
Supporting the community and wellbeing of the degree programme or major

Flourishing people and communities are prerequisites for a well-functioning degree program.
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Community is an important part of Aalto's activities. Aalto has raised the sense of community as a separate development target based on the 2023 well-being at work survey. Community is thought to consist of feeling part of the community and doing things together. It is important to develop operations in natural environments in teams, institutions and colleges. For many Aalto students, a training program or major is a natural place to feel a sense of belonging. It is important to understand that a sense of community cannot be developed by anyone alone, but it is developed together and the development is long-term in nature.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but remember these when you are thinking about developing your program or major:

  Community  Management

Programme is externally valued, appreciated and trusted by the leadership

The discussions with the school leadership shows clearly  that education is seen as a goal for the programme. The leadership of the school and university clearly states trust that the programme has a clear developed direction and a clear picture of the future.​

-> Quality Assurance

Programme is sustainably resourced by school and department​

In the discussions with the management the resilience of the programme is discussed and there is a plan for possible exceptional situations. The cooperation among teachers is planned and supported with events and space plans.  Actions in the programme are based on thinking wisely, rather than being responsive.​

-> Management of Education


Internally supported, protected, and empowered by the community

There is sense of belonging and mutual respect within the community.  There are ways to make sure everyone (including LES and students) can participate in development of the programme and their expertise is valued and used. New members, from all groups are welcomed and there is a process for onboarding.​

Knowledge and best practices are shared in common discussion​

-> How to Promote Sense of Belonging

Sustainably planned and focused by the academic personnel

The programme can identify a common goals that is discussed regularly. This highlights the importance of education both on pedagogical but also on subject level. There is a programme developmental process in place and this is clear for everyone. Data and annual clock are used to support the developmental actions​

-> Curriculum Design

Oasis blog: The Core of Flourishing Programmes are the People

Emphasizing sense of belonging, trust and and inclusion are a key to making a programme flourish.

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Students and staff discussing
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