participation and a list of those people you are interested in meeting.
If you plan to get credits from a conference presentation, please check that it is possible in the curriculum for your doctoral programme and read more at Individual studies (custom course credit).
If it not possible to go abroad for a longer period during your doctoral studies, short-term international summer and winter schools lasting for one or two weeks are perfect options to network, to get international dimension to your studies and to delve into some specific topic. Even a short period spent abroad discussing with international colleagues can open interesting new viewpoints for deeper understanding of your research field and development of your research.
ARTS: ARTS Grants for short term exchanges (
Note that you can include studies from other universities in your degree, but credit transfer is only possible if you have received study credits from another university, displayed on a transcript. If you have not received official credits (often in the case of summer schools or seminars), you can include the studies as individual studies, read more at Individual studies (custom course credit).
Doctoral student in the field of ICT may apply to six months researcher exchange at the EIT Digital Doctoral School. EIT Digital Innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) program for doctoral students in the field of ICT gives knowledge and competences to start new businesses and to launch new products and services. The program is composed of four intensive courses, six months’ researcher exchange and six months’ business development experience. All doctoral students accepted to Aalto University that are in the starting phase of their studies can apply. Please contact your supervising professor to enquire if the courses could be part of your doctoral studies.
Aalto encourages doctoral degrees which are jointly supervised with international partner. These agreements are referred as Cotutelle Agreements. Arrangements for joint supervision, or ‘cotutelle agreements’ are made regarding the studies and supervision of a single doctoral student. Such students are awarded degrees and the associated certificates from both universities.
Aalto University aims at high quality of international standards in research and education. International cooperation is an integral part of the doctoral education of Aalto University, and one method for such cooperation is arrangements for the joint supervision of doctoral degrees. A student may earn a degree under a joint supervision arrangement between two universities provided that joint supervision is based on genuine scientific cooperation, brings added value to the doctoral thesis and enhances the quality of the research.
Cotutelle agreements should be made at the beginning of the studies but it requires a study right at an Aalto doctoral programme before any agreement can be made.
Any questions? Please don't hesitate to contact your doctoral programme's Doctoral education services.
Aalto may agree to jointly supervise a doctoral degree with a university providing doctoral education of corresponding quality with that of Aalto University. The partner university has to be officially recognised or accredited by the appropriate authorities in its home country or its higher education system. The joint supervision arrangement must be based on genuine research cooperation between Aalto University and the partner university and bring added value to the research.
Joint supervision is always agreed upon in writing at the start of the studies. Schools are recommended to use the agreement template available at the doctoral programme. The template may be modified as necessary. Before drafting the cotutelle agreement, the joint supervision arrangement must be negotiated with the dean of the school, representatives of the doctoral programme, and the head of department. When planning joint supervision, it is advisable to compare the doctoral education processes of each partner university to identify the differences early on; this allows specifying any measures needed to take all the degree requirements and differences in educational processes into consideration in the cotutelle agreement. The process for the preliminary examination of the doctoral thesis must be agreed upon in detail.
The conduct of the research and its contents, the use of materials and intellectual property rights are agreed on separately as necessary.
Aalto University applies the rules and guidelines of the school in question. The agreement cannot be in conflict with the rules and regulations of Aalto or of the participating school.
The following information is printed in the doctoral thesis automatically when using Aalto publication platform. If the doctoral thesis is not published in Aalto series, as often is the case in joint degrees, the following text is to be printed on the title page:
Tekniikan tohtorin tutkinnon suorittamiseksi laadittu väitöskirja, joka esitetään Aalto-yliopiston xx korkeakoulun luvalla julkisesti tarkastettavaksi korkeakoulun luentosalissa xx xxkuun x. päivänä 201x klo 12.
A doctoral doctoral thesis completed for the degree of Doctor of Science (Technology) to be defended, with the permission of the Aalto University School of XX, at a public examination held at the lecture hall xx of the school on xx month 20xx at 12 noon.
We support doctoral students, supervising professors, thesis advisors and doctoral programme directors in matters related to doctoral studies.
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