

2022-2023 DoARCH Master's Thesis Exhibition

The Department of Architecture holds an exhibition of the master's thesis from the academic year 2022-2023. Student projects (grade 5) from Architecture, Urban Studies and Planning, Interior Architecture and Landscape Architecture are presented.

Kandidaattikeskuksen amfi.

Arts, Design and Architecture exhibition's elsewhere:

Ceramic artwork Rule of Play delights the people of Sompasaari

Nathalie Lautenbacher's Rule of Play is one of the latest public art works in the City of Helsinki. The wall relief consists of two different sets of works placed on the exterior walls of the newly completed Sompasaari daycare centre, at eye level.

Rule of play ceramics artwork by Nathalie Lautenbacher2023 photo Naoto Niidome

Call for applications for Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors is now open

Kristallikukkia peilisaleissa –kurssi - MS-E1000 Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors: Mathematics meets Art and Architecture - on avoin kaikille kandiopiskelijoista tohtorikoulutettaviin, matematiikan ja tekniikan aloista taiteisiin, muotoiluun, arkkitehtuuriin ja kemiasta liiketoimintaan. Kurssille otetaan korkeintaan 50 opiskelijaa motivaatiokirjeiden perusteella, ja haku on auki 10.1.2023 saakka. Kurssi on 15 opintopisteen suuruinen, ja se järjestetään joka toinen vuosi.

Sensual mathematics. Photo: Henri Vogt.

Energy Futures: Critical minerals, climate neutrality and transition pathways

An exhibition on energy transitions and the challenges and solutions driving our response to the global energy crisis across research and industry.

abstract monochrome shapes and patterns with deep orange red tones overlaid with the exhibition title

ABRA | Aalto Virtual Exhibitions (external link)

Radical Speculations: Artificial Biology and Robotics meet Art and Architecture

Image from remote site: virtualexhibitions.aalto.fi

Past exhibitions

Take also a look at earlier exhibitions:

Exhibition news

Sensual mathematics. Photo: Henri Vogt.

Call for applications for Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors is now open

Kristallikukkia peilisaleissa –kurssi - MS-E1000 Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors: Mathematics meets Art and Architecture - on avoin kaikille kandiopiskelijoista tohtorikoulutettaviin, matematiikan ja tekniikan aloista taiteisiin, muotoiluun, arkkitehtuuriin ja kemiasta liiketoimintaan. Kurssille otetaan korkeintaan 50 opiskelijaa motivaatiokirjeiden perusteella, ja haku on auki 10.1.2023 saakka. Kurssi on 15 opintopisteen suuruinen, ja se järjestetään joka toinen vuosi.

people exploring the walk-in closet that provides solutions for a sustainable fashion and textiles future

'Wardrobe of the future' – sustainable solutions for the fashion and textile industry

The exhibition is showcasing solutions from researchers and students on sustainable future for the fashion and textile industry.

A hand holding green purse on top of a green dress

Wardrobe of the Future shows the future of fashion (external link)

It is clear that the textile, clothing and fashion industries need to change. How do we do it? Discover the Aalto University community's visions for a sustainable fashion future.

A person wearing a shirt that says "build like an entrepreneur" sitting in class, in front of a drawing

Explore how art can meet entrepreneurship in an exhibition by Aalto students

Final submissions of the Art, Life and Entrepreneurship course by Aalto Ventures Program will be exhibited in the Väre lobby from 29.11.

Life 1.5 in black font and Designs for a Cooler Planet logo on a white, fragmented background.

Wardrobe of the Future, giant bug hotel, vertical farming and more - Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibition of ideas for a more planet-friendly life

The exhibition themes this year are life without a trace, sustainable style and a healthier food chain.

A black print on white background of a cross section of tree rings

Exhibitions by Arts infra Workshop Masters

Exhibitions by our workshop masters. Come and see!

An aerial view of the Aalto University campus at sunset/ Photo by Mika Huisman

Open Call for Energy Transition Exhibition

Aalto students and employees can submit proposals for the exhibition that opens in March 2023.

Kaiken kansan muotoilua -näyttely Designmuseossa pohtii muotoilun merkitystä tasa-arvon kannalta

Exhibition: Design creates equality

Exhibition "Design for Every Body" at Design Museum explores the importance of design from the perspective of equality.

beyond matter

'Beyond Matter – Cultural Heritage on the Verge of Virtual Reality' aims to develop novel solutions for the accessible documentation and presentation of exhibitions

Beyond Matter is an international, interdisciplinary project on the revival of past landmark exhibitions, the documentation of current exhibitions and the dissemination of documentation along with actual artworks –
both materially and immaterially present – in innovative ways.

Shimmering Wood sneaker designed by by Noora Yau & Konrad Klockars. Photo: Kalle Kataila

Your invitation to Life 1.5

Save the date/planet: Welcome to our fourth Designs for a Cooler Planet festival, 7.9–12.10.2022 in Otaniemi, Espoo.

Daniella Ginbergin työt koostuvat valokuva- ja ääniteoksista, jotka käsittelevät ihmisen olemassaolon tilaa

Visualised journeys into existence in photo art exhibition Wonder(ful)

A curated exhibition of works by MA students in photography at Dipoli Gallery 21.2.-31.3.2022. 

Leevi Ikäheimo's anatomical outfit (2020). Photo: Mika Kailes

The exhibition Intimacy featured at the Design Museum

The exhibition Intimacy opens this autumn at the Design Musem and will explore the intimate relationship between the body and the clothes we wear.

An illustrated book with model wearing summery outfit lays on colourful textiles surface

DIALOGUES – Creating New Textile Futures exhibition in Dipoli Gallery

The exhibition features research projects and student works related to textiles at Aalto University.

A hand holding green purse on top of a green dress

The Wardrobe of the Future (external link)

If we can imagine a fashion revolution, we can make it happen!

Rule of play ceramics artwork by Nathalie Lautenbacher2023 photo Naoto Niidome

Ceramic artwork Rule of Play delights the people of Sompasaari

Nathalie Lautenbacher's Rule of Play is one of the latest public art works in the City of Helsinki. The wall relief consists of two different sets of works placed on the exterior walls of the newly completed Sompasaari daycare centre, at eye level.


See also Aalto University Exhibitions page


Aalto Exhibitions

With multiple spaces across the Otaniemi campus and partnership projects each year, there are always dynamic exhibitions activities taking place at Aalto. Whether you are organising, researching or visiting exhibitions, this hub provides the key information, news and resources you will need.

University-Wide Art Studies (UWAS) Exhibition Archive

UWAS logo 2021_2


UWAS offers all Aalto students an opportunity to explore art-based practices and processes beyond disciplinary boundaries.

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